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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. Currently it costs about $10,000 LL to get a mesh shape, head and skin to go with it.  More if you want some clothes.  Still more if you want to decorate a home. Not to mention you need to pay rent or premium for a place to live. Add that to the learning curve to get those things and use them.  It's no wonder people give up and leave before discovering the magic.

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

    I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're saying.

    After saying I was in awe of "brains displayed", I thought of your picture image.png.6b3c172bda2095da99818daa7dcd78f0.pngand wanted you to know I wasn't referring to it in my post.  Just a quirky little mental aberration of one of the voices in my head who constantly makes bad puns.

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    • Haha 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Kinda like I have thought about applying to Daughters of Am. Revolution and citing Benedict Arnold as a direct ancestor. (tis true) :)  I decided, "Nah..." (but it still makes me laugh)

    I could have belonged to the DAR as well (no relation to Benedict Arnold though) but decided, like Groucho, that I "didn't want to belong to any organization who would allow people like me to be a member".

    • Haha 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Ohhhhh, yes, there was that one, too. I think the one I was referring to was something "how are you feeling today?" by Beth? But yes, some good threads just bombed out of existence.

    Yeah, same thread.  Like I said, holiday dread wasn't it's name but it was started by Beth on December 5, 2019 to be supportive because of the looming holiday.  I have an old person's memory and things like names of threads elude me.


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  5. 4 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I liked your whole post, but this especially is true for some of us. A few years ago there was also a very supportive thread, that I can't think of the name of, that also served a similar but more serious purpose (we quip a lot in this one, that one was more emotional) and true to the time, someone had to come in and blow it up. The forum lost something good on that day that thread, and a few others, were shut down. I think the original peeve thread got axed at about the same time for the same reason. So, yeah, it is nice to just come in here and vent, seriously or not so seriously.

    Me too.  I think you're talking about the holiday dread thread which was not the name of it but what it was about. It was really supportive until it wasn't. 

    • Like 3
  6. 10 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

    Don't quite understand what you mean.  But I do know that, for some of the cards, I've found 3 or so of them in various places at the same time.  Right now there's two of the same one in a single Fantasy region.


    yeah, I've seen that too.  ETA: I tend to go back to places where I've been lucky before and I've seen new items that weren't there the last time I looked.

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  7. I

    5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    Yeah, saw him interviewed on Late Night.  No clue who he was until that point, or why I wouldn't have heard of him. Probably a "straight".

    ETA: He's no straight

    7 hours ago, Luna Bliss said:

    PEEVE: Living in a podunk place.  Finally, psychedelic therapies are going to be legal, and this is long overdue because increasing reports are coming in citing how they improve people's lives immensely, especially those dealing with depression and PTSD.  I doubt they will ever come to my location though, or if they do it will be in 10 or 20 years!


    I'm reading "This is your mind on plants" by Michael Pollan.  I read his "How to change your mind" too.  I'm really glad that the world is taking another look at Entheogens (or psychedelics as they used to be called).

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Fay Starlight said:

    I had collected all of them up to the watering can. I was away for almost 2 weeks because my Mom was very ill on a vent in the hospital. Feeling pretty skeptical there are even any more watering cans left to look for now?

    The new one is totally unknown. One found for certain, no hints, maybe there was just one? 


    I think that after an item has been found, the moles put out another one somewhere.  I don't know this for a fact, but it's what I think. I've found all of them but the mysterious something that Maximus lost (if he indeed lost anything, he hasn't said). And I wasn't the first to find any of them. 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    I've skimmed this thread, and as usual, I'm confused. So... this is just a fun, random thing some of the Moles are doing? Belli is HUGE. Is there a rhyme or reason to finding these things?

    The moles who have left things generally give a vague clue but not always,  Those of us who have found things usually post about it with equal vagueness.  Sometimes an item will turn up in the same area again so going to those places will increase your odds.  I treat it like a hunt and use the same skills I use on hunts.  Sometimes I really don't care whether I find anything or not because I enjoy wandering around Belli and seeing all the clever bits.  Then when I stumble on something it's a treat.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

    Dillon's "little" music thread ended sometime in 2018, after more than seven years of sharing music across exactly 10,000 posts. LL's inability to imagine people like us resulted in that 10K post limit, causing the threads death. We kept it going for a little while longer by deleting older posts, but eventually that stopped working, too.

    Here's the last song posted to that thread...

    Dillon's last post to everyone in the thread, which approximately coincided with her leaving SL was...

    "I love you."

    I really loved that thread.  It is one of things that kept me in touch with my old friends from when I was Katt.

    • Like 3
  11. On 8/15/2022 at 9:55 AM, Maximus Mole said:

    When I'm out and about on the Grid you'll usually find me in the same sorts of places as m'learned colleagues above, although I tend to show up a little later.

    What was it that you lost?

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, GoSpeed Racer said:

    It has been rough on me. Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of her last in-world login. I've gone through all the stages of grief and all I have left is heartbreak and sadness.

    I get that.  I retired my first av because it hurt too much to be in world after my first partner left. That was way back in 2012 and I'm OK now, in fact I've been OK for a long time, but I still remember the pain.  I left the forums then too for quite a few years.  @Madelaine McMasters when was it that Dillon's little music thread ended? 2017, 2018?  I came back to the forums after that.

    • Like 4
  13. 6 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

    I only go there when someone tells me I've been mentioned.  Last time, I believe, they mentioned me and 1/2 the regular posters on the forums who are apparently my alts.  😂

    That was the last time I went over there Rowan. I never did see the post about you but I saw it mentioned here in the GD.  I'd known about the site before, years ago, had checked it out and wasn't impressed. 

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