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Marigold Devin

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Posts posted by Marigold Devin

  1. On 10/2/2023 at 6:01 AM, Stitch Kealoha said:

    Second Life is a GREAT virtual reality game. It's a combination of a great time sink and a great way to meet new people ALL around the world.

    It's no secret that a lot of people who play Second Life try to find their significant other, and Second Life makes bank off land and adult marketing. So expanding the idea of virtual dating wouldn't be a bad idea. However, one of the most common problems everyone faces is distance. For example, for most people in the United States, it would probably be more interesting to chat with someone 20 to 40 miles from you. Rather than talking to some troll in Europe. ((I mean the game has survived for 15+ years with this mindset too!))

    However, this game has been out for 15+ years, and instead of continuing to meet ONLY people all around the world. Wouldn't it be interesting if there was an option to see who plays Second Life near you? Dating apps like Kippo already have this feature with no negative impact and I was wondering could second life add it.

    Basically, Second Life could just put in an option for players who WISH to share their state & city. ((THIS DOES NOT MEAN GIVING OUT YOUR FULL ADDRESS;  It would basically be like other dating apps)) then just add a search option for people who play 20-50 miles from you.

    Anyway, this is just food for thought...


    I'm coming into this thread rather late, so some of this may have been said already. There are groups in Second Life, not dating-specific, for people from their home areas to talk in and then to potentially meet up in real life.

    Anyone can create a group if their home area hasn't got one.

    I really hate this idea though. I regretted very much joining a group from my home town, got a few random people contacting me, and all I could hear were jingle jangle warning bells. One in particular was adamant we should meet up. No. Not enough of a foundation to feel safe enough to do that. 

    On the flipside, I meet a lot of people out walking their dogs where I live and inevitably have got to know a fair few of them. One of them was asking me what I liked to do in my spare time, we got talking about computer stuff, and it turned out he was also a resident of Second Life, although was not able to log in currently because his computer wasn't of a high enough specification. 

    I'm not a fan of dating apps anyway, and always believe if we're meant to meet our soulmate we'll do it more organically, although I accept online dating does seem to have worked out for a few people.

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  2. 2 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

    Don't forget to do an overring right after they leave, and keep track of how much to take out of the drawer when you count it down.


    Strangely I was thinking about a woman who worked in my nearest local shop. I think she's had to cut down the number of holidays she was taking since the place (surprise, surprise) closed down! Her sleight of hand was phenominominal) 

  3. 13 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

    Peeve: People who use an avatar icon to pretend to be a different ethnicity on the forums than they are in RL.

    I assume most of us are human, so I don't mind if folks use an animal avatar or icon. Gender is kind of fluid, so I don't care what gender their avatar or icon appears to be. Pretending to be a different ethnicity seems wrong to me, though.

    I've woken up on the wrong side of the bed today I think. :/ 

    Am I guilty of this? 

    These are both me. 

    In my defence, Your Honour, I don't roleplay with the other avatar/alt. I'm still me behind the keyboard, and just go quietly shopping with her sometimes. I just sometimes get fed up of being a pasty faced ginger. 🙃😁


    temp laugh.jpg

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  4. 31 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    I'd love to be able to do that in my supermarket, and I expect @Marigold Devin would too.  But we can't.  Now if those who could do it but don't, well, there's no changing some people.

    I'm lucky enough to be fit and active, but sadly my brother had a stroke at the age of 45, and at first I wasn't able to leave him so getting shopping delivered was absolutely essential. 

    If I'm buying 2 x 2L of milk, a 16 pack of loo rolls, potatoes, canned goods, there is just no way I'm lugging that on public transport. That would be ridiculous.


    I will add in a peeve here though, as is my right.

    Peeve: When I actually am doing something "modern", ie ordering online the bulk of my shopping, when otherwise I have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and someone always has to be the clever arse and put me down about it.

    It's NOT big, it's NOT clever, and let those who live in glass houses cast the first stones!!!!! 

    Such superior beings, humans, the sooner the whole race dies out the better.

    • Sad 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

    MY local grocery store offers this really cool service.

    It's called "Collect from Shelf".

    You go to the store, pick the groceries off the shelf, take them to the checkout, and pay for them, then go home.

    No need to book an appointment at all, so easy to use!


    Yeah, I do that too for bits and pieces.

    The bigger bulkier stuff gets delivered.

    Best of both worlds.

    And why not - it is the 21st century after all and life should be easier not more complicated.

    Shouldn't it?


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  6. 1 minute ago, Rowan Amore said:

    During Covid, one of the Giant Eagle grocery stores near me switched to delivery only.  The waiting list was huge, I guess.  They still offer delivery and curb side pickup at almost all grocery stores around here.  People are willing to pay for that option.

    During covid some of us regular customers found it almost impossible to bag a delivery slot. We'd be waiting at midnight for the next ones to be made available. To me, those delivery drivers and supermarket front liners were as much heroes during the pandemic as our NHS workers. They certainly worked their little socks off, bless them all. 

    • Like 7
  7. Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

    Someone care to share with us Yanks what a "Santa Slot" is (some kind of "free groceries for the Holidays"?), what the "Big Day" is, etc.?



    A Santa Slot unfortunately isn't free groceries for Christmas, it's just a timetable of available delivery slots that the major supermarkets in the UK open up a few weeks earlier than normal. We can usually book supermarket deliveries two or three weeks in advance. Nearer to Christmas (aka The Big Day), supermarkets all compete to get the customers first, as a lot of people spend far too much, especially on booze which makes the supermarkets more money of course. 

    The supermarkets try and lure us in with special offers on tins of chocolates (Peeve: that tins of chocolates have shrunk, or certainly the quantity within has.), or do a 3 for 2 on toys, and then we might be persuaded to buy all our Christmas shopping from them. 

    It's madness I tell you, utter madness. 


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  8. 1 minute ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

    I booked mine a few days ago.  I've learned to keep my eyes peeled this time of year and get hold of one the day they open.  Then I can forget about it until the week before. :) 

    I know people who book for three or four different supermarkets and then drop all but one a couple of days before The Big Day. Emails like this though incite panic-buying madness. I want no part of it. 

    • Like 2
  9. 41 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

    And since my computer room has become a matter of discussion, here's a pic of a bit of it. In all it's glory LOL. The printed pics on the right are of my "Toy" AV, which was for a project I never had a chance to finish. 


    Organised chaos, and I have some of that for sure right here where I'm sitting at my living room table. I always seem to be crawling about at the back of something electronic plugging wires in and out. Switch boxes are very useful. 

    Peeve: That I can't easily dispose of an old style monitor so it's cluttering up a corner. 

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  10. 1 minute ago, Istelathis said:

    Peeve: I don't have a computer room, on the plus side though I have a laptop so I don't really need one.  Still, it would be pretty nice to have a room just for computers, one computer to locally host GPT,  another for  image generation, one for OpenSim, then I could have a section for retro computers, and then just one for general use such as web surfing and playing games with.  I guess I would like to add yet another though, to stream movies and games from.

    I find myself in need of more computers to do all of the things I want to do, and a room to put them all in.  Still, I am pretty happy with what this old computer can accomplish, even though it is a bit slow at it.

    I don't have a computer room either, but I tend to call the back bedroom at my brother's house the computer room, because that's where I escape to some of the time when I'm there. My brother calls it something less cool - the granny flat :D - but really it's just the room where everything gets chucked, so it should really be called the junk room. 

    I've seen some pretty nice set-ups, with multiple screens and devices with whirring fans that sound like they are about to take off. I get scared with loud noises, can't even use a cooker hood because of it. Mission control would be wasted on me. I like things simple. On. Off. Up. Down. Left. Right.

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