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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 9 hours ago, moirakathleen said:

    I agree that when you zoom out on the area in the map, you get a better idea on the area of land for sale, versus the area of the land not for sale.   There is also land that is for sale OR for rent, so that land only appears as for sale until someone rents it out, and then it is removed from the 'for sale' classification until the tenant quits renting. 

    In regards to some of the other comments further up in the thread, about land:

    What the map doesn't show is the amount of abandoned land, and you can't always tell that land is abandoned without actually going to the land and checking the 'about land'.  Sometimes land appears abandoned at ground level, but is not - either the owners are letting it sit empty for whatever reason or they have all their activities up on sky platforms or domes. 

    As for LL selling mainland at 1 L per parcel, that would have to be land that was already abandoned, because I don't think LL can or should be able to impose limits on the price people choose for selling their land.  Even if it was limited to abandoned mainland, I think a price that low would devastate the land market for residents.  Not all that buy or sell land are land-flippers, and of those that do buy to re-sell, not all are price gougers.  

    I don't know that land-flippers can be done away with because buying and selling land is a valid business activity.  I've also seen that, if you look around thoroughly, you will find a variety of L's per meter sale parcels, from a very low 0.5 to extreme of over 100 in some areas.  Sometimes the higher prices I've seen (outside of the double prim areas) are on land that has been owned by an individual for a very long time (so not a land-flipper).  

    I have, in the past, put in tickets to purchase abandoned land that bordered, or was on the same sim, my existing land.  Once I was able to buy it for 1L per meter, the other times LL put it up for auction, and I was able to get the land through the auction without having to pay too high of a price.  (Whether a price is too high or not, depends also on strongly someone wants that particular parcel, and how much they feel comfortable paying for it.)

    In the end, I think it is good that land stays in an active state (not abandoned) even if it means it's bought up by a real estate business. 

    estate owners sell their parcels for 1 L each. all im saying is that LL put themselves on an equal footing with estate owners and subdivide and list for sale their parcels at the same price as estate owners. resellers are still free to put their land for sale at any price they wish

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/30/2017 at 12:24 PM, Callum Meriman said:

    No, such a tracker isn't possible in the scripting language of Second Life.

    Look, a lot of good people have given you very wise advice. I can only repeat it so that you don't make a mistake you will regret.

    You need to tuck his memory fondly away and move on, it's now time to find new friends.

    AS one of my sl sisters is fond of saying,  "the best way to get over someone, is to get under someone".


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  3. On 8/27/2017 at 6:22 AM, Akasha Sternberg said:

    I second Alwin there! NO trackers! That´s just  -  DO NOT GO THERE!!! Not only is it a reason to be banned it is creepy as hell. No matter what he did (which wasn´t the most elegant way I know)!

    I mean... imagine you´d find out someone had a tracker on you  - what would you think or say... 

    Don't know about anyone else, but I'd be like whatever

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  4. 2 hours ago, rasterscan said:

    The amount of unused mainland for sale is jaw dropping. It is an opportunity to do something about it. Just look at the amount for sale on 'da boom' where sl first began ..

    Someone clever figure something oot maybe ?


    Not everyone wants to pay the price gouging amounts charged by land barons. My plan would put the land flippers out of business. The could still buy land at 1 L a parcel and try to sell it for more, but I doubt there would be many takers.


  5. 3 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    They did basically that in 2011 - all abandoned land automatically went on sale for L$1/sm.

    Land value for private sellers plummeted.

    Meanwhile, many of those who bought the cheap land couldn't afford to pay tier on it and ended up abandoning it shortly afterwards, often after their ill-advised business plans went on the rocks.

    I can't complain because that's how my family enterprise got a nice chunk of roadside land back then, but it certainly wasn't effective at revitalizing Mainland.


    omg really? i thought that would be a wonderful idea. Except my idea is $1 L per parcel, not $1 L per sq m

    How is buying land from LL for 1 L any different than buying from a private estate owner for $1L? You still have to pay tier/rent every month,

     Its not Linden Lab's fault people got greedy. I say bring in $1 L per parcel land sales to mainland and watch mainland become populated again.

  6. 2 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:

    I didn't say banned.  Why is there always one of these people on the internet?  It's like there is some rule that there be a massively defensive, conclusion jumping, edgy in their own mind, giant douche. 


    I'm a libertarian you donkey.  I don't care what people do - I just want a better separation from it so my 13 year old doesn't ask me why a transvestite in a fox costume was sodomizing a captured three breasted woman in front of naked alien avatars with giant tentacles. 

    What is your 13 year old son doing on second life? 

    If hes not, is he then watching you sodomize that woman?  

    Do you let him watch porn movies over your shoulder too?

    • Like 4
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  7. 3 hours ago, Chinami1000 said:


    It's workable.  No clue why they want all that vacant land.  Surely SOMEBODY there in a meeting must occasional say "you know, maybe we should think about doing what worked, when we were growing, and making a ton of money."  What is the deal with the rigidity and refusal to change?  They are slowly bleeding active users, and at some point that will reach a point where it accelerates.  Sansar will not be an answer to that - they need to keep SL going or sell it to someone who wants it to grow.  

    Off topic but it wouldn't hurt if they did a better job of segregating the truly deviant adult activities that go on.   

    Who defines deviant though?

    Zindra is the continent where adult content can exist in plain view. 

    On mature there are a series of rules that must be followed to ensure people passing by can not get a glimpse of depravity and are scarred forever

    • Like 1
  8. 38 minutes ago, Chinami1000 said:


    Less land will be abandoned.  More land will be developed.  The barrier to development is not that people don't want to do it.  It's that there isn't enough ability to generate revenue with that land to meet tier.  If tier were lower, land would start being developed.  More new and interesting things would happen - just like when SL was booming.  When land is developed, they sell more lindens - way more.    After growth, they can bring the tier price back up. 

    So we get land owners who want out a way out, and get the land into the hands of people who want to develop it.  Then we get the taxes on that land down to a point that it's profitable to do it.

    How do you feel about LL putting itself on an equal footing as estate owners and subdividing and selling all of the mainland for 1 L per parcel? Mainland is largely empty because its almost impossible to buy mainland as compared to buying on an estate.

    Perhaps with all that new tier coming in, LL could then lower the rates.

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, CuteRenamon231 said:

    Thank you for telling me this. I guess my computer runs slowly because of the lack of storage or because of it age.

    What are your settings? SL will run horribly slow if they are too high. Try setting everything as low as possible then work your way up. 

    For starters drop your draw to 32, set your jelly doll level to 20,000, and set your graphics to low, and see if that helps. Oh and hard wire your conection to your router.

    If nothing helps, either your internet connection is too slow, or your computer IS just too crappy.

  10. On 9/25/2017 at 2:53 AM, chardonay Babii said:

    Regarding what is value for money..

    Buying Junk food, Beer and cigarettes or a cafe meal, gambling or other junk lasts a day and you get through $20 in a flash and its gone.

    If spend $20 in SL and you have it for years and can use it every day and can have weeks shopping with it and end up with a nice avatar you are happy with or nice home/car/etc.

    If you enjoy SL and weigh up the long term value for money an activity gives you SL actually works out VERY cheap entertainment for the amount of time spent doing it  if you only shop a bit and chat or build.




    Some people refuse to buy Lindens on principal. They simply won't spend any money on a "silly game" they can play for free.

    Of course then they complain all the time too, because so much is not available for them.

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  11. 8 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    I picked up the free version of the female TMP today had a brief try out and the included skin tones do have proper nipples and genitals as an option or for a bit of modesty bra and knickers

    Its the problem with person that got it then, shes not the brightest when it comes to wearing stuff. 

    Thank you for that information, i'll see if i can help her wear it completely and properly


    8 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    Yes, so investing in a better skin and a mesh body could be an idea. A skin that old is really nothing to use, the skins from 3-5 years ago yes, but 11 years old?

    Yes, she needs a system skin (for her system head) with appliers for the body she uses. Any skin maker that doesn't offer a system skin version is losing a big market of potential buyers.

    Starting with me. 


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  13. I noticed the latest version of the free TMP female body doesn't have nipples or any hint of genitalia.

    I suspect its because too many people were trying out the free one and going no further.

    i got my alt the free female one over a year ago and i'm  perfectly happy with it, since I never get dressed on that account anyway


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  14. On 7/11/2012 at 5:45 PM, Venus Petrov said:

    Qwalyphi Korpov wrote



    I'm assuming when you say Tiny and Tinies you don't mean the folded up avatars that walk on their knees.   Or do you?


    There are avatars sometimes called 'mini' or 'micro' that look like tiny versions of normal human avatars.

    I lol'ed.

    I met a guy last week with a human avatar that was about a foot tall. He said he was a petit. I thought, "nooo i'm petit, you are a tiny".


  15. 3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    sometimes during a restart or grid troubles SL rezzes me there ... it's simply scary there .. if you never seen griefers, bullies and other bad behaviour.. go there, otherwise RUN

    Thats reason number 3 for never logging out naked.


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