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Marigold Devin

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Posts posted by Marigold Devin

  1. Another peeve: Why is the media making such a big deal about Russell Brand (Who? - was married to Katie Perry for a brief spell, but generally a British comedian/TV presenter, always off his face on something more than just being high on life.) Apparently he is under fire because of the way he has treated women in the past, Channel 4 have just dropped all his programmes. 

    Women who go out with Russell Brand know what he is like already because he is such a high-profile person here. What on earth were they expecting? 

    • Like 3
  2. Many years ago I knew a Yuo Rang. His personality matched his name.


    Edited to add: I just looked and found his profile is on my.secondlife.com, and his biography is cute/quirky.



    _.:*~*:.Life is like a tin of sardines.:*~*:._
    .:*~*:._ all of us looking for a key _.:*~*:.
    .:*~*:._ who holds yours? _.:*~*:.


    What I wrote on his profile notes:

    5.3.08 He was on my land at Missing Beckett. Just standing there quietly. We talked. He had randomly channel hopped in and was consulting with the World Map.
    We talked of bots, and green dots (stacks) and everything. He has quite a mind - or smokes dope! Speaks fast, loves SL. Said "if ever a day goes by and I don't find something that makes me go "wow" then I will leave SL".


    I've never spoken to him since, but he must have made an impact to have come back into my mind all these years later.

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  3. Mine too, is an oldbie, from 2008, and because I haven't logged in with him much since around that time, and can't even find the log in details for him, here is the only photo I can find of him currently. 


    temp laugh.jpg

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Ted McGregor said:

    I got scars, wearing satanic clothes, i play 'Creep' on  my guitar, I smoke ...

    Wth ?  How much bigger does my sig need to be ? :|


    Toooooo funny.

    I feel like putting it to the vote. 


    (and I do know who you are)


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  5. 2 hours ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

    Sausage is on the list of available names, I can imagine some people going for: Hotdog, Bierwurst, Currywurst, Bratwurst, Bockwurst, Weisswurst, Cumberland, Pork, Lorne, Cocktail, Wiener etc 

    Sausage - oh the possiblities are endless

    Ivor Sausage

    Ivorbig Sausage

    Tuchmi Sausage

    PippiLong Sausage

    Floppy Sausage

    I shan't go on



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