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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Vivienne Schell said:

    Even after 12 years i cannot differ between premium and free accounts...hmm,  what was it? "Payment Info on File" or something?

    You can have payment info on file and not be premium. LL will take your money regardless of your premium membership status

    • Like 1
  2. 23 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    I don't deny that at all.   I just wonder, though, to what extent -- if at all -- non-premium accounts are at any disadvantage in-world because of their status or even (unless they read these forums which, of course, not everyone does) they are aware of this hostility.

    If you're a new account, then you're certainly going to find that some regions are closed to you because your account is <n days old, and you'll almost certainly find yourself subject to, or at least hear of others, disparaging comments about "noobs" or people with the "resident" surname.    However, I don't think that's the case for non-premium accounts.    

    How can people discriminate against non-premium accounts, in the way that some people certainly do discriminate against new residents, when they can't tell with any certainty who has a premium account and who doesn't?

    Its not so much about premium vs non premium, its more about who has payment info on file.

    Some guy walks into an escort sim, and  I see they have no payment info, and I think uh oh, another time waster.

    Sometimes I'm wrong, but not often.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Yes, of course money can only be taken out as long as money is put in. But the point I was making is that those who don't put money in and don't take money out are criticised here in the forum, whereas those who don't money in but do take money out are applauded for being a success in SL. That makes no sense at all, and that's what I made the point about.


    I see it differently. Those who don't put in and don't take out, and yet manage to pay for things are making a success of SL, in just the same way as those who put in and take out. Both are successful in the SL world, and both merit applause, imo. I've posted before (long time ago now) that I initially put a few dollars in, in the beginning of 2007, and ended up taking between 4000 and 5000 US$ out each and every month. Nobody criticised it, and nobody criticises anyone doing it now. Nobopdy even hinted, let alone suggested, that I was worse than freeloader who doesn't take anything out at all. On the contrary, we all applaud those who can make such a success of SL. So I see no reason at all to criticise those who neither put it nor take out, and no reason at all for them to keep quiet about it. It's a success, and it's something to be proud of, imo.

    If they manage to pay for things they are still contributing. Its possible to contribute to the economy without ever buying or selling Lindens, because someone had to buy the Lindens that you receive and spend on others.

    I guess I'm referring to the 10 year old guy that still has on his noob clothes and a freenis who brags how he's never bought anything in here and mocks those that do. THOSE are the parasitic deadbeats that I'm talking about.

    More successes like that and we'll all be over at  Inworldz

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

    I was going to mention that but then I saw you say it. I've been in the forum for many years, and I've never been aware of any prejudice against non-premium users. What I have noticed a lot is (unjustified) prejudice against those who don't put money in - the freeloaders, as they are called here. I think you are mistakenly thinking of them as the same, but they are not the same. They are not even similar.

    ETA: A note about 'freeloaders'. I think it's remarkable how some people can happily criticise those who don't put money into SL, calling them 'freeloaders' and being very negative about them, whilst, at the same time, applauding those who take money out and make an RL living from SL. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    If anyone takes money out of second life, its because someone else put money into second life in the first place.

    Its called contributing to the second life economy, something freeloaders DON'T do 

    If LL banned cashing out, second life would die in weeks.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Ah, ok. You wrote about the two as being the same in your previous post. That's all I'd read.

    I'll say this again, though. In all my years in the forum, I have never been aware of any prejudice against non-premium SL users. Unfortunately, there is often prejudice against those who don't put money in, but not against non-premium users.

    I'm only prejudiced against the ones that brag about never having spent a penny on this "game", calling anyone that invests money in SL idiots.

    If we were all like that, SL would have folded years ago

    • Like 3
  6. 12 hours ago, Aethelwine said:

    I would argue the opposite is true. The only way I think you could come to the conclusion that mainlanders are more insular and anti-social would be from the occasional threads that crop up where someone frustrated with repeated griefing suggests LL should insist on payment info on file. These people aren't only premium and the issue is different. 

    The whole point of living on mainland is to be a part of a community space, to be able to welcome people off the roads and river ways to enjoy the public spaces, their builds, their clubs their marinas, airports and shops. A minority on mainland setup their parcels, with unwelcoming banking lines, but they are a small minority. This attitude contrasts with the tendency and attraction of isolation on private estates. Even where private estates on the face of it seem welcoming like with the North Sea scratch the surface and it is little more than a gated community who's attraction to their residents is the exclusion not the inclusion of visitors

    I was standing in the main hall of my place that's located on a mainland road the other day when a couple walked in and said they were exploring and thought they'd drop in.

    I thought it was great.


    Many of those ban lines might be because residents of moderate sims are forced to exclude drop ins if they have any adult rated items on their property

    • Like 2
  7. 11 minutes ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    Been to Chicago lately? Or any inner city? It's not really an outdated stereotype. 

    Right before the verdict in the trial of the police officers in the Rodney King affair, a Los Angeles politician was loudly condemned as racist for saying that there would be riots if the police officers "got off".

    The police officers "got off".

  8. 27 minutes ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    She says she and her partner use the term ‘n*gger d*ick’ and others like it when they speak to each other. She admits to race play, so we see where this is going anyway. 

    Once again, my partner is a white girl, she has no part in this.

    My bf is black but I have never ever used that word with him.

    We don't like it and it does nothing for us.

    I've used it on one or two occasions with black guys that find the use of the word enhances their experience.

    If that's a problem, its your problem, not mine

  9. On 11/20/2017 at 1:02 AM, Ashlyn Voir said:

    As I know who this thread is about (a shame you didn’t go in-world to say so), I can’t help but put my own two cents in your thread as a black person myself. And, I’m laughing so hard right now, but it’s okay to be ignorant of a race you’re not a part of. Because...one, not every black person uses n*gga (you said n*gger like what black person calls each other that with the hard ‘er’ like bruh...they don’t say that trust me lmao, but it’s okay you’re not one of us so how would you know). 

    Secondly, mentioning your partner’s race in your profile, in my opinion (key word here is opinion), is really unnecessary and makes it seem like his race is more important to you than him as a person. Then again, it’s just my opinion. 


  10. 13 hours ago, Adamburp Adamczyk said:

    At the risk of spamming


    from the wiki




    about 1/4 of the way down the page it says this:


    The maturity ratings distinguish between publicly-promoted adult content, required to be on Adult regions, and non-public adult content, such as private homes with a sex bed, that can be located on Moderate land.

    Adult activities cannot be advertised or publicly promoted on Moderate land. Such activity must occur privately, behind closed doors on Moderate land (see below), and is forbidden on General land. These restrictions apply regardless of whether the parcel has hidden avatars.



    So basically, if it's your own home, use avi privacy

    You contradicted yourself at the end. The article says you must ensure adult activities are hidden on a moderate sim, and are FORBIDDEN on a general sim.

    It doesn't matter if you can't see the avatars doing the nasty, doesn't matter if its a skybox 4000 m up in the air. Any Adult activity is FORBIDDEN on a general sim, anywhere.


  11. 8 hours ago, Bobbie Faulds said:

    That person is wrong. The ONLY way you MIGHT be able to get away with it is to set up ban lines so only certain people can get into the place, put the house in a skybox and set the land so only those on the parcel can see and speak to those on the parcel. Even then, the bed could be AR'd and returned. Better to go to a moderate or adult sim.

    Well of course, people get away with it all the time. 

    I stated this thread because someone insisted that sex beds on private property in G sims were permitted.

    I said they weren't, he insisted I didn't read the ratings properly.

    Not sure how anyone can misunderstand "not allowed"


    • Haha 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Qa Boa said:

    Yes, you can put any and all this stuff as long as it is 1) privately-owned and 2) not out in the open where it is obvious what it is.

    My place is on G-rated land. I have furniture that can make a sailor blush. Please: do AR me and watch me not even notice it, because LL with roll their eyes and kill the ticket. What you are quoting is in reference to anything out in the open that is easily accessible by or visible to by anyone, for sale, or for public use.

    But it really is okay for you to believe that statement in the TOS is the iron-hand rule that applies to any and all things in G-rated sims. Nothing wrong with believing that. Just don't try to turn your interpretation, based on one or two sentences (and thus: very slim context) of the TOS into fact when, in reality, the context of those statements when read and understood through the entire paragraph and section make the meaning of those two sentences very clear. Though none of this matters because the fact is this: Most, if not ALL private parcels in G-Rated sims are full of items and furniture and gadgets that are just as naughty and adulty and raunchy as is the most popular freebie sex-parks on the grid. Go ahead: go snooping. AR all of them. Nothing will happen because it's not against TOS when it is privately owned stuff for personal, private use.

    This will be my last reply on this subject regarding the TOS and its context.

    You have my permission to place the last word on it.

    My case is made and it is sound. The smart and wise people should read and interpret the TOS for themselves. Debating about whether it is right, wrong, allowed, disallowed and all the rest is nonsense because I have it set up the way I describe and you poo-poo the idea. *shrugs* - Come visit me, inspect all my stuff, and AR me. I am serious, this is not some quip or intended diatribe. This invitation is open to anyone.


    what you are referring to is the requirements for a mature sim.Everything must be inside and on an invite only parcel. Plus seeing outside the parcel must be unchecked.

    Adult: sex anywhere

    Mature: inside out of sight and no access to passers by

    General: No sex anywhere

    I see nothing anywhere about adult stuff being allowed on a general sim.

    I don't care what you do on your parcel, i'm just saying don't make any enemies.

  13. 5 hours ago, Ashlyn Voir said:

    As I know who this thread is about (a shame you didn’t go in-world to say so), I can’t help but put my own two cents in your thread as a black person myself. And, I’m laughing so hard right now, but it’s okay to be ignorant of a race you’re not a part of. Because...one, not every black person uses n*gga (you said n*gger like what black person calls each other that with the hard ‘er’ like bruh...they don’t say that trust me lmao, but it’s okay you’re not one of us so how would you know). 

    Secondly, mentioning your partner’s race in your profile, in my opinion (key word here is opinion), is really unnecessary and makes it seem like his race is more important to you than him as a person. Then again, it’s just my opinion. 

    I know i never said every black person uses the N word to describe themselves.

    My partner is a girl, she has no part in any of this.

    I mention my boyfriend in two of my picks. In the one where i talk about him being my boyfriend, there is no mention of race.

    The other post is about Bull and Bunny, its for a performance I'm trying to promote. Perhaps I'm pandering to racial stereotypes by calling him  Bull, but I'm Bunny. Its just a cute pairing of names, nothing more

    Maybe i'm pandering to racial stereotypes by promoting it as black guy, white girl thing, but that's what we are.

    If it makes someone think I'm promoting racial stereotypes its really not my problem. And  Its still not race play because its factually correct. 

    I wonder if you are suggesting  I should stick to my own race.

    I still say I don't role play, and i certainly don't race play.

  14. On 11/15/2017 at 8:38 AM, Qa Boa said:


    Here is why places like Golden Sun beach and placing your 500 Pose Sex Bed inside your home on a G-Rated sim are not against the TOS:


    General Parcel_lght_G.png

    A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content or activity that is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity.  Sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in General regions.

    you can not have any sexual objects anywhere on a general sim, even inside your own home

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    I'm not sure that "evil motives" or "racist intent" have much to do with it.

    The point of culturally-induced racism (or sexism, or homophobia, or whatever) is that it's embedded in the way that we think, and is most frequently unconscious. Someone who clutches her purse a little tighter when a man of colour walks by isn't necessarily responding consciously or with "intent," and certainly not with "evil motives," but it is racist nonetheless. I think, myself, that limiting one's concerns to those with "evil motives or racist intent -- NeoNazis, for instance, or members of the KKK -- is in some ways a form of avoidance, because they are easy and identifiable targets. Most of us don't have to think very hard to condemn outright racists (unless, apparently, one is the President of the US?), and it generally requires, I assume, little in the way of self-reflection. In fact, that kind of "anti-racist" action is very reassuring: we can feel good about ourselves because we don't wear white hoods or have swastikas tattooed on our arms.

    The most pervasive, insidious, and ultimately dangerous kind of racism isn't signaled by flags, or placards, or memes, or fascist signs: it's unconscious, built into the assumptions we were educated to accept. And it's in all of us (yes, even me). Maybe "virtue" doesn't reside in not "being racist," but rather in KNOWING that one is racist, and consciously correcting that tendency through self-reflection and acts of generosity, kindness, and inclusivity?

    In that context, some might argue that any kind of "race bending" (or interracial role play) is bound, almost by definition, to be racist, even if that is not the intent, because in representing others we are enacting and reinforcing our own unconscious stereotypes. We are telling others what they are "really" like, in our own minds.

    That's why we try (or should try) to avoid things like kiddie Hallowe'en costumes that represent stereotypical "Indians," or "Chinese," or "Gypsy." I don't think we worry that the kids wearing these have evil motives or racist intent. But they are reinforcing and imposing upon others racist stereotypes without even knowing it.

    Even Jessie Jackson said once that he breathes a sigh of relief when he hears footsteps behind him at night and turns and see its a white man.

    Quit trying to wring that last drop of "racism" out of your soul, it will end up doing you more harm than good.


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  16. 2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

    Your last few replies have been nothing more than reiterating the same thing while seemingly refusing to grasp/understand what has been presented to you while the most recent prior to the one I a responding to really does read as the sort of response one who is simply trolling would give.

    The information presented was in a form that really is not all that hard to parse, assuming that you're actually trying to parse it.

    So if you aren't trolling then tell me which part of what has been presented to you, you find so difficult to parse? Which concept are you having trouble with?

    I have no issue whatsoever with thoughtful debate or with answering honest questions.

    the whole point was to find out a definition of raceplay but since there are many definitions offered all i can do is look into my own heart for the answer so no i dont engage in race play and people that know me well know i dont either

  17. 54 minutes ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

    ' Edited 1 hour ago by BilliJo Aldrin
    too many asterics again '

    :) The word I believe is Asterisk, plural has an S. I always remember as it was always my, ahem, A*** to risk.

    Brought to you by the department of pointless yet correct Interjections. Carry on now...

    cool thank you 

  18. 23 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    Hmm. Somehow I've managed to miss this variation before.

    Assuming that we're talking RL rather than SL, and that it's not consensual role play (which would surely defeat the point), how is this not rape?

    actually its a joke but since its not pg i'm not gonna try and write a convoluted version to avoid the censors

  19. 3 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    It is not at all difficult to understand exactly what has been written and rewritten in response to you thus far nor are any of the concepts that have been presented to you since you began this side show that difficult to comprehend.

    The only explanation at this point is that you are now trolling and quite frankly I am not in the mood to indulge you any further.

    When others reply they are engaging in thoughtful debate,  I reply, I'm trolling.

    Thank you so much for your kind words.

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