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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. one of the greatest scientists of modern times was disgraced and had all his honors taken away from him not too long ago James Watson the father of genetics make a simple observation that he refused to retract. He said there is no reason to believe that populations of people breeding in isolation should develop inteligence at the same rate or to the same degree, and at the end of the day it will be shown that the cause is genetic. For refusing to repudiate his simple statement and grovel at the feet of our masters this old man has been publicly pillaried as "scientists" of all stripes line up to denounce him. "Eppur si mouve"
  2. scientists follow the money. When a scientific field is perverted to satisfy a political agenda the only way to keep the money coming is to produce "acceptable" results. Its not unlike anthropology which years ago became a pseudo-science.
  3. I've joined several other virtual worlds and every time there were two fields to input a first name and a last name, and of course I entered BilliJo Aldrin. Despite the protestations of the Lindens, there is absolutely no reason the same thing could not be in place in the Second Life registration. It's not "we can't do it" its "we refuse to do it"
  4. God helps those that helps themselves. This was told to me as a joke, but it has a ring of truth to it as well. Mr Jones was an old man who lived alone in his old house near the coast. He was a pious, very religious man and he lived his whole life upon the principal of putting his faith in God. A hurricane was coming, and an evacuation order was issued. When the police came by to tell him he needed to leave, he shook his fist at them, and proclaimed, "I believe in God, he will protect me and keep me safe". The police just shook their heads and left. The storm got closer, the waters started to rise. When it was up to his doorstep, A humvee driven by the national guard drove up. Get in quick Mr Jones, get out while you still can. He just shook his fist at them, and yelled, "go away, I put my faith in God, he will save me and protect me". The guardsmen just shook their heads and drove off. The storm came closer, the rain increased, soon Mr Jones' first floor was flood and he went to the second floor. As he peered out into the deluge, a power boat came up, the driver yelled, "Please Mr Jone get in, I can take you to safety". But Mr Jones just shook his fist and screamed, "no, go away, I put my faith in God, he will save me and protect me" The driver of the boat sighed and drove away. Soon the storm waters rose higher than the second floor, and Mr Jones was forced to climb onto the roof. As he sat there soaked and cold, a bright light appeared and shone on him, illuminating him bright as day. "I'm here to save you Mr Jones", boomed a voice out of the sky, and a rope ladder dropped in front of him. Mr Jones shielded his eyes and made out the outline of a helecopter hovering a few feet over his head. He shook his fist and screamed "go away, I put my faith in God, he will save me and protect me". The ladder was withdrawn the spotlight turned off, and Mr Jones was left alone in the raging storm A short time later, Mt Jones' house collapsed and he was swept away in the deluge and drowned. Up in heaven God was down by the pearly gates, looking over the new arrivals when he saw Mr Jones looking rather confused and bewildered. He shouted out, "Mr Jones what are you doing here?" Mr Joes quietly said, "My Lord, I put my faith, my life in your hands, but you didn't come to me, you didn't save me". God just shook his head and said, "Jones, you stupid fool, I sent you a humvee, a boat, and a helecopter, what more did you expect me to do?" The End
  5. Once again, this could have a real world version. A person that owns vending machines, yet observes the sabbath could put a sign on their vending machine that says "please respect my religious beliefs and do not purchase a drink from this machine from sundown friday till sundown saturday. Yea right. The whole idea of the Sabbath was to give people a day of rest from their toils, but like everything else was twisted by man to create an almost impossible list of restrictions. I don't know the "politics" of this link, but here's a few restrictions imposed and enforced by the rabbis.: In one particular section of the Talmud, a commentary of both oral and written Jewish laws, there are 24 chapters of Sabbath laws! Note some of those man-made Sabbath burdens: No one can carry a load heavier than a dried fig. Nothing larger than an olive can be eaten. Throwing an object into the air with one hand and catching it with the other is prohibited. If the Sabbath overtook you as you reached for some food, the food was to be dropped. No baths, for one might spill water on the floor and inadvertently wash it. Chairs cannot be moved since they might make a rut in the ground, thus plowing. Women cannot look in a mirror lest they be tempted to pluck a gray hair. If ill on the Sabbath, only enough treatment could be given to keep the ill person alive. No sewing, plowing, reaping, grinding, baking, threshing, binding sheaves, winnowing, sifting, dying, shearing, spinning, kneading, separating or weaving two threads, tying or untying a knot, and sewing two stitches. One can only travel 3,000 feet from their home. But if the previous day they had placed food within 3,000 feet of the home, they could go there to eat it. And since the food was an extension of the house, they could then go another 3,000 feet beyond the food. http://www.harvestbiblechurch.net/blog/sabbath-legalisms And lets not forget that at least twice in their history, honoring the Sabbath by refusing to defend their city allowed them to be overrun and thousands of Jews killed.
  6. Her store may be "closed" but her vendors are still active. She is offering things for sale with her vendors, If I choose to buy, the vendor sells it to me , a simple transaction is completed. Nothing more
  7. Can I interest you in a $600 L Diamond ring? Free of course.
  8. In real life, I love Chick Fil E, and of course they are closed on Sunday. If I forgot and drove there, I'd see the lights out and a closed sign, and think, oh right they close Sundays. Luckily Arby's is right next door, so I'd get a beef n cheddar instead. There's no mistaking when an establishment is closed in RL, but what exactly showed the SL store in question is closed on the owners Sabbath? She seems to assume someone will walk in the front door, receive a notecard or read a sign, and turn around and walk out. However, if I never enter the property, I will never get a notice. If the store owner wants her store to be closed on the sabbath, then she needs to really close the store, and not expect everyone to bow to her wishes "just because"
  9. Of course it is, and her rule is "If you shop at my store when its closed, I will ban you" That's fine with me. However even banned I could still cam in from the next property. Now if there's a script you can put into a vendor to decline a purchase from a person on a blacklist, her ban would have some meaning.
  10. Since global warming has nothing to do with the topic of the thread, I will refrain from answering any more attempts to bait me.
  11. Sweetie, global warming has been happening for 10,000 years since we came out of the last ice age. In fact parts of the globe are STILL in the ice age. It's not inconceivable that when the glacial period is finally ended ALL of the ice wil have melted, just like in other interglacial periods. Fun fact: for 90% of the earths history, it was WARMER than it is right now.
  12. The whole point is are her prohibitions of doing work violated if someone shops at her store on her sabbath. Property rights are irrelevant here. If I walk by her store and a sign says sorry we are closed, but I can cam in and buy stuff anyway, I've not violated her property rights, or her prohibition of doing work on her Sabbath.
  13. The thing is she observes her holy day by not logging in to Second life and doing business, which is wonderful, I give nothing but respect for that, but the problem is that she expects everyone else to observe her holy day too. Oh and closed from Friday at sundown till Saturday at sundown, which timezone is that exactly?
  14. I don't think the main argument was the store owners right to close the store on their Sabbath but rather was she working on the Sabbath if she didn't log into SL or didn't answer customer e-mails. My clicking buy in their store on the Sabbath does NOT mean they were breaking their Sabbath in my opinion.
  15. And people ask why I still build with prims. 1) rezz prim 2) move into position 3) stretch to fit 4) add texture done
  16. Then how come we can have an unlimited amount of accounts of the last name "resident"? In fact there is no reason why names couldn't be used over and over, since every instance of a repeated name would still generate a new URI. It's the URI that matters, not the log in name.
  17. Maybe they should just hide account names and have everyone use a display name, then everyone is on a level playing field. The URI will still be visible to see what a persons account name is, but day to day, you'd just see the display name. Besides my "real" name as stored on their database is billijo.aldrin I doubt that would change even if I paid for a new real name. The name you paid for would still be linked to your original account name and all your assets would still be stored under that original sign up name. I think people make too big a deal about all this to be honest.
  18. That sounds like as big a potential disaster as sharing the cost of a full sim. Also "regular" last names are not allowed. They need to sound like a commercial/company name.
  19. Your name code is not based on the number of letters in your name, i'm not sure how long the code is, but everyone on the planet could sign up for multiple accounts and they still wouldn't run out. here is mine, please explain where that has any relationship to my last name d6c219af-20a8-413f-8077-11284b3b318b Not having last names any more has nothing to do with "running out" of numbers
  20. Its 500 per year now, here is the official SL Wiki. In fact its 1000 for the first year and 500 each year after. Upon creation of a custom surname, the account designated as owner will be billed a US$500 setup fee plus the first annual US$500 fee. On each anniversary date, the owner will be billed US$500 to retain custom surname ownership. Last names must clearly be an organizational or corporate name, and distinguished from personal last names (surnames). For example, "Smith" is not acceptable, but "SmithCorp," "SmithInc," "SmithProducts" or "SmithConstruction" are. Linden Lab will consider names that are clearly made up or composite (for example, "SecondLife" or "Agilent"). http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Custom_Name_Program
  21. At least you used Capital letters. It still boggles my mind how many people (even when one chose a last name from a list) didn't think to capitalize their first name. I never considered NOT starting my name with a capital letter. I figured if caps were not allowed, the sign up would tell me. *shaking my head... some people*
  22. Honestly, would it be any different from having a vending machine in RL? Sure, the owner doesn't work on the sabbath, but I'm sure they wouldn't go around the day before unplugging them all so no one could get a drink out of them on the owners Sabbath. I'm sure there could be 1000 other similar examples in RL.
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