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Ann Otoole

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Posts posted by Ann Otoole

  1. You are being over sensitive. There was no bashing or negativism at all. Just constructive criticism and recommendations based on years of experience.

    Good luck with your endeavors.

    ETA: In response to your question the only valid answer can come from LL so you might open a support ticket and ask LL. LL makes the models available for download and use in modeling apps so I doubt they care. But confirmation is always a great idea. There are utilities to export your avatar shape to an OBJ file which would remove any and all doubt. Sadly the rules forbid posting merchant listings.

  2. I recommend you restrict your advertising efforts to imagery taken inside SL. People that fake pics with poser and what not usually do not last long.

    If you need a rotating pose stand then drop a rotation script in it with your animations. Hop on and film away. You can see some vids I made using this technique here: http://www.youtube.com/user/annotoole

    Not too sure what reception an animating noob is going to get so you might reconsider your disdain of using well made SL avatars for your models.


  3. Too




    I was watching a channel the other day and they had 15 minutes straight of stupid commercials. So basically I don't watch those free channels I pay for anymore. But then the premium channels become unavailable until i change to a commercial infested channel and watch 5 minutes of them.

    The internet is going to kill off "television" because it is a dinosaur, the news is all political party aligned state controlled media, and it is all pathetic. Most of it is owned by disney anyway so no wonder.

  4. I put alpha numeric skus on several products that sold well in world. They never sold on SLM all this time. I deleted the skus a week ago and am making sales on those items all of a sudden. So yes I am a firm believer that the SKU field can be deleted and all skus nulled in the database.


    Or was it making an update got it back in the index? Either way I will never use SKU and will be making frequent updates now.

  5. this was like almost 2 years ago.


    However, when it is time to upgrade again, maybe i'll spring for a whole new system and overspec everything. Then use this box for linux.


    But no matter what it is a fact kirstens and other TPVs run circles around LL viewers. And LL viewers crash at 1.4gb mem used which means they can only handle about 5 decent looking avatars in view. Go get phoenix and go clubbing. Out of 60 people maybe 4 are on an LL viewer. Very telling.

  6. leliel Mirihi wrote:

    The GT 240 doesn't have a PCIe power plug which means it gets all its power from the PCIe slot and per the spec it can only draw 75w max.

    Yea I over spec'd because I planned ahead and did not feel like buying another psu when i eventually have to buy a cray super computer psu to run SL with it's 1999 graphics. At minimum you need a 450 based on what users reported on numerous forums. The 300w PSUs nvidia said was minimum resulted in black screen no boot.


    The current beta will not run like Kirstens. Which means it is a total failure.

  7. try making any change to your listing and update. Do not use the SKU. If you need to make sure no numeric digits are in the SKU as this removes it from search. Better to have a blank SKU since it is clearly defective.

    Also, forgive me if you already know, keywords are in a seperate data entry field. Only name, features, and the keywords sections are indexed. Nothing in description can be searched.

  8. I can tell you this. 6 months ago the LL viewer was vastly superior to what it is now.


    What changed? My system didn't. When your customers keep reporting increasingly poor performance of your product then the root is increasingly poor performance of your employees.


    Oh and you are full of it where PSUs are concerned lol. You should read some forums on the topic sometime. I had to buy a 750 to run a 240 and the rest of my computer properly.


  9. Peggy Paperdoll wrote:


    My card cost $175 at Best Buy a year ago.......can be bought on Ebay for under $50 today.  I've never seen a $300 power supply unless it was 2000 watt.  Get real Ann.

    You told the OP to upgrade from a 400 series nvidia card. That puts it at you are recommending a 500+ series GPU. Checked the PSU requirements lately? You have to overspec the PSU or it dies at boot because all the other stuff requires power too.

  10. I use a GT240 and took that pic the other day. All bells and whistles on. Great FPS. The difference is it is a superior viewer that took LL code and has been fixed by a superior developer (Kirsten) that could easily replace the entire LL viewer team and deliver increasingly superior results for a fraction of the cost of the LL viewer team.


    You are telling someone (the OP) a much more recent and more powerful video card that it cannot do what a 240 can do. The difference is LL's viewer is clearly defective and Kirstens viewer is clearly superior.


    Adding: The people trying the latest dev build (FUI Viewer) are reporting even less FPS than ever lmao.


    Oh yea, you are using a 250 and reporting great results (bs) while you tell someone with a much more recent and better card that it cannot do what your 250 can do. amusing.

  11. Umm beg to differ sweetie. The LL viewer used to enable AA just fine. LL has steadily downgraded their code performance over the past 6 months.

    I.e.; I used to have great performance. The only thing that changed was the LL viewer code. Sorry but you can't pass it off on a GPU. LL is degrading the code with every release.

    For instance the LL viewer cannot do this anymore:


    But an old Kirstens viewer can. And it gets great FPS.

    Heck you can't even take a snapshot with the current LL beta lol. The code is broken.

    Expecting people to go buy a $500 GPU and a $300 PSU just to run clearly defective LL code is completely stupid.

  12. New resident signs on, lands in unmoderated LL welcome area, gets derided and verbally abused by those whom LL will not remove, they never come back.

    New resident lands in SL, is confronted with the learning curve that a new UI cannot help, leaves.

    New resident lands in SL, is determined to make a go of it, uses LL viewer and goes to busy club with more than 5 avatars, crashes, crash logger crashes, they never come back for rather obvious reasons.

    I could go on and on. LL needs to allow TPV and RP groups to run the welcome areas and ensure new arrivals are treated properly and are warned to avoid LL public sandboxes. And learn the proper response to mentally ill people is mute and ignore. IMHO

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