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Pamela Galli

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Posts posted by Pamela Galli

  1. Thanks Ima -- that's why I was torn about watching it. I thought it might be pretty painful to watch. I have a hard time with children losing their families because their parents found a new honey.

    Not necessarily good publicity for SL, or even a realistic portrayal of the opportunities here, but a good warning of what can happen if you don't have strong limits in place. And it sounds like it does give ppl a good understanding that SL is what you make of it.

  2. I am at that stage where I have plenty of prims (I won't for long) so I haven't been doing much to save them, but I can see where pretty much my whole store building can be redone, although I have used a lot of megas already.

    But this is the important thing for me: prim size limitations, for both regular and megas, has dictated a lot of how I have designed my houses. Now, those are gone! I have spent time today beginning the first of many renovations on my houses -- it will probably save me a few prims but mostly will allow me to build them the way I would have to begin with if I hadn't had the size constraints.

  3. Yes now I get to redo all my houses :matte-motes-dont-cry:

    Seriously, so much of house design depends on the limits of prim sizes, both regular and esp megas -- cut, slice, and dice them as you will, there are some sizes you just cannot get.

    So now beginning the process of doing the things I could not do because of those limitations -- it's pretty amazing!

    Oh and it works on all viewers.

  4. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Thank you Darius.  This is not what I have been told in the not too distant past.  I had a thread removed and was not informed.  When I queried,  I was told the thread did not violate any Guideline but there were some number of sensitive readers who took offense.

    I am glad they are pulling only if it violates a Guideline now. 

    I think this needs some clarification in the guidelines. They say now that mods can and will pull posts at their discretion, so it's not clear to me what they are pulling -- and it doesn't say much about notifications.

  5. I looked for something in writing about this --  I think someone mentioned this was agreed on in a meeting. The guidelines don't reflect it, tho -- they say that mods can do things without an explanation.


    I've had a few posts pulled but I always knew why :matte-motes-evil-invert:

  6. I am sure the Linden homes have had an impact on landlords who specialized in small parcels -- but as others have said, I saw an almost immediate increase in the # of noobies house shopping.  It did not take them long to understand the limitations of Linden homes AND to develop a taste for home ownership.

    I also know that lots of landowners have found a business model that works -- offering beautiful landscaping and premium homes, sometimes furnished.

  7. Storm Clarence wrote:

    This thread is a perfect example of what is going on with the moderation process.  Everything concerning moderation is still up in the air.  Many people are pretty confused, and/or they have left the forum.   THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WANT.

    @Lexie we do NOT want people leaving the forum because they do not understand.  Look at Ima's thread - we want people coming back.  "They" spoke very LOUD in that thread.  Mickey is speaking LOUD in this thread.  It is about time.  When does someone begin to hear?    

    If people are confused, they might want to review the guidelines, which I think are pretty clear to most of us.

    I doubt anyone is going to agree with mod decisions 100% of the time, maybe not even 90%. The job is difficult and I doubt much fun -- but it is a valuable service and on the whole the mods have demonstrated that their goal is to serve the community as fairly and competently as they can.

    Here are some excerpts from the guidelines that may clarify why some posts get pulled -- but note the bottom part where they make clear that ultimately the mods may use their discretion.  That's how this game is played, period. If someone wants to follow his own rules, he can probably expect to get his posts yanked.

    Also, as they say below, they can't read every post. If you see a post that you think violates guidelines, report it. The mods may or may not agree, but at least they will see it.


    • Interpersonal Disputes or Personal Negative Commentary: If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life community pages. Residents who have personal differences have other channels of communication available to them — private messaging in the forums, IM within Second Life, or chatting within Second Life.
    • No Flaming: "Flames" are hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to incite an angry response. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. We will also not tolerate any post that encourages others to violate any policy of Linden Lab
    • Abuse of Moderation or Moderators: Please honor our moderation process and the decisions that come out of it; they are being made in order to provide you with a productive environment for conversations about Second Life. We prohibit abuse of our moderation process, including the following:
      • Posts that discuss or re-post material that has been removed or locked by a moderator
      • Posts questioning a moderator’s decision
      • Posts that discuss the status of any Resident account (e.g., on hold, suspended, etc.)
      • Frivolous or malicious use of the abuse report feature

    Report inappropriate content for moderator review

    Moderating a discussion site is a daunting task; our forums alone see in excess of 10,000 posts per week. You can help by reporting abuse when you spot it. If you see a post you feel violates the Community Participation Guidelines, or our Terms of Service, then please click the Report Inappropriate Content link that appears in each post, and let us know why you feel the post is inappropriate.

    We moderate at our discretion

    We evaluate posts on a case-by-case basis and take into account the severity of the conduct and any history of past violations. Although we will make reasonable efforts to take into consideration the context and general sentiment of the blog or forum discussions, the actions taken (or not taken) by Linden Lab and our moderators are at our sole discretion, and we may act without warning or explanation. We provide the discussion areas of our sites as a service to Residents, and we will take the actions we deem appropriate to keep our sites a productive and enjoyable environment for all Residents.


  8. Peewee Musytari wrote:

    Ceka Cianci wrote:

    i'm curious where all the extra clicks are that everyone talks about..maybe it's that i use firestorm and we have pie ..i know without pie i clicked a lot..but besides that i don't notice the extra clicks..

    was that where they were..where there was no pie?

    omg now i want pie..

    One that springs to mind is...Sending someone an item.

    V1= Open profile, drag/drop item.

    V2= Open profile, click actions, click share, get redirected to an IM box, drag/drop item.


    mmmmm pie =^^= Nahm Nahm Nahm =^^=

    Good grief I had no idea! 

    That is really shocking.

  9. Those who already use V2 will enjoy the mesh; the rest of us will wait until enough mesh is out there that it will be worth the sacrifice of our V1's.  That's a Catch-22 because as a creator I will not invest time in making something that only part of the SL population can even see. For some creators tho it should be a nice niche market, until all of us have (grudgingly) switched.

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