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Ima Rang

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Everything posted by Ima Rang

  1. Storm Clarence wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Void Singer wrote: you aren't a troll, just an attention whore. Attention whoring is so last year :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Is trolling the new black? It might be the new red.
  2. Sy Beck wrote: Ima Rang wrote: And...I do not live in the basement! :smileyvery-happy: Of course not. Trolls don't live in basements, they dwell or lurk. :smileywink: Ok...well...as long as we are all clear on that :smileytongue:
  3. Void Singer wrote: supposedly, you should only say good of the dead... they're dead, good. (cribbed from Bette Davis) sorry, just had to =X @Jumpy: you aren't a troll, just an attention whore. Attention whoring is so last year :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  4. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Don't take any of his rants serious. This is just his newest attempt at shutting up people who make him feel funny because he feels threatend by (or perhaps attracted to in some cases, as this study suggests) their sexual orientation, gender identity, or neuro-atypicality. It's the equivalent of a scared little boy hiding under a blanket to avoid seeing anything threatening. And at the same time, it's an attempt to deny us our identity by forbidding us to publicly define and identify ourselves, which is right on topic imho. PS: I just saw that he has shown his true ugly face in his last comment. Now that everyone has seen him for the pathetic hateful creature that he is, can we please just ignore him? Thanks. His last post really pisses me off, but yes, you are right, he will have to dine on his own defecation. I don't mind feeding the amusing trolls, but I will not feed the virtual hate crime trolls.
  5. Deltango Vale wrote: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-14907590 There really should be a name, other than troll, for his type. Sighs, there is no respect for the dead anymore :smileysad:
  6. Sy Beck wrote: May I humbly suggest "Trolling a Troll Season"? There must be some recognised troll out there who sadly is coming to the end of their cynical and sardonic days and as of last season their performance has sharply declined against other nastier and rising trolls and therefore needs to be put out to pastures fora new, culled, but never out to stud. Maybe they were spotted passing an unexpected compliment somewhere, their ISP is coincidentally the same as the owner of the website, "Dress me in a tutu, spank me and call me Susan" or they incomprehensibly missed a 30 page thread titled, "Fluffy things and why we should be all really nice to each other" . There would be two options to take with such offender depending on their species classification. Catalyst Troll. def. Highly antagonistic, able to offend a large population within minutes of posting, shows signs of intelligent life, engenders fierce debate and attracts the most reticent of posters to post. Although obnoxious this troll clearly provides a vital function to many fora to stop them from going moribund, agreeing common consensus and forcing an intellectual response. Therefore, they should be nurtured back to full ill health by a long extended period of exposure to hippies, care bears, socialists and be subjected to a daily litany of "You're one of us now!" delivered by an assorted congregation of religious zealots, people in nice sensible clothing, representatives of the Illuminati and the Justin Bieber Fan Club. Within weeks said troll will see blood dripping from every "REPLY" button and fulmination and venom levels should return to wholly unacceptable levels once more. Basement Troll. def. Illuminated only by the ghostly light of a LCD screen, predatory, likes to single out a particular target as its prey, relentless in its main-ban-alt-ban-alt-ban-alt system of hunting, is immune to the interventions of others and appears to have no known raison d'etre except to inflict the most amount of stress on another person as it can unreasonably apply. Obviously this troll's time of reckoning has come and the blade of the Community Sword of Smite & Retribution should be as blunt or as sharp as required. Depending on information acquired no taboo should be left untouched with this person, brain and/or **bleep** size should be ridiculed, the Urban Dictionary should be fully utilised alongside l33t speek for all applicable insults and do not forget an obligatory EPIC FAIL pic, preferably with an Emo included. Feel no pity, as unaccountably, even though these people have never engaged in the mechanics of the gene pool their kind have developed a non-genetic system of reproduction and as one fades away into internet obscurity another will inevitably replace the basement void that they have left. OMG...I have missed you....welcome back :matte-motes-inlove: And...I do not live in the basement! :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Dogboat Taurog wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Dogboat Taurog wrote: Melita Magic wrote: She said she had it, not that it defines her completely. No need to be this rude, Dogboat. there are people dying in africa and im sure they are a tad unhappy too. i've known a few self labelers, the majority are spoilt kids. You need to pull your head out of your ass, you have apparently depleted your oxygen supply again and assumed the role of your **bleep**. my upbringing was different to yours. i lost my parents and only brother and frankly i'm pretty tough. self pity and self labeling irritates me I'm sorry for your losses. Having a condition is not a form of self-pity. Just like having a **bleep** does not necessitate that you act like one. telling strangers on line is an obvious sign of self pity. im not a "bleep" as you put it, i had to go through a lot and i dont have time for self pitying people who dont know how lucky they are. and invent problems. we all get moody. If you did not indeed have time for self-pity, you would not have, at any point, have utilized "i lost my parents and only brother" in any reply. It is a pity statement intended to evoke a sympathy that prevents individuals from holding you responsible for your less than stellar behavior.
  8. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Dogboat Taurog wrote: Melita Magic wrote: She said she had it, not that it defines her completely. No need to be this rude, Dogboat. there are people dying in africa and im sure they are a tad unhappy too. i've known a few self labelers, the majority are spoilt kids. You need to pull your head out of your ass, you have apparently depleted your oxygen supply again and assumed the role of your **bleep**. my upbringing was different to yours. i lost my parents and only brother and frankly i'm pretty tough. self pity and self labeling irritates me I'm sorry for your losses. Having a condition is not a form of self-pity. Just like having a **bleep** does not necessitate that you act like one.
  9. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Melita Magic wrote: She said she had it, not that it defines her completely. No need to be this rude, Dogboat. there are people dying in africa and im sure they are a tad unhappy too. i've known a few self labelers, the majority are spoilt kids. You need to pull your head out of your ass, you have apparently depleted your oxygen supply again and assumed the role of your **bleep**.
  10. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Ima, I judge the merits of a person's sensitivities and ability to empathize according to how well they demonstrate those qualities, rather than prejudge them merely because they are called one thing in RL, and another in SL. I've known men who were among the most intelligent and sensitive feminists I've ever met; I've known women whose lack of empathy for the plight of other women was appalling. It's one's performance, not one's labels, that interest me. Understood. While I may be able to empathize and demonstrate my ability to emapathize (perform) via an "imagination" of what it must be like to suffer through the plights of others, the very real and pertinent fact is, I will still have absolutely no real idea what it is like to actually "live" through the plight itself. This blogger wanted RL acceptance from a community "living" through the plights because through his avatar, he could "imagination" the plights. Blech! Anyway, the discussion will probably progress better for those who are not familiar with the actual post in question. I will look forward to reading said progression.
  11. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Sweet is the lore which Nature brings; Our meddling intellect Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:-- We murder to dissect. (William Wordsworth) It is no exaggeration to say that that one of the most contentious and long-seated debates within the Second Life community has centred on the nature of identity, and in particular, sexual identity. Of late something of a new chapter in this ongoing discussion has been opened on a number of Second Life related forums and blogs, with regard to the related issues of self-definition and “sexual politics.” Who decides who is “transgendered” in Second Life? Or who is “gay,” “lesbian,” “bisexual,” “queer,” or (for that matter) “cisgendered” or “straight”? The origins of the debate lie in the assertion, made by a well-known SL blogger, that he is “transgendered” because he represents as a male, while being biologically female in RL. To this, some have responded that only those who are transgendered in RL merit this name. So, what’s in a name? Well, a great deal actually. The power inherent in “naming” others, and in so doing, defining and asserting control over who or what they “are,” has long been recognized. The archetype of this power appears in Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis, when Adam asserts his dominion over God’s Creation by naming the animals, and his power over woman by naming Eve. Human culture has applied this same lesson with all too much effectiveness: our racist, patriarchal, and heterosexist societies have always established their hegemony by “naming” the “other,” and defining them in this way: “barbarian,” “the gentle sex,” “homosexual,” to name only the least offensive of these, have been terms employed to pin those on the margins of power down, identifying and establishing them as both inferiors, and potential threats. In our own century, we have seen totalitarian regimes the world over similarly “name” their enemies, dehumanizing them in the process so as to make it morally more palatable to eliminate them. Our own democratic states are not immune to such linguistic manoeuvres: how often has our own military adventurism resulted in “collateral damage,” rather than the less marketable broken and bleeding civilian bodies that are the true legacy of war? And this is how we “murder to dissect”: we impose, analyze, define, delimit, and ultimately deprive of choice, power, and even humanity all that we would categorize. The oft-cited old advertising slogan of Second Life – “Your World, Your Imagination,” successfully captured the essence of the power of this virtual world, to permit one to construct one’s own reality here. That power extends particularly over our identities, and our ability to represent here as whatever we choose. The key word here may be “represent,” for we establish who we are here through both visual self-presentation and, ultimately, language. This is why names and labels are so important in Second Life: here, in contradistinction to “real life,” we can name ourselves, and make of ourselves what we wish. And to accede to the demands of others who would label us as they might wish – in compliance with our RL identities, or in line with their own presumptions about gender and sexual identity – is to surrender our right to choose who we are for ourselves. So, if someone represents themselves as female in SL, even if it is known that she is biologically male in RL, she is owed the right to have that confirmed by use of the female pronouns “she” or “her.” If someone else believes that he or she is “transgendered” because of how he or she represents, he or she is similarly owed that right. This is more than a mere courtesy: it is an acknowledgement of his or her right to “name” and therefore define herself or himself. Second Wave Feminism once argued that “the personal is political”: that understanding and ultimately asserting control over one’s own life and identity was as important, in its own way, as fighting the big battles in the political arena. And, in fact, sometimes the big battles are won through the cumulative effect of small or local victories. Be personal, and be political. Your name is who you are; don’t let others decide that for you. As it relates to the blogger in question and the context of the assertion...making a mountain of a molehill. For many years I had no idea the RL gender of said blogger and referred to him as he visually appeared. This was not out of respect so much as it was what comes natural when nothing other than a visual cue is presented. It makes no difference to me if male or female persons depict themselves as redassed baboons...but please don't tell me that you have the ability to emotionally and intellectually experience life and any associated plights, as a redassed baboon simply because you depict yourself as one. IMO, it is disrespectful to redassed baboons. The context of the bloggers assertion was "I'm not transgenered in RL but I play one in SL, so I deserve the respect and understanding, and perhaps even an extension of a sort of kinship and acceptance from the RL T-Gen Community because of my cartoon choice." Do those who depict as animals wish to be referred to as "it" until such time that they convey the sex of their chosen animal? Is it disrespectful when intellectually you know there is a RL human being behind the depicted animal to call them an "it"?
  12. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Ooooh, that TV stuff. I don't do TV anymore so I guess I'm missing all the fun. Maybe I should cut to the chase and get my butt over the Walmart. It is my sincere hope that your butt would not fit over the Walmart:smileyvery-happy:
  13. Once you go to voice, the end user receives the information with your content and therefore, they can record. As long as one person (in this case them) has knowledge that the conversation is being recorded, it is legal. However, them reselling it is not legal without your consent. This does create another problem though and that is the cost to litigate. LL will not do anything as it will require evidence to a court and that cost money...lots'o money. When I represented Jenna Jameson in world we had to go after a few creators who where selling her voice in world as gestures. We had great cooperation and where able to work with them easily but it still took our legal team and in the end, the cost outweighed any potential damage.
  14. Void Singer wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Jacki Silverfall wrote: Now your just showing off. I don't find it applicable at all. Laying off the rum and diet coke might help though. This happens to my sisters everytime she drinks. OMG! I thought you knew me better than that! I would never, even under extreme duress, mix rum with a foul substance like diet coke! I'm up for a good troll, by have you no shame woman???:smileyvery-happy: that would be a true sacrilege... topics? how about the ridiculous and inappropriate use of "gate" I'm sorry, according to the Grammar thread currently underway, I have to reject your topic as you gave no consideration to puctuation prior to depressing the post publish thingamajig. It is Grammargate 2011 :matte-motes-tongue:
  15. Storm Clarence wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Ima Rang wrote: I'm up for a good roll, by have you no shame woman? FIFY. I have no shame either. You are fantasizing about me again, aren't you? I had nothing on under that barrel...you derendered it didn't you? You are a tough woman to shake. I figure if you can't beat 'em, roll 'em. That's how I roll, anyway. That is just an outright lie. I even posted a video of all of my fancy parts shaking.
  16. Storm Clarence wrote: I don't think Ima looks like that. I sure don't! I have blue eyes!
  17. Unused Anus is just OMG funny.:smileyvery-happy:
  18. Storm Clarence wrote: Ima Rang wrote: I'm up for a good roll, by have you no shame woman? FIFY. I have no shame either. You are fantasizing about me again, aren't you? I had nothing on under that barrel...you derendered it didn't you?
  19. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Trolling by posting a subject on trolling...now there you have a novel approach....LOL Wha? Me, trolling...:smileywink:
  20. Jacki Silverfall wrote: Now your just showing off. I don't find it applicable at all. Laying off the rum and diet coke might help though. This happens to my sisters everytime she drinks. OMG! I thought you knew me better than that! I would never, even under extreme duress, mix rum with a foul substance like diet coke! I'm up for a good troll, by have you no shame woman???:smileyvery-happy:
  21. Jacki Silverfall wrote: I'll be looking forward to Meshgate 2011 as it is new and a fresh topic to troll! :smileymad: /me pulls the snuggie up close and smells wood burning in the air along with hints of hot chocolate. ummmm can't wait for the big words. :smileytongue: Oh well then let me not disappoint! Here is a big word to get you primed: Logorrhoea. Very applicable and most definitely sounds as though an ointment, if not a penicillin shot is in order.
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: I am feeling that cold and dreary, too, Ima. I just put on my down slippers! There was a notice posted a day or so ago in the Phoenix/Firestorm Support Group debunking a rumor that started in the group that LL would begin deleting avatars that had not been inworld in the last 60 days. That one made me chuckle. Thank goodness that was just a rumor. I can't handle the pressure of being present for a mandatory SL roll call...or role call :smileyvery-happy:
  23. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: JLU () I think Prok may have adopted that topic for the winter :smileyvery-happy:
  24. Storm Clarence wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Ah, it is a cold and dreary day here in the Mid-Atlantic. It's a beautiful day in NYC. I think all days are beautiful. I'm very fond of a cold, rainy day...especially on a weekend day as it is like permission to be a lazy slug and camp out on the forums.
  25. Ah, it is a cold and dreary day here in the Mid-Atlantic. Soon the days will seem short again, and the frosty air will compel us to don our snuggies and spend countless hours with our laptops and PC's that our friends and enemies live in! How exciting! I see a few of the Troll breeds have already selected their targets and are soaking them in a salty brine before they bring the flame. Over achievers. I can't wait to see the creative use of vocabulary, that often sounds like something that needs a medicated cream, but is usually just an obscure reference to mean "you bring shame to all carbon based life forms." My hopes are not as high for this season...moderation escalation, and of course, the loss of our most beloved Pedant Troll. I can't even imagine what subjects are left to Troll. BDSM has been beat all to hell. No pun. Child avatars, well, that dead horse was kicked all the way to the glue factory... I think we need a good old fashioned debate concerning the overwhelming sense of entitlement that is so often displayed by the voluntary users of the LL service...Grid and bear it! What subjects are you looking forward to as we enter Trollgate 2011?
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