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Pamela Galli

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Posts posted by Pamela Galli

  1. I don't have any idea about who is on my friends list because I have notifications turned off and never pay attention to the list.

    I do not understand anything about SLum except that I turned it off.  I think.

    I just got a new iMac (my MacPro was less than 2 yrs old) and this one (finally!) kicks @ss in SL even when I have a bunch of graphics programs open all the time.


  2. Yes, when they just bought a new thing, and didn't get it, they need to get it fast. And if they just want a footprint of a house or something, then at least they will hear from me fast that I will send it when I log in and that makes them happy AND tells them about the type of service they can expect.


    I just went on vacation (to lovely chilly San Francisco) and handled all my customers service through email on my iPad -- I only logged in briefly (on a dinky laptop) so that as many of my IMs as possible would not cap (and would get into the IM log).  I put the IM log in Dropbox so whichever computer I am on, the messages get logged there.

  3. Janelle Darkstone wrote:

    Maryanne Solo wrote:

    It's probably that "bad side of town" attitude lol.


    'If you love someone, set them free'.  :smileywink:  Plus it gave Janelle another chance at a first impression.

    The "bad side of town" thing is being worked into the storyline when we all
    .  I wandered around Pamela's store last night and was blown away at how amazing her stuff looked... and it'd be very difficult to claim they all live in a house with barbed wire on the outside when everything inside looks so
    .  :smileytongue:

    Hey I have a bunch of grungy/stained fabric/wallpaper and wood I can slap on anything and make it look ratty. :matte-motes-sunglasses-2:

  4. Of course the more ways you can get them to contact you the better -- how do you get all your clientele to send both?  I would be happy if they just consistently sent the one I prefer.

  5. Maryanne Solo wrote:


    Janelle just comes along and nails it straight off the bat. Awesome \o/ It's probably that "bad side of town" attitude lol.

    Thank you so much Janelle, brilliantly creative, intruiging and simply wonderful! :smileyvery-happy:

    This! Now I am emotionally involved with the characters :matte-motes-inlove:

  6. Aili Panthar wrote:

    I would not involve customer service/tech support in this in any case, because I think it would only slow things down. A polite notecard to the seller always has cleared up failed deliveries for me. Imagine if every time some noob doesn't receive his freenis from the Marketplace they go bother Linden Lab about it. :matte-motes-sarcasm:

    As for IM's vs notecards, I check my email about once a month so that wouldn't work for me, and most businesspeople in SL seem to prefer notecards from what I've seen.

    I think the main issue here is that a lot of people don't know how the Marketplace works and don't realize it is subject to lag, region restarts, script timeout, etc. When they don't get their item they immediately assume they are being ripped off and use the reviews to vent their frustrations. The person who left me a 1-star review bought the item, didn't receive it, so they bought it again. Never contacted me by notecard or IM - not even to yell at me, then left a nasty review. I ended up giving her a full refund for both purchases and sending her the item for free. What really threw me for a loop is this person is a seller on the Martketplace herself so she should know better.

    On Xstreet/SL Exchange, the policy was that ALL delivery problems were to be reported to and handled by them, not the merchant -- because they wanted that information to know the level of failed deliveries AND also they kept track of "serial" misdelivery reporters.

  7. Lyra Blackthorne wrote:

    I have my im's sent to email...and I still request people send me a notecard and an im, I use my email notifications as a heads up to look for the customers note.  I do it so can provide better service to my clients.  Here are some of my reasons:
    • It is easier for me to organize service issues by having all the information inworld where I am actually going to provide the help
    • I keep the notecards so I can see if there is an ongoing problem
    • People seem to ramble in im's but, when they do a notecard the it seems to help clarify the thought process somehow and I can much better understand an issue that was not so understandable in the im's they sent
    • Some people do not put their entire issue in one im...they will send 6 one sentence im's making the use of email to understand the complete problem even harder


    The rambling in IM is a good reason for notecards.For me, not good enough to not specify IMs but still a big one.

    I think the most important benefit of IMs, besides being able to handle problems without logging in, is that I can type their name in search on my computer and see what other conversations we may have had (I remember convos but not names). Also, when I receive an IM inworld, any previous conversations are shown in the IM, so I have a context.


    @ Mickey -- you are right that the more IMs you get the more they will be capped.  You will still get the IM to email, but the IM will not appear inworld if it is capped. It will not go to the IM log.But you will have the email record.

    What I usually do to see if I have had any previous contact, is type the name in my computer search and it will tell me if I have had communication from the person logged as an IM and/OR as an email.


    There are advantages and disadvantages either way, just depends on what is most important/aggravating to you.  And in any case, whatever preference you specify, it will be ignored by some.



  8. What's so appealing about them is that the avis seem so natural, in a way they never are in SL.

    Janelle, should you ever want to turn your skills into a career, you could make books like this -- something entirely new. Since I am an ex-teacher, I am thinking children's books (think Alice in Wonderland*), but of course you could go in any direction. Think of all the amazing settings in SL you could use!

    (If you ever need anything in my store for your settings, say the word and they are yours.)

     *but with Zombies.

  9. Janelle Darkstone wrote:

    Thank you, and you're absolutely right... I've been conflicted about uploading such huge images to this thread (derail!) so often for the few wonderful people who have said they like them, there's probably a dozen more that'd wish I'd shut the hell up and stop posting them.  Gotta be realistic.  :smileywink:

    But yes, I've been thinking of alternatives.  I'll finish off the current story arc (once I can get Marigold to stand on one of my pose stands for an hour or so) and go from there.

    BTW did not mean a blog instead of here, but both -- so they will all be easily accessible in one place for those who don't keep up with the forum. :matte-motes-smile:

  10. Josh Susanto wrote:


    But since I'm no longer trying to pay off an MA degree by pushing fries for The Clown, I'm about as unworried as I could possibly be about money I might not earn Second Life while my fellow voters finally start getting their come-uppance and find themselves lying in the bed they made me lie in for 20 years.

    Wait -- I made you lie in some bed for 20 yrs?

  11. Yes those are just two of several things someone ought to know before posting a review.

    It is just not right that we are being held accountable for things we have no control over -- that our sales are being affected by people who do not know what reviews are for and/or do not know how to contact a merchant and/or do not know what merchants are and are not responsible for.

    How hard would it be to put a notice in a little box? It would save countless hours and grief for merchants and customers, and not penalize our sales for something we did not do wrong.



  12. I have Vacation Mode on -- every email receives an automatic message reiterating what my profile says: give me a detailed description of the problem/question and the name of the item, and if you sent a notecard, I cannot read it and it may get lost. Sometimes they respond with the requested info, sometimes not. But cuts down a bit on the time I spend playing 20 questions to figure out how to help them.


  13. Dakota, it would be simple enough to put some kind of info up when someone starts a review, stating something to the effect that:

    * reviews should not involve delivery problems, as these are not done by the merchant

    * merchants should not be negatively rated for customer service if the customer has never contacted them


    These things are only fair. A merchant should only be held responsible for what he has control over; we can't control deliveries and we can't handle customer problems if they do not contact us.  It is not right to be negatively reviewed for things we have not done wrong.


  14. I get friend requests all the time, esp while I am not inworld, and I finally realized that these are from those ppl who do not understand that they CAN send me a message whether I am inworld or not and I will not only get it but reply (even tho my entire profile is devoted to making this point).

    Noooo they can only speak to me in real time -- IMs are like the telephone. My response is no good unless it is in real time. So if they friend me they will know when I am online and can pounce the minute I log in.

  15. There is one excellent reason for notecards that a merchant pointed out:

    You will never get a notecard that says:






    "r u there"


    And much less likely to get one that says:


    "I have a problem with a thing I bought from you."


    Nevertheless if I ever start a new business it will be called No Notecards Please and my avi name will be NoNoteCards Resident.

  16. I hate notecards.  My sole business goal now is to not receive them. I don't care about selling things anymore. I just don't want to receive notecards.


    PS I have never had IMs to email cap, but I have had notecards not make it to inventory (and they are often named "New Note" or even more helpfully "Pamela Galli".)

  17. Posting a review is not the correct way to contact a merchant about a perceived problem!

    As we speak I have a one-star review written by a non-English speaker who did not read the notecard and did not contact me about a simple thing.

    It is not correct for customers to use a review as first contact of the merchant -- and NO they do not always change the review after the merchant contacts them and fixes whatever they thing is wrong.It is hard to believe that these reviewers have not discovered IMs as a way of contacting people in SL.


    * Since it can be verified that there has been no IM contact before the review report, these should also fall into the category of reviews that are deleted.

    * Since we don't get emails about reviews anymore, a review can sit there for quite a long time before we discover it, which makes it a very poor choice of means of communicating with a merchant and should be discouraged.

  18. Melita Magic wrote:

    The best way to cause a recession or even a depression is to tell someone there is one. Everyone stops spending, no one can keep up with their bills, people get laid off, people lose their homes, and back to everyone stops spending, and around and around it goes.

    IF people would realize that they had as much money now as before...provided they are still working, of course.

    Telling ourselves everything is okay, and continuing to spend money we (Americans) do not have, has brought us to the point of nearly defaulting. We have been kicking this can down the road for decades, and can kick it no longer. People are already being laid off, have already lost their homes (many of which they could not afford in the first place), and unable to pay their bills.

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