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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. June Finistair wrote: Its still messed up. I have viewer 1.23.5. Go to the Advanced menu -- CTRL+ALT+D to get it -- under Character, I think, then the first or second submenu there, uncheck the "Go AFK when Idle". Then relog and see if that fixes it.
  2. It is not unusual for universities, and any business actually, to block SL and other sites that they do not want people to access from their network. It is their network and their security, so it would not be a good idea to try and get around it.
  3. If you go to your Account page and then click the arrow for Land Management to expand that. Clicking My Mainland will show any mainland that you own -- if what you bought was mainland, it will show here. If it shows nothing, then you bought private Estate and you do not truly "own" it. You might have the rights to sell the rental ability to someone else though, so you might be able to recoup what you paid for it. Also, under My Mainland, click Land Use Fees -- if the "Square Meters Owned" shows 0, this also indicates that you did not purchase mainland.
  4. Actually, the number of roles are limited to around 10 I think, so keep that in mind when creating your roles - and people can be assigned multiple roles in order to get all of the abilities you want them to have.
  5. Best I know there is no way to make those settings stick across a relog. As to the ones you aren't sure about, I've no clue, but I've sometimes found answers about other menu items by googling them, so you could try that.
  6. It should be instantaneous. Back when I did it, if you were at your account page and clicked Age Verification again, it would tell you that you already were, but it does not seem to do that anymore. I would say to start the viewer, edit preferences and on the General tab, see if you have the ability to specify that you want access to Adult content.
  7. Jennifur Vultee wrote: As I see it you have three options: A. Do the happy dance and go on a shopping spree. B. IM them and ask, "WTF? You game me money?" C. Return the money assumming it was a mistake. D. Ask what you should do in the forums. E. All of the above. Which of those are the 3 options? *grin
  8. Chev Zane wrote: I agree taking the bed up is the only absolute effective solution. I am still interested in at least trying another one if I can. I guess I'm just lazy. Now that I think about it, maybe just a script to make the bed invisible or to sink it into the ground. I have a beautiful bear rug in my living room by the fireplace, but I don't think it fits the decor for casual times with friends. I modified the menu to give me an option for it to go invisible. I get it back by clickin on that same spot, cuz that is where it really is, and selecting the menu option to become visible again. If you are interested, I'll send you the script/menu mods when I get inworld -- though that won't be for a few hours yet as I am about to head out for some RL evening activities.
  9. Chev Zane wrote: I am still interested in knowing if there is a menu option or device allowing me to see who has accessed the bed menu without using any of the restrictions you mentioned. You could modify the scripts in the bed to notify you (or maintain a list) of everyone that uses the menu, but the bed will definitely need to be modify, you'll need to know a bit about scripting or hire a scripter to do it. From what little I know about scripting, I do not think there is any way for an object to know that another object is being used. Another option - before you leave home or log out, use the menu options to put the bed back to Owner or Group mode. It is easy enough to change it to Anyone when you are entertaining and then revert it back again when you are done entertaining.
  10. Additionally, even though they no longer have a referral program, if you ever did refer anyone when the program still existed and the person now becomes premium, you still get the bonus --- or at least I did, twice now. Though I also think that mine specifically said it was a referral bonus.
  11. Google led me here: http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/Sansara -- and then I just clicked on the links of the different names to get more info, which often gave me more names. There are maps somewhere, but I cannot remember now, off the top of my head. I've perused my bookmarks, but can't seem to find anything.
  12. Found the following in the Second Life Wikia -- that is WIKIA, not WIKI -- no clue what the diff is: Sansara (the original mainland continent, also called 'the southern continent' and 'the old continent') Heterocera to the north (also called Herocero Atoll) Jeogeot to the south Islandia to the east Nautilus to the east of Heterocera Maebaleia, South of Nautilus Corsica, North of Nautilus
  13. Tank Camino wrote: how do i see my altitude using this retarded viewer, does linden purposly make this viewer non-user friendly jeez Part of their idea of giving the user a "more predictable experience" and they also thing that think is more user friendly and more intuitive. I think I'll stick with the 1.23 viewer.
  14. If you are not a premium member, you can BUY an entire island, or you can RENT property on the mainland or on an island. In all cases you can then put your house on it, though sometimes on an island you may be restricted to what type of house you may use.
  15. Group money is paid out once a day, so tonight/tomorrow morning it will pay out. Note that it will pay everyone that has the Pay Liabilities ability, so if this is a group with many people, make sure not everyone has that ability -- which the Everyone role has by default. I saw the part about removing your friends from the group after my initial reply, so you did good there. If you and your alt both have the Pay Liabilities ability, each of you will get half the 80K. FYI for future transactions -- when you set a plot of land for sale, you can choose 'sell to anyone' or 'sell to specific person'. So if you set it to sell specifically to you, you can then set the sale price at L$0 and not have to worry about bots.
  16. Usually you can get old versions of the viewer from the Wiki. I cannot get to the exact link from work, but go to wiki.secondlife.com and maybe search for clients or client versions.
  17. You can use the same email for both or give them different email accounts. They can share payment info or you can specify different payment data for each. In theory, if you go into your account management on the current premium, go to the area for changing membership plans, and select Basic, LL will not actually downgrade you to basic until your next premium payment comes due.
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