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Caitlin Tobias

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Posts posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Caitlin Tobias wrote:


    Consider it a challenge accepted and I will give you the link, or post a pic in here, when I've done it!

    Excellent! I shall be extremely interested to see what your focus will be; there are so many emotionally evocative elements of the song and video that I would find it difficult to predict what might affect your muse.

    Well, thanks to my ever patient Male Alt (aka: Malt), here you go: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/A-song-in-a-picture/td-p/2913807

  2. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Caitlin Tobias wrote:


    I often get inspired by youtube-clips and find it a fun pasttime to try to recreate the looks of artists or depict the feeling of a song or a quote, not always a success but that's fine!

    That sounds like an idea for a continuing thread, along the lines of "Challenge Caity".

    How about this as inspiration?

    Consider it a challenge accepted and I will give you the link, or post a pic in here, when I've done it!

  3. Dillon Levenque wrote:

    I mourn the passing of Terry Pratchett also.

    Interesting subject. I would guess a great many people have done things in SL that were inspired by their readings elsewhere, even if it was nothing more than wearing an avatar/outfit that was designed with a fictional character in mind. I like the way Second Life lets us do things like that.

    In a way quite a bit less creative than yours (as evidenced by that picture) I have done things in SL inspired by, in my case, mostly books. I once did, or started, a sort of photo-story thread on the Forum and drew most of my own contributions  from all the espionage fiction I'd devoured when I was younger. I think I managed to drag ideas or scenarios from every single author I'd ever read in there. I even used some television material, giving my character an attitude like this guy's: Straight ahead, all the time.





    Edited because I forgot to include the picture.

    I , too, think lots of people get inspired by the things they love, be it books, music or anything -  which makes sense because obviously you enjoy those!

    Personally I use a lot of songs and music when I make pictures in SL - except for my landscape images and photo's of art installations I visit - and lately I found I really like the Fantasy-like pics. Yes, because of the books I read but of course also because it is so easy nowadays in SL to get wonderful fantasy clothing and accessoires. For those pics, the fantasy ones, I also learned myself some postprocessing - also something I never did, it makes no sense to post-process or Photoshop a landscape for a showcase, it would not be fair - and found I love to play with those softwares as well. Half the fun of a pic for me is the post-processing which happens outside of SL :).

    I often get inspired by youtube-clips and find it a fun pasttime to try to recreate the looks of artists or depict the feeling of a song or a quote, not always a success but that's fine!

  4. Pamela Galli wrote:

    Caitlin Tobias wrote:

    Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    AliciaMarieJames wrote:

    I give up... I just give up :smileysad:

    I think this more than anything is the cause for your loneliness. 

    If you ask a question and get quite a few serious helpful responses and ignore them and give up, you will always be lonely. I was very lonely for a long time. One day I decided to open the map and randomly teleport to places. After about an hour of this, and saving LM for some beautiful places, I came across a sim that was full of people that were just chatting away. They were very welcoming and i am still part of that group many years later.  If you can not even crack your wallflower shell or allow others to try, you will forever be alone.

    I am with Drake on this one. It seem Alicia chooses to be lonely and also likes to show it that way.

    The 'I give up' in this thread demonstrates it. I, for one, would by now not even want to meet her anymore. Drama in the making.

    Also, people who come here to announce their difficulty making friends almost invariably have profiles that would make sure no one would ever want to be friends with them. 



    You made me look her up. The pick about depression was enough.


    (No I dont hate ppl with depressions, and I do consider it serious, I just cannot deal with it well, that is my personal choice, no offense).

  5. ...., perhaps it wouldn't. But then again, what does?”  ~Terry Pratchett - Guards! Guards!


    I got introduced to Discworld by my friend Ratt and became a fan. Today Sir Terry Pratchett left our world, a wonderful author of fantasy, his books inspired me to do fantasy pictures in SL (although they do not depict any of his works). A loss yes, but there will always be his stories !


    Do you have an author, artist, singer, movie or whatever that inspired you to do something with it in Second Life?


  6. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote:

    Are the 1-star reviews thsat say "
    ". or "
    " or "

    Because I don't know what they didn't like, l which means I can't fix it! 

    As a shopper, I do not take those kind of reviews serious at all, as they make no sense. Not for the creator and not for the shopper.



  7. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    AliciaMarieJames wrote:

    I give up... I just give up :smileysad:

    I think this more than anything is the cause for your loneliness. 

    If you ask a question and get quite a few serious helpful responses and ignore them and give up, you will always be lonely. I was very lonely for a long time. One day I decided to open the map and randomly teleport to places. After about an hour of this, and saving LM for some beautiful places, I came across a sim that was full of people that were just chatting away. They were very welcoming and i am still part of that group many years later.  If you can not even crack your wallflower shell or allow others to try, you will forever be alone.

    I am with Drake on this one. It seem Alicia chooses to be lonely and also likes to show it that way.

    The 'I give up' in this thread demonstrates it. I, for one, would by now not even want to meet her anymore. Drama in the making.

  8. IvanTwin Rogers wrote:

    Hello again

    In the server Sandbox Weapon Testing and others public server I found that,

    With my time and my experience I have found a series of irregularities from many people to make illegal money and embezzle to Linden Labs making use of illegal acts to obtain benefits and money by exploiting the resources of our world of second life

    so they do I'll give you a real example

    ""lela"" ,last time that i explain the reasons and btw who is dench- who is nigras and who is laGondola Pirma? we are those clusters guys and we earn money with trarffic! you guys log in and you are forced to log off again" log in ... log off again! we are using players just to make traffic! that is all! nothing more guys! did you get that now?""'Lela´ you know, the funny thing is that i do not play the game sir.

    other real example

    sin_nombre-- I am controlling it while using you and your alts, sir.

    sin_nombre-- just for money - sir that is the game here

    sin_nombre---some of us are not playing sl. you know?

    sin-nombre-- we are making profits with traffic

    sin-nombre-- that is the game - that is sl. sir.

    sin-nombre--everytime the cluster sims are crashing or someone is using attacks we earn money - linden want that traffic. you do not know why - right?.

    sin-nombre-- it is not good if the cluster sims are filled or unscripted. that stop the behaviors of the players. that is a problem to us, sir

    sin-nombre--every Poop i let go on your avi is a little bit of traffic. you see? it is not good if WT is filled nor unscripted. sir

    the players has people crash Weapon Test server to make money from people having to login all the time at the same time

    to much inescrupulos people has making money from making people log all the time.

    some objects created due an error, to test the client in navigator.

    because of this not play peacefully and enjoy many places in Second Life because of this problem, whenever if you see a crash sever thats is because somebody are doing with this for to make a illegal money and this affects the world

    note i dont mention a names because is ilegal post a names in the forums, but if somebody ask to me i can tell the names of this horrible group. one of the servers most vulnerable are the sandbox especially weapon test sanbox.


    Well well well......welcome back?

    Do you still ride that huge white, high, horse of you with all the protest signs attached  to grief ..errr....welcome... everyone in the the welcome areas or are you now just sticking to sandboxes?




  9. redfox12 wrote:

    Hi everybody, I currently have a job that I just started in SL and I just wanted to know how much everyone else is making on here. So please can you tell me how much lindens you make weekly and how are you making your lindens. Also what's the best way to make lindens. Is it starting your own business? 

    I tried to make Lindens with prims first, that went well. But then they introduced mesh and materials and I find it too hard to make mesh, good looking,  dollars, so I gave up on that and now just use Amex.

  10. michellew90 wrote:

    Alwin Alcott wrote:

    nothing? hard to contact?


     sounds to me you didn't even do it, or at least didn't give any chance to answer, give it a few days, not everybody is inworld every day.

    I tried contact with her a few days ago when she was online, so please, don't judge me.


    Thank you 
    Ariel Vuissent, that was very helpful. I didn't test it in demo and it was my bad. 







    The Marketplace description says very clearly it does not have nipples on the skin, but oh well. All you would need now is the right breasts and you are sorted.

  11. Pamela Galli wrote:

    My new house looks much nicer with Advanced Lighting on. I know AL it can slow down lower-powered computers, so I try to make things look nice without it.  But with this house, a shame not to see it with AL on. 

    However, I don't get the impression that a high percentage of users have it on. 


    Do you have it on or off?  Say so here or use this survey (easier to collate data)  


    I will post results, for those who care.

    All the time. I 'live' my SL by default in high or ultra graphics so AL is always enabled (without DoF, that is for pics only) and I love stuff - buildings and decor mostly, clothes can look weird -  that is made with materials!


  12. Richtea57 wrote:

    The individual wiggles and wobbles of chewy caramel of every single Curly Wurly are spot-welded together by angelic faced and raggedy-arsed urchins snatched by child catchers from the streets of Bournville. The chocolate is painted on by a group of gifted squirrels from Milton Keynes.

    In Elizabethan times trouser legs used to be called Davenports, after Henry Davenport who invented the left leg to compliment the already existing right leg. As an accidental by product of left leg invention, he could also be credited with inventing raambling.

    Smith and Wesson were the pseudonyms of Gilbert and Sullivan, which is why, in the director's cut of 'Dirty Harry', in a tribute to the Magnum 44's makers you see Clint, immediately after the, 'Do you feel lucky' soliloquy, carry on in his husky whisper;

    'For I am called Buttercup. Dear little Buttercup. Though Icould never tell why. But I'm still called Buttercup. Dear little Buttercup. Sweet little Buttercup I. Punk' 

    I never knew all of this. Thank you for ..well, filling my last braincells with this knowledge.

  13. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    I spent a lot of my time this weekend looking my wife vacuuming.

    I was trying to watch sport on the TV at the time.

    Is it normal for a carpet to need cleaning for four hours a day?

    Mhm..well I don't have carpets in my house, its all tiled floors and floorheating...but yah, I can imagine when sports is on TV  in some marriages that would be the perfect time to vacuum carpets for hours, as...what else is there to do?




  14. Devlin Davis wrote:

    It was a pretty slow weekend for me with a mix of RL and SL but none the less fun.

    Friday night: Enjoyed a peaceful night hanging with friends in second life, going shopping, and taking longs walks in the beach (okay last one didn't happen).  Followed by a triple date movie in SL watching "Birdman" at my house which was not what i expected, but not at all a bad movie.

    Saturday Morning and Afternoon was spent in real life.  Went out to lunch with some friends, then took a nap until like 5pm slt 

    Saturday Evening, it was a simple night hanging with friends at a sim underconstruction and talking up to like 5am in the morning

    Sunday Morning/Afternoon, i watched a movie irl, "The Lazerus Effect" it was def an interesting movie, but wouldn't call it the best movie.  

    Sunday Evening, had a picnic in SL, then heard Harry sing live at a vegas venue (in SL), and then ended the night watching another movie  at my house with my significant other.


    Sounds like a well spent and balanced weekend to me!

    I have been clubbing in SL on Friday, but had to go to bed on a somewhat decent time as I had to work all Saturday. Saturday night I went to some clubs and a party and Sunday I, after doing some rl-work, did some pics, chatted with friends and listened to music in SL while writing some rl-stuff :)

  15. valerie Inshan wrote:

    *waves at Caitlin*

    The weekend is coming to its end but here's how I spent it...

    Saturday afternoon:


    Saturday evening : restaurant with friends then zzzzzz

    Sunday morning:


    And my plan for this afternoon is.... 


    Very much RL as you can see.
    I'd rather keep SL for the boring working hours during the week!

    Ooh, really? You are in SL during work?

    While I could, easily even since I am self employed, I simply do not have the time for that...so I  always look forward to my free-time to enjoy SL.

  16. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    I used to live by the sea.

    I had to get up about ten times a night to pee.

    This is why my mute/block list in SL consists mostly of all fountains, waterfalls and other sounds of running water......

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