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Marigold Devin

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Posts posted by Marigold Devin

  1. 2 hours ago, Amanda Crisp said:

    In RL, I had quite a bit of experience leading Virtual Teams (before COVID) - so that translated well to Club Work in SL and the associated administration. Ditto for dealing w “people” issues. Without being critical or judgy, SL has many folks who are in “Manager” roles in world who have never attempted this in RL, so it was a good opportunity to develop other people WITHIN Second Life.

    So far as things I took OUT of SL, I have been here since 2005 and the whole list would be long.

    I am chronologically of a generation where “not all of us” picked up a depth of computer skills starting in childhood; so there was immediate “room to grow”

    The high points:

    Learning to DJ, I picked up SAM broadcaster, audio editing, learned the fine points of finessing network connections and got a lot of training on the finer points of how to run a playlist abd handle audience engagement. I have since used all that stuff designing multimedia training in my RL Job.

    Learning to help manage a large Roleplay Sim, I picked up a LOT of 3D graphical design and “development of social systems that incorporate contemporary-generation human volunteers” (learning to work across generational cohorts). That has also been transferable to my RL role as trainer and “people developer”

    During this, I made the leap to MacOS so that the “love of my virtual life” and I could be on compatible systems, and THAT has been a SL-driven situation that has benefitted both SL and RL (Logic Pro X kicks butt for audio creation).

    So SL has has beneficial effects on RL for me that *almost* offset the sleep-deprivation all those hours in SL cause.

    But…those hours were spent w my SL Partner, which makes them invaluable.  We have been together since 2005….



    That all sounds very impressive to me, not least being together with your SL partner for all of that time. You've found a lot of benefits being in Second Life, and have put a lot back into it too, which I think was what the creator was hoping for. 

    Sleep deprivation caused by SL sounds familiar - happy memories of me staying online for 14 hours and sometimes an overnight. Don't know how I ever did that now.


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  2. Just now, Persephone Emerald said:

    I wanted to sell land in SL once, but it wasn't selling. I did a spell in SL with a green candle, a "money magnet" (which makes dollar sign particles come toward an avatar or object), and a recited money spell I wrote. The next day the land sold, so I was able to buy a different parcel that I wanted.

    I'm a fan of cosmic ordering. I think your green candle certainly helped with this. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, Theresa Tennyson said:

    There's a difference between finding it difficult to understand emotions and behaving as if they're not important. Some things are harder to learn for some people than others. But that doesn't mean they can't learn something about them.

    I feel sad because I know of a few people out here in real life who haven't been able to learn boundaries or how to get along and they've ended up on their own because so few people can tolerate their behaviour. My ex-boss is one of them.

  4. 3 hours ago, OscarSand said:

    I say this is after a relationship breakdown this week, myself and my alt are now on my ex partners ban list. As this is a public region, anyone entering her region will see my name and my alt together on this list.  To me, this is a form of disclosure as noone else is on it.
    I often wondered why the access and ban lists are open for anyone on the region to view like this. IMO those lists should really only be viewable by the land owner.

    Wish I was able to create a poll on this matter. I'm interested to know what other peoples feelings are towards this.

    I've been on many a banned list and can't say it has ever bothered me over much. I fell out with the owner of a store simply because she had a rule that no chat was allowed in group chat, it was just for her to hand out group notices. Unfortunately I was one of half a dozen who decided to have a conversation on a particular day, and there was no reasoning with her, she chucked us all out of the group and not only banned us from her main store sim, but any land that had an offshoot of her store - and there were about 150 I think at the time - were also instructed to ban us. 

    Generally speaking, I have found that land owners with very long banned lists are usually the problem, rather than those who are on the list. But it's their land and their rules.


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  5. 5 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

    Here's the thing... None of us are born with certain skills that we really need to function in modern society. We're expected to learn how to read, do simple mathematics, use toilets, etc.

    Being able to operate in society without constantly causing offense should be considered one of those skills. I'm not saying that people need to act aggressively fake and "pleasant" or pretend to enjoy things they would rather not do, but people should at least be taught the level of skills necessary to not actively bother people.

    I was watching some TV piece about "gifted" people and they were interviewing one young lady who apparently had spectacular levels of book knowledge. Unfortunately, it was also clear that she was completely incapable of having a conversation without making herself look like an insufferable jerk. Time spent learning that skill may have been more useful than, say, differential equations at her age. And part of that is the responsibility of those responsible for her education growing up.

    Was there a possibility that the gifted young lady with the spectacular level of book knowledge was on the autism spectrum? 

    Struggling with the words I want here, afraid to cause offense. 

  6. 20 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

    ... When you put others on Ignore there is no need to let everyone know you have done so. Let them figure it out on their own.

    If you figure out someone has you on Ignore you can shrug your shoulders and move on - yes even if they take the option to examine one of your posts and heaven forbid react to it. You could also place them on Ignore as well and no longer see their posts as well as opting to no longer be notified of their reactions to your posts.

    I'd say it is beyond time for some to stop acting like children but I'd be addressing several brick walls.

    Generally speaking I agree, but there was just one time when it was necessary for me to tell someone why I was putting them ignore. Second Life brings out the grade schooler in a lot of people, even me sometimes, darn it. 


    temp laugh.jpg

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  7. Just now, BillFletcher said:

    I was a art major in college but when it came close to time to graduate and actually earn a living doing something i chickened out, changed my major to business administration and then spent a couple decades struggling to be successful at something I had no real skill for, I tried to be a teacher and that fell through and eventually ended up doing building maintenance. SL let me be creative and artistic which I should have done from the start. 

    I love this, when you can find your real self in Second Life. I think a lot of people have done so. It can undo the doubts that some of us have had because of real life situations not working out so well. 

    If you enjoy building maintenance more than being a teacher, then you will get the same satisfaction from that as others who started out in building maintenance but who ended up as teachers may have now. Sometimes I think we were too young in our late-teens and 20s to truly know what we wanted to be, and Second Life bring out that inner teen, and that enthusiasm we used to have back then too, to maybe try new things. 

    And this is what I do love about Second Life. 


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  8. 8 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

    I wasn't complaining. I just was describing my life. If I didn't like my current lifestyle, I would change it.
    I have enough organizing and creativity skills to go into both worlds to organize things, be the center of attention. I did that many times for the schools I worked for and the football club where I trained the youth as a hobby in the past. But I prefer my life how it is now, quiet and with a certain distance.
    90%+ of the time at least.

    As I have got older, I have appreciated my own need for solitude and peace. 

    In both worlds! 

    I think this is why I like to be in the forums, because we can dip in and out at will, feel no pressure to respond if we don't want to, can just read and be entertained. 


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  9. Just now, Sid Nagy said:

    My RL isn't really exciting, neither is my SL.
    I'm a loner in both worlds.
    That's me, and I don't mind. I'm pretty good in entertaining myself.

    Well, whether you know it or not, to some of us, you are very important here on the forums. You provide balance and humour, and interesting opinions. Life doesn't have to be exciting. Excitement is overrated. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    I'm pretty much the same person both in and out of SL. There are a couple of minor differences, but nothing overly significant.

    Outside of SL:

    • Goth
    • Love avant-garde fashion (everything from Rick Owens to Afrofuturism - though I still have no earthly idea what Kanye is wearing half the time - what in the...)
    • Artsy/craftsy and love everything fantasy
    • Love learning and find any excuse to do it
    • Way too curious for my own good
    • Listen to all types of music from all over the world but minimal dubstep, industrial, and power noise are favored
    • Fluctuate between wanting to talk to everyone everywhere and the desire to spend whole days by myself
    • Love dancing and find any excuse to do it

     Inside SL:

    • Goth
    • Love avant-garde fashion and wear it often
    • Artsy/craftsy and love everything fantasy
    • Love learning and find any excuse to do it
    • Way too curious for my own good
    • In-world music always off/Spotify, YouTube, or Twitch always on. In-world sound only on by demand.
    • Fluctuate between wanting to talk to everyone everywhere and the desire to spend whole days by myself
    • Love dancing and find any excuse to do it

    Skills in or out:

    In RL, I have no concept of space and can't decorate worth a hot damn. In SL, I spend a good chunk of time decorating spaces for myself and others. SL has not helped much on this front (no skills brought out). I actually think with something like this, I gain more skills from something like The Sims 4, where I can actually build individual rooms and whole homes and decorate with a birds eye view to get a better feel for floor plans.

    In RL, I CAN cook and bake, but doing so might result in setting the kitchen on fire because I'm absolute disaster with zero domestic skills.😂In SL, I'm obsessed with food and often decorate with it - and none of it's burned. No skills brought out (nothing can burn here anyway!).

    I use my RL design skills for SL photography and used to use them when creating product ads, logos, and displays for my stores.

    I did learn how to animate here, though I have zero intention of doing that outside of SL. I much prefer the look and feel of mocap, but have no desire to get into that field. I did once want to work in film and/or games after design proved to be a bust, but in the sound design/scoring arena.

    I have RL music/audio production/engineering/foley skills (self-taught and college), but never needed those in SL.

    Superbly interesting.

    Your avatar is always beautifully made, and I enjoy your photos. I imagine the person behind them to be very avant-garde too and it seems you are. 

    You are very creative. I admire creativity. I am not very creative at all. :/ 

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  11. 10 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    I saw this news story on YouTube and had to share it, because it reminded me so much of living on SL mainland.

    If you have any other video, pictures or stories that are clearly examples of Second Life happening in Real Life, please post them to this thread too.

    I can certainly see why this would remind you of Second Life mainland. It does look ugly, but is a work in progress, and at least all the people in the near neighbourhood should and would (surely they do in this part of the USA what they do in the UK), have been informed of the plans so they could comment or object to them. 

    At least in real life they can't do what someone did to my ex-partner in Second Life, rezz a bunch of warships pointing at the building! 

    • Haha 8
  12. 14 hours ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    Claiming that somebody who DOES NOT WANT random strangers in their home, is AUTOMATICALLY "obnoxious" is one of the most obnoxious things I've ever seen you post.

    Spoken like a TRUE "What's mine is mine AND what's YOURS is MINE too!" enemy of neighbourhood civility.

    Peeve: discovering that not everyone with the same surname as mine in Second Life is going to be pleasant and familial. A particular house-maker was very obnoxious towards me after his security orb booted me for going into the sky on his sim. Fair enough, I shouldn't have been exploring (perhaps), but I hadn't had to use the fly override feature, so thought flying was alright. His security orb kicked me, which I thought was fair enough, but then he, Mr D, felt the need to rant at me for trespassing.

    It won't be a surprise to me if he has gone out of business. Karma gets everyone in the end.

    • Like 8
  13. I'm curious, not at college or school, not doing a survey or anything, just curious. As a resident of Second Life since 2007, every week seemed to have a different theme. Some of those themes overlapped, and one theme even became an inworld paid job for me for a brief spell. 

    In real life I had absolutely no interest in computers, even when some friends had them, and when I left school, I either wanted to be a speech therapist, or a social worker, but wasn't allowed to go to college, so pursued jobs as an office worker for the first few years. By the time I was 20, I had done pretty well, got to the top of the career I had chosen to pursue that was within my limited educational abilities, but none of it involved computers in any shape or form. One of the offices I worked in even produced pages for a newspaper, and it was all done by hand, planned on A3 paper, and sent to a printworks. I was never one for video arcade games, and was probably the last person in the UK to play Space Invaders and Pacman (which I admit I quite enjoyed).
    (Edited to take a lot of waffle out.)

    For some reason though, Second Life hooked me after the first couple of weeks of what I found to be a steep learning curve. I used my real life office background in my inworld job, and I brought my real life moral values in with me.

    Second Life though has taught me a lot.

    But it has made me wonder how many of us residents have lives that resemble our real life more than we realised, or are totally the opposite. In real life I have lived by the sea but am back inland living in my home town. In Second Life I would also flit between living by the sea and ended up living in a really ugly part of the mainland, in a quite ugly basic utilitarian low prim house, but it was home to me. 

    If it's tl;dr, that's fine. Just move along. 

    And if you want to add a favourite recipe for the hot weather days, compare potato salads, that's fine too, but don't forget, some of your posts MUST be Second Life related :D 

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  14. 2 minutes ago, Bazzilla said:

    This makes me think of the days when there was a  counter at the bottom of a website (usually Geocities) that showed how many people visited.

    That reminds me of how we could make forum posts look extra popular back in the day by simply refreshing the page so it looked like more people had read them than actually had. 


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  15. 16 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

    I like scampi :P They're all good, but cod is really expensive now...one of my favourites is whitebait, they're really small fried fish and delicious with lemon or garlic...but they're more restaurant-style, I don't think most chipshops do them. 

    Jellied eels on brown bread are boss :P


    Good job I've always enjoyed canned sardines, although even the price of those has gone up from 35p to 60p during this past year's cost-of-living crisis. Never had them with chips though. Just on toast or on their own straight out of the tin.

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  16. 43 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

    As you know, I'm never wrong, so I don't mind educating you on this. Tea cakes are called barm cakes in South Yorkshire, but not here in West Yorkshire. So you're wrong about them being called 'tea cakes' by northerners. Some northerners, yes, but that's not what you said. I hope that helps :D 

    But I'll pass on what you say to Yorkshire Teacakes - a company that bakes them. I'm sure they'll be delighted that you put them straight lol.

    "Baps" here means something quite different lol.

    Barm cakes possibly in Barnsley, but in other parts of South Yorkshire they're or even breadcakes.

    Just googling Yorkshire teacakes brings up loads of recipes for them ... and they all contain currants 😁

    Baps do indeed mean something quite different. LOL! 

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  17. 21 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:




    Some words really bring out the teenage boy that lives within me.

    But yes, baps, barms, bread cakes. Yes.

    NEVER tea cakes. /me wags finger at Phil. Unless toasted with butter and a pot of tea. The clue's in the name.

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  18. 10 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

    Chip butties are popular here in the UK. You can get them in any fish and chip shop, but not between slices of bread. Tea cakes are used (there are different words here for tea cakes so maybe not even all Brits will know the term). A tea cake is round bread about 1.5" high. They are sliced in two horizontally, buttered, with chips between the slices. At home, normal sliced bread is probably used more than tea cakes.

    About the Emerald viewer and LL checking code:
    Even if LL had checked the Emerald code, they wouldn't have found the skulduggerous bit. Apart from wotsisname, not even the developers knew about it because he compiled the routine without telling anyone what it was. It was brought to light by one of the developers who decided to figure out what it was, and Emerald was banned.

    I never used Emerald but it took until Firestorm before I felt I could trust their viewers, and I only use it for OpenSim because there isn't much in the way of choice.

    Nooooo a tea cake has currants in and you toast it and serve it with butter and have it with a drink of tea. 😜 

    A bread cake is what you described as being a tea cake, but otherwise that is a perfect description of a chip butty.

    I was a fan of Emerald, was accused by a hardcore anti-Emerald person as an Emerald-loving, tree-hugging something or other. I wear that badge with pride. It grieved her enormously when the viewer rose from the ashes as Phoenix/Firestorm. 


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  19. On 9/4/2023 at 8:52 AM, Ted McGregor said:

    The two of you should have these discussions in an INM-compatible shower first, before taking another picture ... :|



    17 hours ago, Ted McGregor said:

    *sigh* ... :|



    21 hours ago, Bagnu said:

    Oops..sorry...I forgot to shower before taking pics with @Leora Greenwoodand @Lunaea Lovelytoo. They didn't notice. Or if they did, they were too polite to say anything.

    I didn't even notice anything other than the cut of the dress and the tattoo on the right hip! "Thanks" for pointing it out.

    Maybe I should have gone to Specsavers (Ohhh but I did!) 😁

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