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Pamela Galli

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Posts posted by Pamela Galli

  1. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote:

    I guess I'll respond to the original post.  I enjoyed the old forum .  I enjoy the new forum.  It is different, misses out on some of the eccentric personalities and seems to be a work in progress, but many of the posts and posters are still lively and colorful. 

    If what you are after is drama, the trolling and flaming still goes on.  If what you are after is 'being right', there are still plenty of people here to call you an idiot or accuse you of being brain damaged.  If you have forgotten the difference between a fact and an opinion, someone will be here to remind you.  If you get your jollies derailing threads, you can still do that.  If judging others based on your own morals makes you feel superior, go for it.  If you want to be hyper-sensitive to every dissenting comment, that is your right.  If jumping at obvious baiting is your thing, someone will dangle a carrot in front of you and pop some popcorn.  If the need to defend yourself outweighs the need to allow others their opinions, you have found a home here.  In fact, if you feel your opinion is more right than mine, please feel free to let me know. 

    Is it perfect?  No.  Is anything in life perfect?  Probably not.  I think the current forum is what each of us makes it.  We all have the power to respond or not.  Each of us finds different things fun.  Even the ones who like to complain still return to do it over and over again.

    I enjoyed the old forum .  I enjoy the new forum.

    This is not only the most brilliant post I have seen anywhere in a long time, but one of the funniest! :smileyvery-happy:

  2. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Mayalily wrote:

    Forums could get rid of the problem of having to be PG only, but allocating a particular part of the forum for over 18 only; keeping it closed to the public, but allowed for a sign in with an 18 or over verification.

    My only problem with this is many would see 'over 18' as meaning 'rules of civility no longer apply.'

    Which it shouldn't, but on some certain third party forums, that's exactly what has occured.


    This. "Adult" is often a euphemism for "adolescent".

  3. My store default sort is really bizarre -- at the top of p 2 yesterday was a Thanksgiving Dinner! My best seller has dropped to the middle of p. 2.

     It has certainly affected what ppl buy -- apparently they do not know my store has more than one page, since they just buy whatever is on p.1. 





  4. The old SL Exchange/Xstreet forum was pretty strictly moderated, but it had a lot of good people (some now here) and was a very interesting lively place (until LL took it over and failed to moderate it, and it went downhill fast).

    I can imagine moderation takes some adjusting to but I don't think it has to be a discussion-killer. The mods seem to want to get it right. They will make mistakes, I am sure, but unless I see evidence to the contrary, I am going to give the the benefit of the doubt about their intentions.

    There are always tradeoffs. Moderation means being aware of where the lines are, but for many of us that is a reasonable price to pay to not have to slog through page after page of boring brawling and attacks. (Of course, some like forums because of brawling and attacks, so this place would not appeal to them.)





  5. I threw in the towel on search. If my two sims of prefabs (and 2 sims of furniture) with good traffic and sales don't rank well in search, while 2048 parcels rank at the top, well, nothing I can do about that. LL's world, LL's rules.

    Fortunately, my stuff is all over the grid so I get a ton of "word of mouth" business, so I will just settle for that. For those who don't sell stuff that is so visible, it's a different matter.

    I also have three pages of enhancements on MP, tho no clue how much good those do. Can't hurt I suppose.

    But I agree that LL seems to want to kill off sources of tier. It will be a very long time before I buy another sim.

  6. Ceka Cianci wrote:


    if you want to see the stream like those above..you just go to the link provided by the OP and click one of the players  to play the station if you have one of them..then open with your player and right click the station in the play list and view file info and it will give you the stream info..


    Thanks -- got the stream, the same as the OP gave me.


    I can listen to the stream on my computer, and the music seems good but I have never heard these songs :-) 

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