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Caitlin Tobias

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Posts posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. valerie Inshan wrote:

    Maybe the OP is worried about his Mom discovering he belongs to a bunch of BDSM/gang bang/zoophilia/etc. groups.

    Groups can indeed be hidden:

    Group visibility in your profile

    By default, others can see the groups to which you belong in your profile.

    To hide a group so that it does not appear in your profile:
    1. Choose 
       or right-click on yourself and choose 
      My Groups
    2. Click the group you want to hide 
    3. Click 
      Group Profile
    4. Deselect 
      Show in my profile
    5. Click 

    I think OP already did that and is now worried someone has  a program to find out what groups he has hidden.

    I doubt such a program exists and think he is worrying for nothing but someone must be laughing their *** off.

  2. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Pamela Galli wrote:

    Looks up at forum name...


    ETA (Which used to be General Discussion.)

    I have decided to treat threads which should be in GD as if they WERE in GD, whatever forum they might have been placed.

    [Especially if it attracts more constructive attention from Lindens,
    especially grumpy ones!]

    I thought this was a real GD topic, as OP was vague, half ranting and not really asking a question. Though it would have been better on a friday.

  3. Coventina Dalgleish wrote:

    If you desire to be ruthed for 5 to 10 minutes I suppose after 15 years in developement you still have not figured out how to test releases before slapping them on the users


    Again demonstrating that you have no real concern how this functions


    AND no it is not my hardware as the only thing I could do to improve it would be change the processor to a 4790k and maybe spend 600 bucks for the next step up in Nvid


    Things never seem to improve at the Lab

    Funny, how I am using the LL viewer and do not have that issue. Of course it is not your hardware! It never is!



  4. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    Caitlin Tobias wrote:

    LlazarusLlong wrote:

    1. Note that all socks have at last one hole in them; this is necessary so that you can put your foot inside them.

    2. A second, smaller, accidentally developed hole at the other end from the larger, intentionally created hole will move from right to left if the sock is turned inside out, as can often be the case when more mature wearers remove it, as it is too  much of a strain to bend over far enough to slide the sock off without turning it inside out, and mature wearers with poorer eyesight will not notice that the sock is inside out, especially if the "all black socks" strategy (discussed in a previous statistically orientated thread regarding the likelihood of selecting a matching pair in the dark when hungover) is in place.

    3. An alternative solution may be that your big toe is actually situated in the middle of your five toes, and that you are a throwback to the missing link between dinosaurs and primates.


    Sheesh LLaz, I thought I fixed my sight when I finally had to cave in and got myself reading glasses (after some time thinking the whole internet got Depth of Field and blaming everyone and his dog to use fine prints on packages, let alone the fact lightbulbs are not what they used to be and: my arms got too short!!) and now I have these expensive specs and you start typing in kermit-the-evil-frog-green, making me think I need another pair of glasses?!

    It's not Kermit Green, it's Emerald Green.

    I am celebrating the other Welsh Patron Saint's Day.

    Ah. I will try my rose tinted glasses for today then :P

  5. LlazarusLlong wrote:

    1. Note that all socks have at last one hole in them; this is necessary so that you can put your foot inside them.

    2. A second, smaller, accidentally developed hole at the other end from the larger, intentionally created hole will move from right to left if the sock is turned inside out, as can often be the case when more mature wearers remove it, as it is too  much of a strain to bend over far enough to slide the sock off without turning it inside out, and mature wearers with poorer eyesight will not notice that the sock is inside out, especially if the "all black socks" strategy (discussed in a previous statistically orientated thread regarding the likelihood of selecting a matching pair in the dark when hungover) is in place.

    3. An alternative solution may be that your big toe is actually situated in the middle of your five toes, and that you are a throwback to the missing link between dinosaurs and primates.


    Sheesh LLaz, I thought I fixed my sight when I finally had to cave in and got myself reading glasses (after some time thinking the whole internet got Depth of Field and blaming everyone and his dog to use fine prints on packages, let alone the fact lightbulbs are not what they used to be and: my arms got too short!!) and now I have these expensive specs and you start typing in kermit-the-evil-frog-green, making me think I need another pair of glasses?!

  6. Perrie Juran wrote:

    What exactly does the notification say?

    And should you see the Governor, please post a screen shot.  It's been ages since she was last seen.

    I saw her a few weeks ago in the Portals for the Realms, where lots of new residents go to.


    I suspect OP has landed there and got offered the game-HUD for the LR, but yeah a screenshot with the actual notification would help.

  7. DapperMuis wrote:

    Hi I have a question can you get a translator that works when you talk to someone in IM?


    At the moment I have to do it the long way around and when doing so, those around me must think I have lost my marbles talking to myself.  For what I do now is copy and paste what the person has said in IM into my chat box, making sure my translator is on.  Then read the enlish version.  Type my response in chat, copy the Translation and paste it in to IM.  This is teadious and frustrating.  Surly there is a better way of doing it?

    As an ESL'er, my first language is Dutch, I have learned the past years (and years..and years....) online, that it is best for conversations to not use translators at all.

    Either speak the language of the person you speak to, or just don't.


    This may sound harsh, but I have given up on people using web-translators that gharrwables their text into some Medieval/South African/Flemish/Dutch, leaving me totally confused and cross-eyed (while they thought they made sense) or me trying to talk back - at a point to where talking to my kitchen table gives better responses.






  8. jonhnnyroleplay wrote:

    This arguement never dies...Intel-Nvidia vs Amd-Radeon. I only go by facts. Here is the best deal to date (3/13/15) on a great AMD card:

    In this price range you can not get any Nvidia card even close to the performance of this one. Two of my pc services' customers have just placed an order for this one along with power supply upgrade.  Intel CPUs (processors) rule; due to fact they are faster, use less electricity and have come down in price. On other hand, IF you are good overclocker can make AMD CPUs run as fast, BUT you'll use more electricity & usually run hotter.  It is just the opposite when it comes to whose best in graphics cards. AMD-Radeon cards are still faster, run cooler and cost ALOT less. Intel-Nvidia are gaining ground on them, but have a ways to go.
    As for the "myths" about AMD-Radeon driver issues
    please checkout some of my other posts where I go into step by step on WIndows AND Ubuntu-Linux AMD-Radeon driver installations.  Here is set of graphics card rules (ex. 256 bit) to go by:

    1- Need a 64 bit operating system (OS)

    2- At least 4 gig of OS RAM

    3- Your processor (CPU) needs to at least Intel i3 or 3rd generation (LGA 1155 socket) or higher Intel dual core Celeron( tight budget)...Intel & AMD quadcores, six cores, etc work better (Intel is faster)

    4- LL/SL does not currently offer a 64 bit viewer, but two 3 rd parties do...Singularity & Phonenix Firestorm do and work far better than "official" SL viewer does!

    5- *DECENT* name brand power supply like Antec Neo Eco series or Thermaltake of at least 600 watts with a single +12v rail.

    FYI I run an AMD-Radeon 256 bit card on a Linux OS...smooth as glass...in past I ran AMD-Radeon on Windows (coughs) ....still was smooth as glass (card was lol)  If you want Nvidia then go for it, but I always want most bang for my buck!  I'd be cautious of "benchmarks" since they only use one or two total pc combination of components. If you want a more accurate rating check out newegg.com & amazon.com (coughs) reviews...see what is good and bad posted by people who are using them. Some of those "benchmark" sites tend to lean toward company(s) who give them the most free stuff too! Have fun~~~




    Well we got an expert here , right?


    The 'myths' are not myths, but they happen. The issues with AMD giving crap due to their drivers,  with rigged mesh specifically,  are known and true. Not will all cards, not with all machines, but they happen. Every day. Not with Nvidia.


    You cannot just bluntly state that Firestorm or any other viewer is better than LL's. It is personal AND it depends on your machine and card and all that, for instance I run a 64 bits machine with Nvidia card perfect on the LL Viewer and cannot use Firestorm for longer than 10 minutes before I crash or even blue screen.

    Singularity I can do, but I loathe the V1 interface (pie menu, eek, blegh but: personal !)


    I would advise the OP to do some research, google and read and make his own decision when he has read it all.

  9. So, tonight I was enjoying the music at Franks, dancing and in meanwhile doing some photoshopping, when I heard my IM sound. I hoped it was a nice man to ask me for a dance, but this is how the conversation went (I had never met this person before, and have removed his name for obvious reasons):

    [15:56] Stranger : hello
    [15:56] Stranger: hope u are doin well
    [15:57] Stranger: i live in city of tulips too
    [15:57] Stranger: it is callled anemon here
    [16:00] Caitlin Tobias: well that's nice :)
    [16:01] Stranger: Tulips were stolen from us before first world war
    [16:01] Stranger: orgin of tulips is Turkey
    [16:01] Stranger: maybe u dont know?
    [16:02] Caitlin Tobias: Yes I know that, but I wouldn't call it stealing...I am sorry?


    I am unsure if I got trolled or godwinned, but this is one of the weirdest conversation starters I have had.
    (Yes, I am glad he brought up the Tulips, I am aware - with the Dutch history - it could have been worse!).

    Oh and he left.


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