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Marigold Devin

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Posts posted by Marigold Devin

  1. 40 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I had a boxer years ago.  He had his ears cropped (not my choice).  He hated going out in the rain until one day, I strapped one of those bucket type hats on him.  Once he got over not liking the hat too much, he didn't mind the rain.  Personally, I hate getting water in my ears so I wondered if that was his issue as well.  Turned out, for him, it was!


    That truly warmed my stone of a heart. That dog dropped lucky getting you for an owner and thinking outside the box. It's not a nice feeling to get water in the ears, that would have been his issue. 

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  2. I popped into the historical build that is The Lost Gardens of Apollo. There is just something about the Bridge to Nowhere that always draws me to it, but every time I visit it seems different somehow. This time it was the region's environmental settings, which were so much more colourful and beautiful. 

    It was deserted when I went. There are so many beautiful cuddle, dance, and social spots, it baffles me why that should be the case.

    https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lost Gardens of Apollo/216/115/72

    temp laugh.jpg

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  3. 17 hours ago, Gopi Passiflora said:

    I don't do much except decorate my parcel and attend parties at clubs. I also wear Halloween themed avatars.

    All I generally do is change my outfit to something more halloween-themed while I go exploring. I don't join in with it massively, not in real life nor in Second Life, but I do like fancy dress, and I'm partial to a decorative gourd or two. It's the only time of the year you can legitimately walk around my home town wielding an axe (albeit a plastic one). 



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  4. Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

    Eww, and then you all get more flies, as well as the smell of dog and cat feces.

    The smell of dog poo and male dog wee is overwhelming at times, and to make matters worse, two of the occupants of the adjoining house are NHS nurses who launder their uniforms and have them hanging on the washing line in the back yard above where the dog mess is. I wish hospitals randomly swabbed uniforms, they might find out the source of some of the infections. 

    Peeve: That hospitals no longer launder staff clothes in-house.

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  5. Just now, Rowan Amore said:

    Mice are ubiquitous just like squirrels and chipmunks.  The neighbor's yard may probably smells more of the cat so the mice avoid it.  Thinking one person's yard is the reason for mice is just silly.  I've been in some pretty spectacular homes that had a mouse or two inside.  


    The local shop does a brisk trade in snap traps apparently, but it used to be fields where our houses currently are. I hate to think how many mice they would be if Bramble and two other feline visitors (and possibly the nocturnal hunters too) didn't frequent the garden. Not impressed though at the amount of feline faeces I have to shift on a daily basis. 

    I suppose I don't have to shift it; the dirty buggers in the adjoining house leave their two massive dogs massive piles of poo to pile up for a week or two at a time. 

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  6. Just now, Rowan Amore said:

    Well fed urban cats will still hunt and kill birds and other small animals but often just leave them at your doorstep.  Kind of like a gift?

    Our indoor cats have caught mice that have somehow gotten into the house.  The one caught one but instead of killing it, dropped it still alive in front of me.  That was fun!

    Our neighbour's cat is very well fed, is as cute as anything when with its owner, comes onto my brother's garden in full predator mode, picks off the mice from the bottom of the garden one by one, eats half, takes half to it's owner, yes as a gift. Unpleasant. Neighbour blames me for having mice in the garden, doesn't say it to my face mind, but it's got back to me via other tittle-tattling neighbours. How bad will it be if I put poison down for the mice and his cat gets poisoned because it's eaten a poisoned mouse? What a quandary. 

    • Sad 2
  7. 10 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    Yes, I had a neighbor cat bite and scratch me when trying to shoo it away from my son when he was young.  While I waited hours in the ER, my husband had to scour the neighborhood to find out whose cat it was and if it was current on it's shots.  I can tell you what kind of dogs all my neighbors have.  Couldn't tell you who.owns the cat.that comes on my porch, though.  

    My brother's adjoining neighbours have two very ugly and barely-trained mutts that they talk baby talk to. One day I heard a stand-in postman swear sharply, and found that one of the "babies" had bitten through two of his fingers. I administered first aid. He's a guitarist in a band (or wants to be), raising money by delivering mail. It was his first week. 

    UK is very different to USA when it comes to feelings about loose cats and dogs, but I can recall my childhood when it was not unusual for dogs to roam loose, which horrifies me now. I'm sure laws restricting cats more will come in, but more because people steal them and kill them because they dislike them. Dogs are more protected in the UK than cats. 

    My brother and I were in his kitchen one lunchtime, and while he was finishing eating, I was washing up at the sink. He suddenly said "I didn't know we had a dog", and I turned round to find a cute shih tzu sitting quietly by his side. There is a field at the back of his house, used mainly as a dog toilet, but is supposed to be a children's play area. Most dog owners pick up after their animals, but some unfortunately do not. There are also signs up saying that dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Sadly this is not adhered to. 

    It's not the dogs and cats that are at fault, it's the owners, of course. Inconsiderate self-centred owners and that spoils things for the majority.


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  8. 7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    That's a shame, innit? When you've got an interest and nobody else talks about it!  Good for you!

    I would like to see more threads about bots, with photos and examples of how useful and fun they are to use. My ex-partner/mentor used to play around with bots, and one chap many years ago allegedly used them as part of an "art installation". 

    I'll wheel this one out again, as I get a mention at the beginning. 



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