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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    That'd be why, yeah. The top one's the older search system that Hybrid and Phoenix layouts for Firestorm uses and only offers the ability to sort the results by name or by traffic.

    The bottom screenshot is still Firestorm but using the websearch dialog. That's accessed through enabling the newer viewer system location and search bars at the top (not pictured as I don't use them myself and only popped them up long enough to get to the websearch). The websearch defaults to the raw factored results (Relevance) instead of the much older format.

    It will still list traffic for you but as you can see it really doesn't factor in much anymore. Its essentially been reduced to a statistical metric.

    What is the relevance to a search for blues clubs besides the fact that its a blues club?

    What other factors are considered in the web based search?

  2. 6 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    Which of the following does your search dialog look like Billi? One's the older version while the other is the web based. One defaults to a presorted display while the other shows you the results as the system itself factors them.

    Search Dialog_001.jpg


    The top one. I go to clubs for the social aspect, so I'm interested in the largest traffic numbers.

  3. 1 hour ago, Solar Legion said:

    I am not sure which viewer you use nor how you have it set to handle search but the newer web page based search system ignores traffic when sorting and displaying results while the older version you often see in TPVs such as Firestorm, Singularity and even CoolVL Viewer as an option will automatically take the results the system generates and sort by traffic despite the actual search algorithm itself ignoring the amount of traffic.

    In short they're saying it because it is true and the deviation is due to your personal preference where viewer and search dialog is concerned.

    To be a bit more clear: While you can set the web page based search to sort by traffic that particular metric is ignored for the default and arguably more used sorting method, relevance.

    I use Firestorm, so i use the in browser search function. When  I look for a place to visit, say a Blues club, I'll type in "blues Club" and the results will be listed with the largest traffic number on top. I'm not sure how else they can be ordered, but if you can rank them by the least number of annoying flashing, moving rotating prims I'd use that criterion.

  4. 5 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    I'm sorry, but i can't see how this could possibly be a benefit to SL. People joining with the sole purpose of farming as any $L as possible just to cash them out without spending a dime can only hurt SL. If everyone who played the farming for $L games did nothing but cash out, why would the host of such games keep them going? Traffic is no longer a valid reason as it has no bearing on search anymore. And if they aren't buying things at the landowners store or their renters stores, why spend the $L? 

    I personally feel anyone $L farming should not be allowed to cash out. Or their should be a minimum spent wither inworld or on the MP before you can. And not a pittance either. 

    Everyone keeps saying traffic has no bearing on search anymore but any time I search something, the highest traffic places show up on top, and that includes places with the same 20 avis logged in 24/7/365.

    The pennies that a few "impoverished" Venezuelans with computers probably better than mine could cash out from playing free games will have no effect on LL's economy.

  5. 4 hours ago, MRSCANDIREDBONE said:

    and there is no maitreya pants in pack all it shows is different sizes and applier for panties part 


    You wear the pants and use the maitreya hud to hide the parts of your body that poke through.

    I doubt few people uses standard sized mesh any more, except if they still use the system body. 

    People buy clothes that are fitmesh for the mesh body they have.

  6. I'm not sure how you can owe back rent. You pay week to week, you don't pay they reclaim the land.  I can see giving a day or two grace but it seems like they let you slide for a while hoping you'd catch up.

    Now you rented from them again, and they got the money they claim you owe.

    One of the big companies doesn't have the option to state your intention to abandon land on their rent boxes. One time I got notices for several weeks after I had imed the company saying i was letting the property go AND abandoned the land.


    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:


    And that's fine, but there's an important grey area: On balance, will pets and breedables - now nearly "jellyfish simple" - get laggier as they adopt Animesh? And so is a pretty big LI necessary to constrain that?

    hmm animesh will be laggier than what we have now? 

    I guess my original comment  was valid after all.

    I expect apologies from everyone that attacked me over it

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 45 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    If its opencollar you can use the runaway to ditch an owner.

    Touch the collar - access then runaway depending on what version collar it is

    Sometimes an owner will remove the "runaway" option from a collar before giving it to a new sub. Open collar collars are fully customizable. She either needs to turn off RLV  and relog, or log in with a viewer that doesn't support RLV. Then she can remove the collar and throw it in here trash and delete it.

    Of course, I've also heard there are some hardcore versions that will never come off regardless of what you do, but is probably just a myth.

  9. On 10/21/2017 at 8:45 AM, Solar Legion said:

    There is no need to go out and buy an entire replacement card unless the one you have is woefully out of date. There are aftermarket cooler options you could purchase to replace the dead fan.

    well, the card is a nvidea 705, not the greatest but that's what was offered with the low end Dell I bought. I was just happy it wasn't an integrated card like in all my previous computers.

    I'd like to buy a 1060, but I'm leery of upsetting the elves when i have to open the box to replace the card.

    And I have a makeshift cooler option,  I have two external fans directed into the vent holes of the box.

    That along with lowering my SL settings was enough to prevent my computer from going to sleep while running SL to prevent the card from self destructing.

  10. 8 hours ago, Nova Convair said:

    Why are you posting here? You will not see it anyways. And no reason to read your posts since you write about stuff you'll never get to know. Too funny.

    Of course I'll see it. How will I be able to derender it if I can't see it? I'll go, oh cute, a dancing elephant.. derendered... next

    As for why I'm posting here , I was offering my opinion on second life's next big thing.

    If you like, you can mute me so you'll never ever have to read any of my posts again. I'm sure we'll both be happier if you do.


  11. 1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

    That's your initial statement.

    And that's the reason you come across "lag black holes".

    Ii's just your problem and not a general problem. If you'd said something like, "something else to cause lag for me (until I get my fan fixed)", you wouldn't now be in this 'discussion'.

    Regardless of if i replace my graphics card or not,  I derender any superfluous moving object where ever i go.  Animesh dancing elephants and flying snakes will defo fall into that category.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    That's your initial statement.

    And that's the reason you come across "lag black holes".

    Ii's just your problem and not a general problem. If you'd said something like, "something else to cause lag for me (until I get my fan fixed)", you wouldn't now be in this 'discussion'.

     I guess  I need to stop replying before  I get another one of those warning.


  13. 3 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Interesting - how exactly does "broken and unrepaired" not equal "crappy", and how will your experience have any meaning to people with unbroken computers?

    Oh, and now I remember exactly when your computer broke - right after you said jellying avatars was stupid and useless...

     I also said mesh was a passing phase and refused to get a mesh avatar until i got tired of my partner looking so much better than me.

    My opinions might change, but not the fact that I'm right :)

  14. 5 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    If basic texture shifting (the most common type of floor 'motion') is causing you to lag then there really is a problem and it has nothing to do with SL.

    On the other hand pretending that all laptops will have a hard time with SL showcases a wholly different problem.

    Fighting in General Discussion? Well it cannot have anything at all to do with the tone of some posts now can it?

    That out of the way ...

    This seems to happen every time a new feature or function is added to SL; Someone will invariably come along and complain about it before finding out what impact (if any) it will have on their experience. It does not seem to matter if it is an optional function/feature (Voice, Atmospheric Shaders, Shadow rendering, ALM and all other features/functions that can be turned on/off at the user's discretion) or one being added to the back end/non-optional (Physics engine updates, Sculpts, Mesh, Flexible Prims and any other feature/function where the only way to not use it is to either not log in or not purchase/use content made with it).

    There is a reason Linden Lab has Project Viewers these days, if you re not going to take the time to find out how a particular project is going to affect you then in all reality you have no data to go on when trying to make claims concerning performance impact.

    When  I go to a club,  I drop my draw distance to 32, derender anything that moves, especially those rotating spotlights, and jelly everyone I'm not interacting with.  I already have my frame rate throttled at 20.

    Its not because I have a crappy computer, its because the fan on my graphics card died and I've not gotten around to getting a new card.

    I love every new innovation that makes second life look and run better, i doubt this includes animesh 

    I admit my first reaction to this animesh was "oh great more lag inducing fluff".


    • Thanks 1
  15. 39 minutes ago, Nova Convair said:

    You started it by making a completely irrelevant comment about a new feature.

    The craptop faction already sees a complete different SL compared to the high end faction and that will go further with every new feature that is added to SL. 

    If you want to have SL frozen on a level 10 years ago because you can't or don't want to get a decent computer and connection that is understandable but this will not happen. Nobody can help you here.

    The OP asked "what say you" and i replied, so it wasn't irrelevant.

    So you are saying another animated object won't increase lag? 

    I do just fine with my computer thank you very much. I chose what I want to see and derender what I don't. Superfluous fluff is  on my derender list every time.

    And by the way,  I wasn't even here 10 years ago.

    I've embraced everything that makes SL a better experience.

    Dancing elephants isn't one of them

    • Haha 1
  16. Just now, Theresa Tennyson said:

    So, as you're telling us how this will affect performance I assume you've gotten the project viewer and done some testing with animesh objects, especially comparing performance between them to similar objects that use current technology to do the equivalent things such as scripted puppeteer-type motion or texture cycling?

    No, i'm just saying the easiest way to improve your performance especially frame rate is to derender all the moving lights, floors, all that annoying club crap. To me this is just more moving crap that's gonna slow me down.

    People are gonna use it, and more power to them but i'm not gonna let it affect my experience at any given place or time.

    Oh and I always derender moving animals etc too.

    Enjoy your animesh, but don't expect me to enjoy it.

    • Haha 1
  17. 6 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    Medhue several times makes the point in his video that he was getting 50--60 fps, despite having several of the animated mesh items leaping round near him.

    People get 50-60 fps with settings on ultra and all of the shadows checked as well.

    I'm talking about me and the other plebes that have less than top of the line gaming computers.

    Its just more crap to derender to get a decent frame rate.

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