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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Most rental properties have a rental box on the land where you can make your payments. If you can't find one, then it is possible that the rental boxes are all at a central location (for example, RGF houses their rental boxes on a sim named Buy). To see who the owner of your land is, look up at the top of your viewer and click on World, then Place Profile, then About Land. You should be able to click to the owner's profile from there, and can send an IM or notecard asking about where you go to pay your rent.
  2. Cool place, Marianne! I just paid a visit to the Sno-Kone Robot. :smileyvery-happy:
  3. I doubt that you have been banned, it's probably just an IP issue. Try restarting your router and that may fix it!
  4. I guess I don't have one, unless you count my current look due to SL misbehaving (no hair and no shoes, lol)...but I wanted to say that you look stunning, Valerie. Not everyone can look elegant wearing spider webs but you do!
  5. I'd probably let it go, especially since it wasn't anything expensive, and just make sure never to purchase from that creator again (and warn all your friends to do the same!). I'm not sure that LL will get involved, and really, you've pretty much done all you can. I had the same thing happen once and I just finally walked away from it because it wasn't worth the aggravation.
  6. If you haven't already done so, be sure to check out the creator's profile, including Picks, to see if there is a specific procedure to follow. Sometimes creators have assistants to handle the customer service issues, so it may be that there is actually somebody else that you need to message about your issue.
  7. Congratulations, Hippie! You deserve the honor!! :smileyhappy:
  8. Great photos, Marianne, and congratulations! :smileyhappy: I'm not surprised you won, though...your pics are always so good (and they always make me want to visit the places you have been to)!
  9. I'm cheating because this isn't a plot per se, but it is an aerial view of our home up in the sky! :smileyhappy: It's a dome with an Asian-themed pavilion inside, and it has pretty views and even a little beach area. The plot that is way below it is not all that interesting, mostly commercial stuff but there is a very nice large body of water for boating.
  10. If I remember correctly, Linden homes have a door lock feature that you can access from the control panel near the door. You might want to check and make sure that your door isn't locked.
  11. Thank you, Valerie! I always love to look at your photos too, they are always so elegant! We are having a hard time picking a photo, so I'm going to post this one from New York Ballroom, and Tem will post his choice later. :smileyhappy:
  12. Thanks for pointing that out, Rhonda!!! :smileyvery-happy: umm...wait, are you mooning ME??
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: Lia!! Now that sounds like a lawfirm for Quinn. I'm sorry but my last turnip was stollen last night. I officially have nothing. In that case I'm off after Dillon. She admits she has a Plymouth. As the proud owner of a Plymouth Neon myself i know what a desirable car that is! Four doors, some of which open, central locking (from the driver's seat you can reach all four doors) faster than a Ferrari (when the Ferrari's doing 30mph and I'm flat out at 40) and these real clever handles on the doors that, when you twist them round, make the windows go up and down! Great idea, Lia....who needs these flaky clients when the lawyers can just all sue each other! Although I have to warn you about Dillon's Plymouth...it has a LOT of wear and tear on it from chasing all those ambulances. You might be able to give it the chop shop treatment and salvage some parts for your current ride, though!
  14. When you click to edit, make sure you are looking at the first tab in the edit box (there are several tabs available). Sometimes when an object is sitting at an angle, the edit crossbars will also show at an angle. Sometimes this is even because the room itself is built on a diagonal. It makes moving furniture around very...interesting.
  15. What exactly were you doing when the sim restarted? It's possible that if you were trying to rez items at that moment, they may not have been saved and may be gone for good (that's why you get the advance warning to so you will know to save builds, etc.)
  16. Sylvia Tamalyn

    My dog

    Do you have an instructions notecard that came with the dog? Without knowing more about what dog you have, I'm just guessing that there might be info in the instructions to help you locate your dog.
  17. Oooh, I am going to love this thread! Great idea, Willow, and thank you Valerie for starting it! But I am going to have to have Tem post a pic for us, because I can't decide which one to use...plus his photos always turn out better than mine anyway! :smileyvery-happy:
  18. I object! Not to the nickname, but because I gave him a very nice bribe and my client needs all the help she can get...wait, I forgot, who is my client today, anyway?
  19. I'm pretty sure LAQ still sells body oil, and that you can get a demo to try before you purchase. And Rhonda is right, there are tons of body oils listed on the Marketplace. :smileyhappy:
  20. Cookies sound lovely, Lillie, but you might want to hold that thought, because I'm now considering offering my lawyering services to Maddy...I think there's a paternity/child support case that needs to be pursued! :smileywink:
  21. I feel your pain, Dillon! I was all set to rack up a bunch of billable hours defending Lillie in the upcoming lawsuit, and she just had to ruin it by running out and getting that pic of Quinn (the faker!!) cast-less, thereby bringing the litigation to a screeching halt! /me sighs Good clients are so hard to find!
  22. I've been wondering the same thing, Lillie...what is Snugs' part in all of this? Could he (*gasp*) be Maddy's legal advisor?? Dee, I think you are on the right track, and we will be hearing some crazy theory about Maddy having pre-impregnation trauma to explain her attempts to kill us all in her fireplace, etc. Meanwhile, I would like to know who exactly is taking care of the 23 tentacle babies while she is on this killing spree???
  23. Maddy is on a reign of terror lately, Quinn! She tries to kill me several times per week...one recent attempt was TPing me into the middle of a bunch of zombies (and if I recall correctly, she also made sure I landed in the middle of a train track). I'm thinking we need to all band together and focus our litigious impulses in *her* direction! (And I call dibs on her cannon if she agrees to settle out of court!)
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