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BilliJo Aldrin

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Posts posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. 1 hour ago, Israel Schnute said:

    So this is the community.

    1) Derender it.  Because, if someones breaking the rules, or causing an eyesore for your visitors, you along ignoring it solves the problem.  Kinda like a gang fight outside.  Ignore it.

    1a)  How do I get every passerby to do such?  Am I getting paid to do a mass movement to circumvent the lack of activity from the people I pay thousands of $$ to?

    2) After 10 years , move to the Teen Grid.  Because if they don't respond to the guidelines, they're magically and mysteriously going to in another part of the grid?

    3) It's the general shape, not a "detailed" shape of one.  If you don't look at it dead on, and do it from area's where people actually are, or on the road, for many many many sims away, or near, it looks pretty clear.  Even without glasses.

    3a) I didn't know the rules of things deal with the level of detail.  It is what it is.  I see nothing in the guidelines about the "artistic" value of such.


    Ditto for not enforcing the bot policy for years and years too.

    Someone already told you to submit an Abuse Report.

    I'm curious as to where your parcel is in relationship to this giant floating thing. 

    I think most people would just laugh at it and go about their business.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Qa Boa said:

    Move to the old Teen grid. G-rated (though you can do anything you want INSIDE your abode) - and it's clean as a whistle. best-kept secret in SL for land. To see the mini-continent I'm speaking of, open Map and type in Yarmouth. Lots of land for sale there at 2006 prices.

    I think you are wrong there:

    General Parcel_lght_G.png

    A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content or activity that is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity.  Sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in General regions.

    Sex beds are not allowed anywhere in a G sim,  even inside a building

  3. Just now, Marigold Devin said:

    Poor b4gger must have some bigger issues going on somewhere in his life. Was the pen1s bigger than his store - is it *that* massive?

    Its pretty big, but hardly anything for anyone to get all bent out of shape over. Its just a general shape, no real detail at all. I was expecting a lot better.

  4. Just now, Marigold Devin said:

    /me snorts with laughter. And T rated sims for all the trolls to live on together. And so on and so on.

    I had a very chuckleworthy conversation with a buddy who talks to me via email. He went to check out the giant glowing *****. It's actually worth a look by all accounts, not the object itself, which, if it is anatomically accurate, is pretty darn ugly apparently (!!) but the reason its there, which has been written in the description and object name field on the object. 

    And to quote this:

    Name: "AnAvatarName) can go suck this massive ***** for blocking my view!"

    Description: "F*ck you for blocking the view from my land you massive bellend!"

    So its a neighbour dispute, but frankly, the owner of the land, who has rezzed the massive glowing phallus above it, in revenge for a neighbour he has clashed with, looks like the bigger bellend. 


    oh thats funny, i must go take a look :) 

  5. 5 hours ago, Israel Schnute said:

    First, even with events, the destination guide, or being a busy city, doesn't hold a candle to the traffic count of the abandoned land in my sim (or all over the mainland).  Traffic in the THOUSANDS for abandoned land?  I thought there were bot and resources policies, but nothing gets done for YEARS except for the  lag.

    Now, they do not even do anything about adult content.  We have to look at a giant 1/8th sim sized glowing Male Genitalia.  We don't live in Zindra, but maybe we should.  I never see this in Zinda.   You get an unobstructed view of this disgusting thing for sims and sims and sims and sims away.  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Foxglove/59/36/52

    I wonder if I would get in trouble for posting a screenshot, while no one does anything about the in-world version?

    Why do us suckers even bother?

    They need to convert all the mature mainland to adult, all the general rated land to mature,  and have a separate g rated continent for all the prudes.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Qa Boa said:


    Here are the caveats to this: Access = group only creates ban lines and THAT SUCKS for everyone else. In the old days, you could see ban lines from much farther away, easier to avoid them and if you bumped into one you where bounced back. Nowadays you cannot see them until you are right on top of them and bumping into them is as bad as those F*CKING dumb*ss "security orb" set to zero warning: they throw you to the edge of a sim or worse: TP you home. So basically if you set this up this way you *could* be one of those D*ckheads - unless it is located in a sparsely-traveled area.


    I have ban lines turned off. I only know they are there when i bump into one and get the "not allowed onto parcel" message

    I've never been bounced to the sim edge or set home, unless of course the whole sim is set with ban lines.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 31 minutes ago, ChoiceRider said:

    "set a teleport landing point"  I know the application of this concept from trying to landmark at specific location points from inside a particular site, yet it may continue to maintain its original landing point. Great idea and most useful! How is this implemented, is there some kind of option to edit, found in some land management tool?

    Thank you,  BilliJo Aldrin

    I think its in options in the about land, "set teleport landing point"


    • Thanks 1
  8. On 6/14/2017 at 12:23 PM, Crumbled said:

    I completely agree with companies making profit Hailee.

    That 60 million profit I spoke of is solely from the buying fees at 40 cents per transaction before the 20 cent increase.

    This doesn't include the 1.5 percent fee for every linden dollar sold, the five percent fee for every item sold on market place, the 10 Linden fee for every item upload into Second Life, the premium subscriptions or the land tier fees.

    If you're fine with paying a fee to buy lindens, paying another fee to upload items to the grid,  paying another fee for selling those items on market and yet an additional fee to trade your Lindens in for dollars. by all means be happy about it. 

    I for one consider that price gouging.



    If you think LL's fees are too high and totally unfair, then refrain from doing any of the above activities.


    • Like 1
  9. 52 minutes ago, NXCombat said:

    So after reading the latest blog release from LL I am legitimately curious to know just exactly what "more flexible pricing" actually means once the SL servers have been upgraded to the cloud. Now you could all yell "OMG CHEAPER TIER" but I severely doubt that will ever be the case. Cheaper premium perhaps?. See the problem with tier prices as has been stated several million times on this forum is that Linden Labs LITERALLY can not lower tier prices no matter how much we want them too. Reason being is the land barons.. Companies like the Chungs, Weazles etc have all bought their sims and locked in grandfathered tier deals that we could only ever dream of having. If LL was to lower tier these companies would loose a substantial amount of money and probably threaten to...if not fully pull out of SL all together and take with them a fairly large chunk of the profit LL makes from them. So as regards tier prices I feel like LL's hands are tied. Perhaps they mean cheaper setup costs for regions?. What do you guys think?

    I am also curious about this "more new ways to stop the bad guys". I wonder what they have planned, I mean can you really stop copyright infringers?. I don't see how they could fully tackle that issue short of banning all third party viewers thus at least preventing Copybot viewers from being able to log into Second Life.

    Also what do you think of the new 2.5% transaction with no limit?. 

    Lastly am I the only one in SL who found the new Glytches game to be utterly boring and repetitive after 10 minutes of playing it?. I really do not see the hype that linden labs is trying to build here with this new "grid wide experience". 


    Where are the chungs and the Weazles gonna go? There isn't another Second Life down the block they can move to.  I really doubt they get their sims for much less than 195 a month if any, its just one of those SL legends. Besides, lowering tier means lowering it for them too. They operate on a profit margin, lower costs get passed on in a competitive market, so it would benefit everyone.

  10. 6 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    You could only do a 'return' if the object is actually located on the land - i.e. the root prim is on the land.  

    Yet, since you say the skyboxes overhang almost all the way, my guess is the person has anchored the root prim on their land and kept just enough on their land - probably because the vacant land doesn't allow them to rez objects on it.  In this case, if you buy the land, the objects might get returned automatically when you set the land to only allow you or group to rez - it depends on how much is on your land.  You might have to contact the neighbor or file a support ticket.

    However, as Chin says - do you really want a parcel that is next to a neighbor that does this?  


    If they are encroaching even by a hair you can return them even if the root prim is inside their own parcel. I've returned things even when its just the bounding box of a sculpted prim that overhangs, and the visible parts are entirely outside my property line. 

    Supposedly there are 30 prims on the property the OP wishes to purchase. In that case buy it, view parcel details, view prims, highlight, and return them. 

    Another thing. Has the OP actually gone up and looked at the skyboxes. There are skyboxes near my place that  I would swear over hang my parcel when in fact they are on the other side of the road.

    There are skyboxes all over mainland, and just because there isn't one today doesn't mean there won't be one tomorrow.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, clivesteel said:

    As with the repulsive 'CAN I BLACK UP AND RP ETHNIC MINORITIES' thread, this odious twaddle is only beneficial in giving Linden Lab a sure list of targets to PERMA-BAN  for such sickening, reactionary views...

    "Huh huh, Beavis...can I play black man on the grid? Can I? CAN I?"

    "Shuddup Butthead...I'm busy rapin' teh womenzzz!"

    But sadly LL WON'T take any action, so all you "Blackface? Kewllll...Rape? KEWLLLLL!" maniacs have just created another perverted thread to stink out these forums until the next monstrosity comes along...

    And you wonder why membership is on the decline...

    How would you like to see Second Life be Clive?


  12. On 10/23/2017 at 12:04 PM, Alwin Alcott said:

    1536/10= 15?   :)  

    group bonus does add up from only a few already.. it's just the 10% more prims/m2  that can make a difference between a basic and luxury bathroom :)

    Is it 10% more prims or 10% more square meters? I think the latter because LL can't just pull extra prims out of thin air to give to group owned land.

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    You could put a ticket in about it, explaining that it only happens when you log into your Linden Home, and that you understand that a sim reset will fix it. It's probable that nothing will change unless someone reports it.

    Or, better still, get in live chat and ask for the sim to be reset.

    its monday, the sim will restart tomorrow anyway

  14. 3 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    Lmao, no way in hell would I let my kids play sl,  lol. I'm not that nuts :P 

    I play, and the money I get from my extra endeavors, whether it's earning money through games, selling products or services (no, not those :P ) whatever have you, goes right into a fund I use for things for my kids...or bills/emergencies, if absolutely necessary :) 

    (that's what I do with most "extra" money I get, outside of my primary income in rl, actually..but that's besides the point, lol)

    I didn't think you cared, most folks probably don't, to be honest, but reading this thread, it seems some folks are hell bent on caring and insisting it's a negative thing for the whole of sl. I disagree wholeheartedly with such assumptions, wouldn't be the first time I've been the odd woman out on a subject though, haha. 

    Its fantastic that you can make enough money here to cash out, and its nice you use it as an "extra's fund" for rl purchases.


  15. 1 minute ago, Tari Landar said:

    That's where it comes full circle, they get lindens out of the games, offerings, whatever-and landowners get whatever it is THEY deem is worth their effort. It doens't really matter if everyone else thinks it is worth a landowner's effort, they aren't paying for folks to "farm lindens" ;)

    I could keep telling people for months, years, ad nauseam....that landowners ARE indeed getting something out of it(or they wouldn't do it) and that players CAN make such efforts lucrative, if they so choose....not so sure anyone believes it. But I'm pretty sure the xbox one my kid got for his birthday in august and the games I've gotten him since then, all with funds paid for by such games, is proof enough for me, that one CAN make money off it, and it hasn't hurt the sl economy for us(players) to so so, because we've been doing it since 2007 and we've yet to see that effect, regardless of influxes of new games, landowners, or players. ;) 


    Your kid plays second life? And who

    cares if people log in just to make free Lindens, I don't.


  16. On 6/11/2015 at 2:41 AM, MissTeriMahn said:


    Kascha Matova wrote:



    ZoeTick wrote:



    Alwin Alcott wrote:




    i won't say it's a open invitation, but going afk on a sexbed is a bit ...  ehm ...
    .. there is no privacy on sl, everybody who sees it can join. Simply log off if you can't keep an eye on your avi.



    Reported for insensitivity to those SL participants who are actually unable to speak.


    I suggest you choose your words more carefully. There are plenty of synonyms for stupid which are not gratuitously offensive, like idiotic, moronic, unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, imbecilic, obtuse, doltish, thick, dim, half-witted, daft, dozy, cretinous, all of which you might wish to use to describe the OP's "friend" without insulting the vocally impaired.










    Wow. That's a whole lot of stuff there. While we're on the subject of foreknowledge or preconsideration of the background of other forum members, perhaps a look at the definition of the word "dumb" right underneath the version you've chosen to highlight is in order. Particular attention shoud be paid to the region in which this definition is a longstanding commonality.


    Considering the number of words used in other regions which have completely different meanings and intensities in America that are almost never accounted for, I would hope that this tendency to demand such nitpicking lest ye be tattled on is an exception rather than a rule. I can think of a word used in Britain to describe a "jerk" which is typically, again in Britain, used by a man talking to another man which if used in America in the presence of a woman will have her and many around hopping mad. I doubt I have to spell it out, but when the average English guy gets checked on that faux pas the reaction that I've gotten many times was for that very same word to be directed AT ME in the very American definition of itself.


    And, as alluded to earlier, I am in those instances indeed hopping mad.


    ; comparative adjective:
    ; superlative adjective:
    1. 1
      (of a person) unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness.
      "he was born deaf, dumb, and blind"
      at a loss for words
      "she stood dumb while he shouted"
    2. 2
      North American
      "a dumb question"

    And what makes you think that the 50% of forum participants who are not North American would not be insulted by the use of an inappropriate and minority-abusive pejorative?

    You might also want to ask the wonderful Treasure and her friends here in SL what the North American element of VirtualAbility think of such language.


    ((Or do you think that the rest of the world doesn't matter?))

    At least he didn't say they were retarded 


    • Haha 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    And then you'll complain about the bots. Or, under this plan, the people sitting around not doing anything but trying to "earn" a handful of Lindens.

    Yes if it has high traffic because they have 20 bots parked on a platform, its really not a popular club, so I'll leave.

    Not sure what your snide comment about people sitting around doing nothing has to do with anything. 

    I suppose they could all be "working" at afk sex places, but I don't visit those anyway.

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