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Marigold Devin

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Posts posted by Marigold Devin

  1. 6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Peeve: Assuming "knowing what someone's computer room looks like" is code for "we spoke on webcam".


    (Why "Ewwww"? If all you did was "speak" on webcam, then there's no need for a euphemism such as "know what my computer room looks like".)

    I didn't at all read his statement like that. I've seen a couple of people's computer rooms who are on these forums, both males, and there was no webcam or voice involved in either situation. (Am I doing it all wrong?)

    But then when my old boyfriend used to suggest Netflix and chill, I really thought that was what he wanted, and we did actually watch an episode or two of Dirk Gently every time he came over! (But we also had sex. Ewwww TMI tee hee hee).

    • Like 2
  2. 52 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

    Peeve: Forgetting what I was peeved about, but still being peeved.

    That's just gonna drive me up a wall until it comes back to me.

    I'm peeved about time. I took a three day weekend, which is extremely rare for me, and I can't account for it. I have spent hardly any time in world, so I can't blame it on that. I have a pile of books and magazines unread, which I planned to at least have a skim through.

    Where has time gone? 


    • Like 3
  3. 22 hours ago, Bagnu said:

    I first thought the forums were an extension of inworld RP, but I realized they are not that. I've met a few people from here. Only one person was different. They were nice here, and horrible inworld.  

    I'm exactly the same here as I am inworld, except I might be female sometimes.

    That would be me. I am "Marmite" on the forums, but am only ok in very small doses inworld. 

    People might say you're weird. We're ALL flippin' well weird to everybody who doesn't 'get' Second Life. We just have to - like Rolig says - find people who are the same kind as weird as us. 

    It takes all sorts to make a world. 

    At least here on the forums we can have our little disagreements, go off to our corners, and come back after a little bit of thinking time, reason things out. In world it's a bit more instant, less chance to edit and to think, and situations can get blown up out of all proportion far more easily.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, BillFletcher said:

    When I think of the funniest things I have seen in SL two things come to mind,

    The first involved an ex RP romantic interest and a prank someone played on him, I was involved in the prank but didn't initiate it, The prank itself wasn't all that funny but his reaction was.

    The prankster sent him an IM in SL claiming to be from the IRS and telling him he was going to be audited. He got very upset over this, blocked me and the prankster, apparently he actually thought that the IRS might actually use SL to notify him of an audit, He must have been hiding something.

    The second event is more fun. A friend of mine put lots of copies of a mannequins on a platform way up in the sky, set them all to physical, then deleted the platform causing the mannequins to fall in a mannequin rain storm. You all know this person, our own @Marigold Devin

    That was very definitely a "you had to be there moment" - I was lucky not to be banned from the region hahaha. 

    temp laugh.jpg

    I was once banned from someone's land - a friend of a friend - but not before I rezzed "pooping pigeons" that I bought from the Marketplace. I laughed at how the land owner was trying so hard to catch these pigeons, when all he needed to do - he found out later - was find my name against the list of objects and with just one click, they would all have been gone. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    Yes, I could not find an innocent victim so Sandor will have to do:



    One thing:  can I make him stay unconscious longer???  /me examines the script.....

    I wish I could record my real life self laughing, because I am. This has made my day. (Sorry Sandor - and thank you to both for playing the game.)

    Edited to add: How was it for you, Sandor? :D 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  6. Just now, Leora Greenwood said:

    OMG, how sweet are you?  Thank you so much; now I will be hunting some innocent victim to succumb to my evil wiles.........  🤗

    Go see if Sandor's up for it ;) Works on girls as well as boys (obviously) and if I was logged in I would let you practice on me. Tee hee. 

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:


    In Second Life, you may see terrible things. 

    - Things that make you question Right from Wrong.

    - Things that make you question the nature of Reality.

    - Things that make you question "Man's Humanity to Man".


    Don't worry! None of it is real!


    ... but there is the option to click on "Help" at the top of the screen and "Report Abuse", then leave it up to the Linden gods to deal with it and get on with your SLife.


    • Like 4
  8. 5 hours ago, Helen Zenovka said:

    If I  get a TP request from someone I  either don't know or don't know well, I will first do a quick search to see what sort of  place it is. If it's a sex related sim, I'll ignore the request altogether. If it is a private residence I'll politely say no - well,  you wouldn't  go home with a man you had never seen before in RL, would you? Anything else and I'll probably keep the conversation going for a while and try and judge what sort of person I'm talking to. 

    No I absolutely would not, but I'm in Second Life not real life, and look at me now, talking to yet another stranger - you! 

    In turn I have got my revenge on those nasty men/boys who have attempted to take me to somewhere not quite to my taste, and I have sent them a teleport request to meet me, but have teleported directly the moment I have seen them arrive ... in a skybox full of bots. 

    Or I've used a Kiss Me Dead HUD which has rendered their avatar temporarily dead on the ground for 30 seconds, and oh that has been such fun. 

    The things I can do in Second Life that I can't and would never do in real life is very liberating.

    • Like 2
  9. I was looking through some photos yesterday, trying to find funny ones for another thread, but then had a small idea to return to the same location and do a then and now comparison.


    When I owned a small parcel of mainland on this region in 2008, exactly 15 years ago, there were not even any roads or trees, so I built my home and the shop next door to it on a raised foundation, knowing that one day pipework, hardcore, and then tarmac would be put in eventually by the Linden Department of Works. 

    September 2008

    temp 1.jpg

    September 2023

    temp 2.jpg

    September 2008

    temp 3.jpg

    September 2023

    temp 4.jpg

    • Like 7
  10. 10 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    - Do not accept Teleport requests from strangers.

    ALWAYS accept teleport requests from strangers, but remember you can always teleport straight out directly afterwards if the stranger has turned out to be a hideous weirdo.

    Remember too you can block/ignore people.

    You do not have to accept a friend request.

    Everyone's profile has an area on which to write private notes about them, which they cannot see, so if you have a random encounter with someone that you might want to talk to at a later date (or not), it's handy to jot a few notes as an aide memoire.

    Get used to the fact that your avatar is not your real person, and your avatar WILL at one point or another appear to be naked to other residents. IT IS NOT THE REAL YOU that other residents are seeing, so there is no need to feel embarrassed or upset at your apparent nudity.

    Do not feel obliged to respond to anyone's IMs, be they friends or not. True friends will always understand your need to have a few minutes to settle into your session in Second Life, or you may actually have logged in with a purpose and are not available for a chat in that moment. (Use the "busy" option from the top menus is an option.)

    Look at other people's profile picks, which can often contain really good recommendations for places to visit.

    Never feel afraid to initiate a conversation in IM with someone, but do not just say "Hi", instead take an interest in what is on their profile and say something relevant to that person.

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