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Pamela Galli

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Posts posted by Pamela Galli

  1. Yes, they are allowed in search Candace -- scroll down a bit and you will find some other threads that discuss the odd search results, which apparently some of us see and some of us don't -- Brooke commented on this, but I don't know if they fixed it or not, or whether it has reappeared.


    I don't look at search results much but I do look at my storefront, and lately the default sort there has been pretty bizarre.

  2. I would just like to make clear my purpose in making this thread, which is not to question moderators' judgment in determining when a post is over the line, according to the guidelines I linked above.

    I don't have any problem with the individual posts that are being pulled -- either they are over the line or close enough that it is clear to me why they were pulled -- but my opinion is really beside the point, which is that unless the whole thread violates guidelines, it is best to just delete offending posts or lock the thread.


  3. Peewee Musytari wrote:Its a fine line between moderation & censorship and I think the mods have made great progress in the right direction compared to when these forums opened. I hope they aren`t slipping back to censorship just because its sometimes easier than keeping an eye on a sensitive thread that could keep getting derailied.

    Yes, no doubt it is much easier and faster to pull an entire thread than individual posts.

    Your statement above raises the question for me, how are moderation and censorship different -- is one a subset of the other or are they fundamentally different?

    This pretty much sums up LL moderation policy: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Participation_Guidelines -- it is strict but fair and really not very limiting IMO. Once I know where the lines are in a forum I know how to stay inside them.

  4. I won't go into specifics because I don't know if even in a thread here it is permissible to discuss thread deletions, so I will speak in general terms:

    I am talking about, say, a perfectly nice thread that gets derailed and goes downhill. Why not delete the derails, and then maybe lock the thread?

    Or a thread that, say, discusses the positive and negative points of a particular forum (mostly positive), but has a few nasty posts. Why not just delete the nasty ones.

    Frankly it's not that big a deal to me -- given the choice between having threads I am in the middle of reading yanked, or having them deteriorate into something really nasty, I will take the former, and I can certainly see why LL would prefer it that way too. It's really not that hard to get ones point across, whatever that may be, and still color within the lines.




  5. I appreciate that the mods are on the ball now and determined not to let the forums deteriorate into a slugfest. That is a very worthy goal, as many of us like to read discussion and news without having to slog through flame wars in progress, or feel like posting is like stepping into a minefield.

    But I am alarmed that whole threads get pulled rather than just offending posts. That comes across as excessively totalitarian censorship, which will choke the life out of a forum as quickly as weak moderation.

    Will the powers that be please consider pulling offending posts in a thread rather than the entire thread, when there is something of value in much of the thread?

    Thank you!

  6. Perrie Juran wrote:

    It is quieter, more peaceful here.

    I don't know the number of unique posters here compared to the old GDF. 

    But I do feel the overall quality of the active posting community has, for lack of a better word, improved.

    Some people have been censored (banned) and some people have chose to censor themselves.

    Adult topics do get discussed.  Lively debate does happen.  But what is gone for the most part is the endless flaming of those who mistake anarchy for freedom.

    Some people might find the absence of the flame wars boring. 

    If someone flames in the Forums now they will get censored. 

    If all someone wants to do is stir up a ruckus they will get censored.

    If you abide by the rules here you can still have fun and good discussion. 

    Do I think that sometimes it is a little too strict here?  Yes.

    But I still enjoy it here.  Overall, when people do disagree, the active participants still stay respectful of one another.  Showing respect for another persons point of view isn't just given lip service.  So topics are discussed with more intelligence and less emotional vitriol.

    If someone prefers emotional vitriol there are other places that they are free to take it.  It's just not allowed here.  If someone finds that boring, why should it be my problem.  What is wrong with me having a place that I don't have to deal with it?  I deal with enough B.S. in 1st Life.  I really don't want more of it here.

    for whatever my two cents are worth

    Excellent post -- a good synopsis and answered some questions for me.  Agree with all of it, particularly the bolded part.

    I think I have about as good an idea as anyone around about what is out there in the way of SL-oriented forums, and this place at this time beats the hell out of anything else.

  7. Cato Badger wrote:

    Not OVERmoderation but moderation that meant that even if you obeyed the Guidelines ad TOS your posts could still be deleted. Many posters felt that it was a waste of time composing constructive coherent rational or even humorous posts if they were going to get taken down because one person or a mod felt oversensitive that day. Some of us still do.

    Thanks, and I see what you mean. :matte-motes-sour:


    We had the same problem in Commerce and it drove a lot off. Thought they had found a pretty good moderation level but now am wondering. Nothing ruins a  forum off like either too much or too little moderation.

  8. kattatonia Wickentower wrote:

    Hi Ima!  Nice to see you!  I dunno what's going on (love that song though). I miss the old jive forum as well.  But time marches on and this lithium forum is all we've got. Those that are still boycotting are both missed and missing out. I wish Tolya would come back


    I have been wondering -- did something happen to cause ppl to boycott or was it something like the over moderation in general?

  9. I used to peek in here once in a while from my hangout in Commerce, but I had no scorecard and had no clue what the flame wars were about, so I never posted much.

    Now, I notice that a lot of the old regular posters are gone and I don't know why. A lot of merchant posters are gone from the Merchant forum,  too.


    Things are not very rancorous now, but there are plenty of ppl who are interesting and witty (without, for the most part, being mean-spirited)  -- we just need more of them.

  10. Yes, LL is doing a CYA -- it knows it is wrong to resell things, but unless it is IP theft and not just a EULA violation, in the past they have done nothing. I would be delighted if they intend to do something in the future.

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