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Ann Otoole

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Posts posted by Ann Otoole

  1. A split payment vendor script is used.

    As for auditing? If you can't trust the partner then why go into business there? You can send money to an alt and randomly buy stuff and see if you get your share or not.

  2. Kirsten was the only person able to produce a properly functioning viewer with fully working graphics. LL has moved to the model of customers must fund viewer development in addition to tier. The crowd funding project to further fund Kirsten's efforts has but less than 3 weeks to go and it only got to 20%. Therefore graphics development for secondlife is going to be cancelled forever. LL has not the professional 3D graphics skills to do what Kirsten could do single handedly. SL will die.

    Sorry but that is the bloody truth.

  3. Actually this condition has existed for as long as I have been in SL. It is a viewer issue when this happens. And I am not saying this display limit is what is happening now.

    LL may be implementing the code to set a hard limit on how many items can displayed in a folder. They discussed they were going to do this a long time ago at office hours. If LL does this without 6 months advance warning then there will be a riot and yet again the CEO will have to step in and sort out the problems his staff caused. Again.

    In this case I suspect it is just more free open source SLM code working it's magic.


    BTW LL is hiring real software engineers so if you know any send them over to LL. http://lindenlab.com/careers

  4. I gave up worrying about it. LL's commerce team does not accept any input or feedback. The LL CEO appears to have no control over them. The only way to be assured of credit for sales is to sell in world or via a non LL controlled marketplace.


    Maybe I get paid. Maybe I don't. The task of auditing LL's freebie code websiteis too massive to bother with anymore. Free code is worth what you pay for it.

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