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Ann Otoole

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Posts posted by Ann Otoole

  1. Nothing odd about my setup. It is the same setup I have used for years. Default LL current published beta version with no tweaks. I am seeing more people with attachments and no system clothing. Maybe they just like to walk around that way.

    Anyway I find it somewhat amusing. A few months ago I was naked in someone else's viewer (for which they kicked me out of a venue even though I was dressed) so the naked bug is definitely out there.

    The only solution for G rated region inadvertent nudity is underwear painted directly on the skin. If concerned there are such skins in the Library.

  2. There are a bunch of people using old obsolete viewers not compatible with inventory changes made recently and those people are naked in the latest LL beta. So it isn't just mesh that is an issue. Oz warned the open source dev list this might happen.

    Mesh is happening. May as well get used to it. One pair of mesh thigh highs only has a draw weight of 3k or so while a simple pair of sculpty shoes is 10k per shoe. I know people don't care but if using an old viewer because of viewer performance then you might consider converting to all mesh stuff on a current mesh viewer. Might actually run better for you. At least when mesh becomes prevalent anyway.

  3. This is a parallel thread to the other discussion to focus on what one should think about before creating a persona in Secondlife. I.e..; What should new residents consider before creating a name.

    I'll start:

    I did not research rl names before I created Ann Otoole. I wanted to create a certain type of avatar (which did not last long with my personality). A good Irish girl. Heh. Sadly, much later after I had established a brand, I found out some real life Ann O'tooles did not appreciate the SL Ann Otoole.

    So a recommendation would be not to create a real life named avatar unless it is your real life name.

  4. Qie Niangao wrote:


    Or, just as good (maybe better?) would be a new generation of architects finally offering some new visions that begin to compete with the original groundbreakers.  There's so much unimaginative crap, especially in the current, early crop of Mesh builds, that look like sleep-deprived hallucinations after too many hours of video games.

    The land impact cost of mesh precludes any actual success of mesh forever and a day. Sorry. LL wants to revert SL to 1996 LOD to support iphones. Watch it sink.

  5. what camping ban? there is a big store 2 sims over from my hideout with 20 camping bots posing as models to drive traffic up. It is not the only one. So whatever policy LL made in the past they sure do not care about it now.


    But traffic never once influened my search positioning. The GSA killed me in 2010 causing loss of my full sim but now i can tread water with zero effort.


  6. Gut SL of the hobbyists making a little cash for tier, shoes, dresses, and wigs and the elite devs will have nothing left to sell to and LL will shut SL down. Period. End of story. The SL ecosystem is that fragile and you should already be able to see the decline rate increasing as people quit because they don't feel like hassling with mesh. Even LL left to go work on non SL stuff so they know it is going to fall.

  7. it was free 2 years ago when i input my region to be imaged. Someone gives a slurl and the bot comes and then the pic is posted on the website. These could be anything including that service.

    So I guess we need a parcel/estate access option to deny access to scripted agents. And LL to enforce the scripted agent policy vigorously.

  8. There are plenty of premium land holding profesional rippers operating without limits in SL. They simply learned to rip korean or other non US game content as it is unlikely to be recognized. Sorry. Will not work. You cannot have UGC without risk of infringements. What are you going to do? IP mask ban the 5 or 6 countries that sponsor cyber fraud and cyber terror? Fine with me.

  9. The only valid answer to your query is LL is the judge, jury, and police. The law is the SL TOS and community standards. And your means of reporting violations is the abuse reporting system.

    While the system may have opportunities for improvement it has been running for almost a decade and works fairly well.

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