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Ann Otoole

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Posts posted by Ann Otoole

  1. I will say this openly.

    Green text greetings are an insult. Wait till people are in range to greet or do not greet at all. Robo greets are the fastest way to lose attendees possible. If you are using robots then do SL a favor and close. You are not needed.

  2. Good venues will survive. Consider the current situation a shakeout.


    Heck I am considering creating a tipjar-less venue. When it is just for fun things are majorly different. Besides if someone wants to tip someone else they still have the right click pay option. So everyone can be a host!

  3. Marcus Hancroft wrote:


    Now...bring back the way events USED to be handled and that'd be a whole different story! 


    Contests are dead. Too many vote alt bots. So what we need is to get back to entertainment basics and get rid of costume contests. I hate to say that because that is what got my business going. But the bots are crap and the privacy invasion required to prevent them is not worth it. So we are back at host/DJ personalities/shows. I doubt we will see many stars again. Not for a few more months anyway.

  4. Back when I was a host(ess) the job was clear. keep the party atmosphere going and take votes (sometimes a tad more than that lol). In addition it was a "tag team" act with the DJ which required knowing the DJ closely. In addition the entire 2 hour show was planned in advance and it was, in effect, a stage show. And I made L$15k or more per day on average. The DJ made twice that or more. Those were the good days of SL.

    Today voting is done by click on a board and the "DJ"'s do whatever they choose. There are not many coordinated scripted shows anymore.


    Basically, if you don't like the entertainment, why do you go? Nobody forces you.


    edited to add: Tipping is optional. If you do not feel like someone has earned a tip then do not tip. I tip when I feel a tip is earned. And I usually tip L$500. When I tip.

  5. Examine time zones. Hire hosts from the main time zones. Allow them to post event notices in the language they target.

    However, one small word of advice. Quantity does not beat quality. Making something that is highly desired and not available 24*7 can lead to full regions and people wanting desperately to get in. The venue I used to be associated with will never return but I can point at Duran Duran's venue as a seriously good example of this effect.

  6. That is not how I read it. The statement is nebulous and can be interpreted in more than one way.

    So LL must come forth with actual examples to demonstrate how this actually works and exactly what all the limits are.


    Overall I feel the only safe approach will be to treat the folder as a magic box and continue on exactly the same we we have for years that has served all the needs of SL very well. Or are we now required to make a folder for every boxed item we sell?

    Adding complexity to a working system seems illogical. Where are the requirements for this odd set of limits that were solicited from the merchants anyway?

     So LL, how many items are allowed in the outbound folder? Please provide detailed scenarios and explain everything in detail exactly how it works.

  7. Does this help?

    You can make 20 folders. In each folder you can have a max of 200 items. This means a merchant will be able to list only 4000 items.

    That is 10 times what I would consider a viable product line. That circa 2006 and earlier stuff likely needs retiring anyway. (IMHO)

    The alternative to this, if anyone really has over 4000 viable products that will all sell, is to make alts and pass them the overflow and the alts can reset the permissions and list.


    Does anyone have over 4000 products on SLM?


  8. People hear stuff over time and then show up and expect easy money. Fact is, back probably before my time and in 2007 it was easy to make money in SL in certain "sectors" rofl.

    For example in 2007 I could make 15k a day easy by simply hosting events. (It was hard work because back then SL sims handled 100 people all the time and there were no vote bots) People were loose with their cash before the recession wiped disposable income off the planet. Now people are shocked when I tip them L$500. Back when I hosted in 2007 I got L$1000 tips routinely. That free spending environment is where the rumors of easy money in SL got going. Those days are over. But nobody told the new guys lol.

    Times have changed. If people want to make money now they have to create and market content that is superior to the established artists of SL. An unlikely prospect unless the new resident came from the video game community and was a 3D modeler there.

  9. Hmmm...


    Gossamer Moonfilter
    She is a messenger of the moon goddess.
    She lives in spiderwebbed wonderlands and insect grottoes.
    She is only seen on midsummer's eve.
    She wears dresses made of cobwebs and gossamer and has bright blue butterfly wings.


    That doesn't sound right. Oh hai a vampire name generator!

    The Great Archives determine you
    to have gone by the identity:
    Empress of Gomorrah
    Known in some parts of the world as:
    Semiramis of Beggars and Lepers
    The Great Archives Record:
    Amongst the lowest of the low you will find this one travelling.


    /me drums fingers. Yea they saw me coming a mile away.


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