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Ann Otoole

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Posts posted by Ann Otoole

  1. Well there is supposed to be due process. Eric Holder killed that and operates a blatant gestapo orginization. Clearly Obama needs to fire Holder for incompetence and treason and then allow Holder to be brought up on organized crime, gun running, and murder charges and let Holder be executed. It is the only way Obama can cover his own rear.

    But hey nothing will happen without yet another 50 million strong internet revolt as happened with SOPA. In fact we need that effort to keep going 24*7 and all elected reps be hounded till they resign in disgrace or make laws against political corruption that carry a no appeal death penalty.

  2. I am simply reporting the facts and providing reference links. It is not "as I understand it". It is the facts. If you go study that website you might discover there are conditions in which no performance license is required. If people don't like the law they need to buy themselves some congress people and get things changed. Or raise a gigantic mob like that which defeated SOPA (much to the anger of scumdodd).

    Honestly I have only heard of one detective with a cob up rear running around checking performance licenses and he did not even know how it works and stole DJ's computers. This was in San Francisco. I have never heard of any other "license checking" going on anywhere on earth. Maybe it happens but it is apparently not a big deal.

    Youtube has a robust copyright management system in place. They scan the videos and if they detect IP that is banned from youtube it is removed and warning issued. If the uploader keeps uploading banned music the uploader gets banned in accordance with the DMCA rules for repeat offenders. If the IP owner has an agreeement with youtube then the music is for sale on the page and an ad appears for which the IP owner is paid for views. There is an extensive library of available to use music in the audioswap system.

  3. Aren't musicians, entertainers and DJ's responsible for obtaining permission for music they perform?

    Some people mistakenly assume that musicians and entertainers must obtain licenses to perform copyrighted music or that businesses where music is performed can shift their responsibility to musicians or entertainers. The law says all who participate in, or are responsible for, performances of music are legally responsible. Since it is the business owner who obtains the ultimate benefit from the performance, it is the business owner who obtains the license. Music license fees are one of the many costs of doing business.

  4. The venue is accountable for a performance license from several label licensing authorities. This will not change. If enforced the number of "clubs" in SL would be dramatically reduced. However some would have a license and enjoy max capacity crowds.

    The DJ is not accountable.

  5. IMHO people need to pressure the EFF to join with the other major tech companies and form a Super PAC to fund independent candidates that have brains and are not corrupt to get elected. The only way to fix this issue is vote out all republicans and all democrats, install honest people as elected reps, and then the new government make political corruption a capital crime.


    This will never be fixed until the oligarchy is destroyed and the existing 2 party corrupt system is destroyed forever.

  6. If SL is not running on ipads and iphones within 1 to 2 years SL will fade out along with most other PC desktop based software. The decline of SL began the day Steve Jobs released the iphone in January 2007. At first gradual then as more iphone uptake happened the less people began to remain interested in boat anchor computing. The next ipad should increase the abandonment rate of desktop systems and software.

    Nothing LL can do will stop this short of working with content creators to improve the builds in SL and to get an SL client on the ipad. Everything else is already moot. LL decided to "branch out" away from SL which seems like a smart move since SL is anchored to boat anchor computers.

  7. Despite the methane obama spews he has not threatened veto therefore SOPA will pass as the mighty gas bubble it is.


    Vote out all stupid old people and never allow any more stupid old idiots back in congress. Voting out the stupid old people is the only way to save and rebuild the USA. Get rid of old decrepit scum like reid and pelosi. Vote the old people out. They have no clue what a computer is much less comprehending the internet.



  8. Qie Niangao wrote:

    Gosh, you folks are tolerant of Marketplace search.  Every time I try to use it, I either get no results at all or a dozen pages, seemingly irrelevant to my query, showing a zillion color permutations for the same creator's otherwise identical slutwear. They really should just close that godforsaken quagmire until they find some way to make it usable.

    Anyway, I use
    to find in-world items for sale.  It's basically the un-nerfed version of the viewer's search:  When you click "More Info" for a result, you get a whole list of all the for sale items in the shop.  Because it's in a browser, you can use text search to hunt for the items you wanted, and then click on the "Go" button to get to the exact position in the store.  (Well, lots of stores use landing points, so you'll get deposited there, but at least there will be a red destination beacon for the item's listed location.)


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