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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. Zog Ozsvar wrote: Hi all, Im a re-newbie, back in SL after another of my extended absences. As ever all the places and people I knew have gone so I thought Id say "hi" here and find some names to look out for next Im wandering around in SL. A/Z Welcome back to second life *meows*
  2. Tark Hancroft wrote: It's a dreary dreary day.. but I thought I'd poke my head in and say hello to all you Second Lifians.. Hello, all you Second Lifians. :smileyvery-happy: Hiya Tark .... hellooooooo .... *meows*
  3. Prokofy Neva wrote: It used to be a big problem with the old Mentors system (and among the reasons it was disbanded -- primarily there was the fact that the system simply did not help to retain newbies, and proved to be a refuge for those helping as a form of vanity or sales promotion). More than once I personally caught these Mentors who were allegedly out there to help newbies friending the newbies to chat them up and get them to come to stores, and slinging them a folder of landmarks all of their friends' stores. I myself got Shanghaied to a store to spend my scarce stipend dollars when I was new (in those days there were no outfits in the library except a few really ridiculous ones). I was fixing things up in the Moth Temple today and I heard this woman arrive and fly around the sim crying "Anyone want a cheap place to live?" and friending people. I'm all for hustling for sales and for a free market. It seems the friendship card is really debased, however, when it becomes a means merely to try to make a sale, chat somebody up and teleport them to a store. I think this is still an on-going issue on the info hubs, not only done by volunteer mentors but by shopowners themselves .... ofcourse who am I not to agree on this, entrepreneurship should be awarded not demotivated ... business is business after all *meows*
  4. Without 'disagreements' our lives would be boring....*meows*
  5. I am not a pro DJ, but do stream my own music @home for my closest friends .... this is one of my most favorite pics *meows*
  6. Wicked Galaxy wrote: Great thread... but here's a silly question.. how do you get your avi to actually smile? I know there are some makeups/skins that do this, but I love mine just as it is, so is there a way to just make my avi smile? I am clueless on this one I must admit. thanks, Wiki ty Wicked .... well I was just testing a new Jacuzzi and some poses made my avatar smile .... perfect moment to take a shot *meows*
  7. Ringworm In Cats??? ... *meows* (/me runs to the vet, oh noooo)
  8. Merely friends sucked me into this digital fantasy platform end '05, I was addicted in minutes, meanwhile to date my friends left and I stayed LOL. Wildcat was born in september '07 and she is still my main avatar... *meows*
  9. woot, congrats Venus and Storm .... *meows*
  10. rotpaulette Carter wrote: Question pouvant etre indiscrete:smileyhappy: Comment gagnez vous votre vie sur SL? Je suis riche, très riche, aucun besoin de travailler .....:smileyvery-happy: ...... *meows* --||-
  11. Torley Linden wrote: Venus, big thumbs-up for green eyeshadow too. It's woefully underused! But I figure, if it's good enough for Kristen Bell of Veronica Mars fame, it's good enough for me! So, HERE'S MY SMILE hehe Torley, your SMILE looks amazing ..... *meows*
  12. Marianne Little wrote: blond or brunette, what do you prefer? beautiful pictures Marianne .....*meows*
  13. Poenald Palen wrote: I keep pondering this. The clothes are so unrealistically tight (for some styles, but obviously not all. We must all see people who look like their clothes where painted on them now and then LOL) that they sort of are like.Ell.."In SSL this is fun to see, but man that would look wierd in RL that tight!" and others simply look almost like muscular people with tailored clothes...sort of. So I mean, the next question is....do you feel like all you need to do is work out and build some muscle and start gettinig tailored clothes or maybe there is no hope to look like some of the avis that are sort of more normal than doll looking? 'Normal' does not mean anything specific about style, I mean about the way the whole stuff looks and not even to much realism is needed to aid your imagination in how the clothes would fit etc. I know my bone structure etc. Is not there, but still....I wonder if people really are shooting to make their av look like a muscular or toned person with fitted clothing and might actually do this look in real life, or at least dream or wish to in the future! Do you think it could inspire people to work out? It doesn't seem to remind me though, I am not a huge looks improver (sort of no hope LOL) and do try to walk around and such for the health benifit of it all. Tailored clothes? I don't shy away from all DIY and we must know at least one person in our town who knows how to alter clothes, right? So.... Does your avatar (or others avis) make you feel like improving your own personal looks, buying fashions, working out, or getting altered/tailored clothing? If you simply don't want to put a person answer in here, any thought are welcome so you can keep your own personal life out of this LOL. Please excuse retarded spelling errors, the spell checker has only grey buttons....zero text...yes, I got mixed up and don't care so much as this is understandable enough I think lol. my avatar and me have the same taste about 'fashion' and 'lifestyle' ..... I tend to look more in real life for 'fashion' I am wearing in sl. The funny thing about second life is that u can simulate your style or ideas on your avatar first, prior than going to a real life shop, at least I have already some ideas of how I want to look and what I need to buy. *meows*
  14. Venus Petrov wrote: I really dislike the 'smilers' however in the spirit of this thread, I hauled out my mystitool and made Venus smile. (eek) lovely picture Venus *meows*
  15. Storm Clarence wrote: I only smile when I am with my family so this is the only photo I have available: haha Storm .... *meows*
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: Wildcat Furse wrote: Oh, I love my blogger's desk .... *meows* Wow, your desk is so neat compared to my messy one! Very nice photo Wildcat! :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  17. supercat wildcat *meows*
  18. Ishtara wrote: I always look like an elf, but I have a fantasy role-play avatar too. This is my Drow look: I am amazed to see this picture, sooo beautiful and would perfectly suit for future second life marketing purposes *meows*
  19. The action pics should follow shortly after I attacked the first sims with my noob army .... *meows*
  20. Keli Kyrie wrote: Linden Lab has created Ranks for us to better understand the roles we play in the community. Some people like the Official Ranks others do not. So here is my question: Is there room to create new roles? Here are some that I thought might be helpful. Feel free to add to this list. Are there others that I somehow missed? yes, the NEKO & FURRY rank, <PAWS POWA> *meows*
  21. Darren Scorpio wrote: oh, thanks Darren, was just going to post this one, the lyrics of this song are just amazing, same like the vid *meows* All along the western front People line up to receive. She got the power in her hands To shock you like you won't believe. Saw her in the amazon With the voltage running through her skin Standing there with nothing on She's gonna teach me how to swim Ooh girl Shock me like an electric eel Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel Ooh girl Shock me like an electric eel Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel All along the eastern shore Put your circuits in the sea This is what the world is for Making electricity You can feel it in your mind Oh you can do it all the time Plug it in and change the world You are my electric girl. Ooh girl Shock me like an electric eel Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel Ooh girl Shock me like an electric eel Baby girl Turn me on with your electric feel Do what you feel now Electric feel now Do what you feel now Electric feel now Do what you feel now Electric feel now Do what you feel now Electric feel now Do what you feel now Electric feel now *meows*
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