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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 39 minutes ago, Nova Convair said:

    You started it by making a completely irrelevant comment about a new feature.

    The craptop faction already sees a complete different SL compared to the high end faction and that will go further with every new feature that is added to SL. 

    If you want to have SL frozen on a level 10 years ago because you can't or don't want to get a decent computer and connection that is understandable but this will not happen. Nobody can help you here.

    The OP asked "what say you" and i replied, so it wasn't irrelevant.

    So you are saying another animated object won't increase lag? 

    I do just fine with my computer thank you very much. I chose what I want to see and derender what I don't. Superfluous fluff is  on my derender list every time.

    And by the way,  I wasn't even here 10 years ago.

    I've embraced everything that makes SL a better experience.

    Dancing elephants isn't one of them

    • Haha 1
  2. Just now, Theresa Tennyson said:

    So, as you're telling us how this will affect performance I assume you've gotten the project viewer and done some testing with animesh objects, especially comparing performance between them to similar objects that use current technology to do the equivalent things such as scripted puppeteer-type motion or texture cycling?

    No, i'm just saying the easiest way to improve your performance especially frame rate is to derender all the moving lights, floors, all that annoying club crap. To me this is just more moving crap that's gonna slow me down.

    People are gonna use it, and more power to them but i'm not gonna let it affect my experience at any given place or time.

    Oh and I always derender moving animals etc too.

    Enjoy your animesh, but don't expect me to enjoy it.

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    Medhue several times makes the point in his video that he was getting 50--60 fps, despite having several of the animated mesh items leaping round near him.

    People get 50-60 fps with settings on ultra and all of the shadows checked as well.

    I'm talking about me and the other plebes that have less than top of the line gaming computers.

    Its just more crap to derender to get a decent frame rate.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Teagan Tobias said:

    Over the years it has always been one thing or another that we complain about, but I could always go shopping and look as good as the next avatar.  But with the mesh body avatars so prevalent now, when I go shopping so much of the clothing is not even intended for me, now when I go shopping, most of the time when I see something I like, I can’t even use it.  And because shopping for my avatar was a big part of my SL, a big part of my SL is now gone.  So the absolute destruction of the clothing market has to be my biggest disappointment.  But hey, at least my SL is costing me a lot less money now.

    ummmm... so why not buy a mesh body?


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    • Confused 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    My biggest disappointemnt is Linden Lab itself. Through the years they've shown little to no care at all for their paying customers, and they've done a number of things specifically against their paying customers, presumably because they believe that they don't have to take us into consideration - and they're right, because we keep putting up with it and coming back.

    I don't now remember all the things they've done against their customers, but the Homestead fiasco readily springs to mind. Apart from that sort of thing, they've succeeded in changing the very nature of SL. The Marketplace started it. That caused inworld shops to disappear and SL hasn't been the same. Then they introduced mesh, which meant that people can no longer join SL and create on an equal footing like we could all do in the past. That has changed the nature of SL too.

    I know that a lot of people, probably most people, are very happy with those 2 changes to the nature of SL, but that's not the point. I'm voicing my disappointments in this thread. Mainly, it's LL's near total lack of caring anything about their paying customers that I'm most disappointed about.

    I got trashed by someone else for saying it, buts whats so horrible about making everyone that sells on MP have an inworld presence?

    I personally love mesh avatars and mesh clothes, not so crazy about mesh buildings though. I still build by stacking cubes inworld.



  6. 2 hours ago, Tex Monday said:

    That...and the whole last name thing. You'd think they'd figure out how to give people a name other than "resident" by now

    Display names were one of Linden Lab's biggest blunders, I bet whoever though of it never considered that "Master's f**k Toy" would be the number one choice for a name

    • Like 3
    • Haha 4
  7. 59 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

    The last section may be true now, but I can't see how it can have been true before the human hud was released back in December 2010.

    Before then vampires were collecting souls for the game for two years or more, before there was a Human hud for anyone to wear.



    Before the human hud was created, people joining the game wore the vampire hud and clicked "human" or "vampire" depending if they wanted to be a doll or a vamp. 

    Souls have always been collected thru the hud the victim wears.

    I've been closely involved in bloodlines since  I was about 6 months old. I've forgotten more than certain people here ever knew

  8. 1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    You know - getting back to the OP item of being bitten without ever knowing it:  Something about the fact that a vampire can bite people without them know or consenting or something just seems like a big part of the challenge has been removed from the game and thus that just seems sooooo wrong.  Though I suppose they could claim that the victim knew but then was subsequently charmed into forgetting it happened.  Heck, it's all make believe anyway.

    I would think bloodlines would be way more interesting and challenging. 

    I've lost track of how many vampires I've chased out of freebie malls by yelling at them after they sent me a bite request.

    And lets not forget what one can do in response to a bite request in places where you can rezz.



    • Haha 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

    Where can I check if I was bitten? I know one of my alts was definitely bitten by a rather charming vampire. :$


    If you have never been bitten it will simply say no results found.

    It used to be that you could web search "slbloodlines <username>" and find the person on the master bite list of the vampire that bit them, but they changed the website and now nothing shows up.

    Searching the name in bloodlines will get you:

    "This account has been deactivated. Accounts that have been deactivated by wearing The Garlic Necklace are now displayed as auto-generated names with the last names Immortalus, Maleficus, Damarchus, Grimm, or Miasmador."

    So unless the search says no result found, the person searched was bitten at some point in the past. 

  10. Since there actually is a Linden that reads this stuff, why does Linden Lab follow a course that ensures mainland will continue to have large swaths of abandoned land?

     I've suggest several times in here that LL needs to put itself on an even footing with estate owners,  and subdivide all of the abandoned mainland into lots of various sizes, and just like estate owners, sell the parcels for $ 1 L each.

    Its the monthly tier thats important, not the purchase price.

    Linden Lab has been very helpful to me in arranging me to buy mainland many times, and i totally appreciate it, but many don't want to jump through the hoops, being gouged by land barons or outbid by land flippers at auction.

    Tons of premium members would be thrilled to see a parcel, buy it for  $1 L and move in just like on a private estate. If they change their mind later, its easy to abandon, since you only paid $1 L And LL collects a full months tier even if the land is only owned for one day. 

    And if the land barons buy up every parcel as soon as its on the market, its still a win for LL, but the flippers won't be able to get the outrageous prices they get now.

    And one more thing, there needs to be far far more adult land. Zindra is full, you could double the size tomorrow and it would fill up right away.

    Just my thoughts.




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  11. 2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    So with all the SL "in-game" indicators gone..it is essentially Role Play. Translation: Someone "told" you that you were "bitten". 

    I do believe, that if there is a Role Play going on and you don't "consent" to the Role Play, then you can ignore it.  Just my opinion.

    Progeny has huds, but they don't interact with non players. As a progeny vampire I could harvest blood or souls or whatever from non players around me but only me and other players would know about it.

    The Bloodlines hud interacts with non players, and thats where the problem lies.

    As for RP, its always been my personal opinion that an emoted action doesn't actually happen until I respond to it.

    • Like 2
  12. On 8/14/2014 at 9:45 AM, sheena797 Navarita said:

    so long as they do not host publicly promoted adult activities or content and do not use adult search tags

    I have a private club house on a moderate sim, I occasional have adult activities there with a few close friends. I don't advertise then publically, so I'm fine. 

    If your 16 yr old kid shows up and admits they are 16, I'll eject them :)


    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    because the bloody annoying biters think they get the soul by just biting... but forget it only works when the bitten one wears one of the huds.

    The real biter will pay the hud... but the annoying ones just run.

    Another thing can be, a bite delivers a little bit of blood to the biter, if he's too lazy to work for protection, or buy his own needed amount of blood, will only need to bite a few random people to have enough for some days.


    As far as i know one bite gives enough blood for one day. Vampires suffer from "the curse" They have 5 L of blood, but every 24 hours they lose 1/4 Liter. One bite replenishes that much blood. After 20 days without feeding all their blood blood has gone and they are destroyed.

    That's how Mars Bracken (the creator) makes so much money. It costs each vampire  $15 L a day to maintain their blood levels. I suspect many lieges fail to mention this fact to their new minions, so, having no money they are forced to wander places noobs congrate trying to bite them for a free fix.

  14. 1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    This part seems to contradict what you are saying -- "If you are the first person to bite someone who hasn't joined Bloodlines, you will get their soul only when they purchase the system.

    That says that if I'm in Bloodlines and I'm the first to bite person X who is not part of Bloodlines, I will still be the one to get their soul when they do purchase the system (assuming they do so at all).

    It looks like you might be right. Lets use Phils case as an example. He was bitten by Rhea Sands on 8/23/2008.

    That's the only bite he ever received. His friend LittleAbs bought him the hud 02/09/2014, he wore it , and I assume the original biter got his soul since LittleAbs never bit him. At this point she would use a soul reaper to transfer the soul from the original biter (Rhea Sands) to her.

    from the guide:  Your first attacker will receive your soul when you join the game, unless you drink the Wormwood potion before you join, then the next person to attack you after you join will receive your soul.

    Thats what vamps usually do, but I guess LittleAbs chose the soul reaper option.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Candi Clawtooth said:

    No doubt about it private sims are far better, mainland is just toooooooo crowded!!!

    Every estate sim I've lived on is generally full up, with ban lines, horrible privacy screens or land walls.

    On mainland I practically have the whole sim to myself, plus a whole continent awaits me just by walking out my front door and waiting for one of the cool LL hovercars to roll by.


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  16. 58 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Actually, according to this - "You will get the soul of every vampire who you are the first to bite. If you are the first person to bite someone who hasn't joined Bloodlines, you will get their soul only when they purchase the system. " - from their website Guide, the vampire can collect your soul even if you don't get the HUD until long after the bite.  I'm assuming then that if you are bit without the HUD, your soul goes to the Abyss, but if you later decide to get the HUD, the original first biter will get your soul from the Abyss.

    Not quite. Yes, your soul is in the abyss if you are bit and aren't wearing the hud. However, the first person to bite you after you wear the hud gets your soul. It can be a different vampire from the original biter.

  17. 4 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

    My point in asking about the competing system was if they have something equivalent to a points per soul system without needing a HUD on the victim, then Bloodlines wouldn't necessarily need the victim to have a HUD either. I still wonder if perhaps Phil, Dillon and BilliJo might not ALL be right, just for different periods in time.

    The victim doesn't need to have a hud to be bitten and registered as having lost their soul in bloodlines. That's what people complain about, the fact that you are not notified that you will be put into the data base if you accept the bite 

    If a bloodlines victim doesn't have the hud, the vampire gets a blood fix (value 15 L) the human loses his soul to the abyss, and the victims name shows up on the vampires master bite list.

    The vampire only collects the soul if they are the first one to bite the human after the hud is worn by the victim.

    Only souls that have been taken thru the hud that the human wears count for the vampires rank and standing.




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