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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. i'm not trolling im showing the absurdity of your position by agreeing with you
  2. well strictly speaking it wasnt because they were gay im sure they made many many cakes for gay customers. the issue was that they wanted a gay wedding cake and the bake shop owner believed that marriage was a union between a man and a woman so he refused because he felt he'd be contributing towards something he was morally opposed to.
  3. except there is no trail. any other time they move a thread it says "moved to" in its original location. its like they are trying to hide it
  4. yes thats why its so important to get children into government funded daycare as early as possible to negate the effects of their evil racist parents
  5. okey i see they have changed the location of the thread again now its located in merchants. why dont the mods just delete this thread if the topics being discussed are so distasteful?
  6. yes its true i believe that the government probably do a better job of providing cakes to everyone. i think cake baking should be made a government service then everyone could have equil access to cakes
  7. im not complaining about baking a cake im saying people shouldnt consider their human rights or civil rights have been violated just because someone refuses to enter into an agreement to bake them a cake
  8. i never said that. i was just offering an example of wacked out thinking by some wacked out antiracists. i read a line on an antiracism web site once "treason against the white race is loyality to the human race" so yes eliminating whites thru preferential breeding is an acceptable strategy to some in the grand struggle to end racism funny thing though it seems like racism against whites
  9. he might decide pandering to his other customers is a more successful business model and never change
  10. i was at an anti racist meeting in rl one time. one of the activists told me that the only way to end racism in the world was to breed the white race out of existance see, no whites, no racism
  11. yes its a terrible violation of your human and civil rights if someone refuses to bake you a cake
  12. prejudice is a natural human condition. if the truth be told what you and others in this thread really want is a world free of white prejudice
  13. im not clinging to anything please show me where i said julius caesar conquered britain. someone said the inhabitants defeated caesar i said romans conquered britain and remained about 300 years i dont recall saying julius caesar did it. in your usual quest to prove me wrong you once again responded to what you thought i said instead of what i actually said
  14. yes she is thats why i deleted my post when i realized she wrote it . unfortunatly you replied before i deleted the text
  15. yes its a terrible business model but eventually the business owner will see he is hurting himself and change his policy. no government coersion required
  16. i agree. its the democrats fault that there are more and more poor people. democrats love poor people because if u give them money they will vote for you to give them more
  17. a societal response would make the isp realize he made a bad business choice
  18. If the democrats have been dedicated to helping the poor for the last 70 years, why are there more and more poor people than ever. Republicans: cut taxes so business owners can expand, putting more people to work and reducing government dependance. Democrats: raise taxes so business cut back and hire less people, forcing more and more people onto government assistance...and in gratitude, vote democrat |:0p
  19. And why would an internet company cut off half its customer base? As I've said all along, in business, money trumps everything else.
  20. Actually a great many loyal colonists had no choice but to move, they were forced out by the rebels seizing their property, just one of many forced migrations instituted by that bastion of democracy and freedom. And yes, that's where United Empire Loyalists came from.
  21. There are still two areas where it is permitted to discriminate in any way shape of form with no recourse to the "victim" 1) If you are renting a room in your house which will have common areas with the potential renter, you can exclude anyone you wish from consideration. 2) if you are advertising on a dating website, you are free to set preferences and exclude anyone you wish for any reason. I guess these should be eliminated too.
  22. and once again one choses an extreme example to try and prove its ok to force someone to bake you a cake.
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