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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. 11 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

    I think it was the Science Fiction author Spider Robinson who wrote that in every civilization - every planet, galaxy, etc. is a drink with the name "Whiskey and Sour" - with different spellings but the same gist: "Oisghian Saur", "Weeskyan Soir", etc.

    Doug Adams said that About gin & tonics in one of Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy books. 

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    Reread your post -- are you trying to say you think I am the OP, or that I'm overstepping my assumptions as to what child avatars experience?


    I'm not accusing you of anything, merely observing that you are derailing the OP's intentions in order to grandstand about child avatars rights.  Child avatars don't have rights.  The adults behind the child avatars do but their rights do not go beyond anyone else's.  They can't force others to RP with them any more than anyone else can.

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  3. The OP did not specify just what kind of avatar they were talking about.  Did not mention child or furry.  The OP has posted exactly twice in the forums, once in August 2021 about the demise of gachas and this post.  So championing the rights of child avatars or furries in the OP's name and claiming to know who their friends are (and what they think) is rather revealing, don't you think?

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  4. I'm still looking for Maximus' whatever it is.  I've found a few of Lula's things but still looking for the lipstick.  You never know when Abnor might add another trading card to his wallet, so I usually edit it and look in the contents before leaving it.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, EliseAnne85 said:

    But, to get to the person who started this thread and their title, do they want discrimination rules added to the TOS?  Such as, Please be advised that SL sims are privately owned and therefore some sims may be subject to a specific dress code.  Rules differ from sim to sim and LL has no control over our patrons choice of which dress code they allow or do not allow.  

    I'm not really sure what the person starting the thread wants.

    It is my belief that the OP is long gone and really only wanted to start a ruckus.  And I think they succeeded.

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  6. There are some people who write about a myriad number of different things and whom I enjoy reading, no matter what the topic is.  There are others who I'm interested in for some topics and don't care about the other things that they may post about.  So I follow a few people and a few topics.  I look at my notices and some things I see there I will want to read and other things I pass over.  I don't read everything in the forums, not even close.  And there are some posters whom I've learned I don't need to read at all and I block them.

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  7. Just looking at their posting history, I think the OP might have been a troll.  But at this point we don't really need the OP to continue our discussion of whether or not there should be more rules or less rules about what avatars can look like. 

    I think we can all agree that child abuse is wrong.  But it happens in RL.  It doesn't happen in SL unless a child has managed to break the rules and get into SL.  I don't think that is what we are seeing when we see child avatars.  A child who is breaking the rules will not be interested in depicting themselves as a child.

    So who is interested in depicting themselves as a child?  Maybe it's someone who is working out some issues from when they were a child.  If that's the case, then I think the rest of us should mind our own business and let them do what they need to do.

    Is it disturbing?  Sure it is.  Don't like it?  Don't look.  I think the rules are just fine the way they are. 

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Thanks. I had hoped so.

    But lol at the "smidge of jealousy"... and everyone is not looking at me. What is happening, and cause for a lot of my facepalming, is when I get into a certain mood, or two, I tend to post lots and lots of little quips. Sheer volume. I don't realize how many until I look at my profile, looking for something, for navigation, as see them listed out. Holy cow! So one "like" or laugh on even part of that mass, and I get on the board. It isn't brag worthy.  Other people are on it for other reasons, and really, as EVERYONE is saying, "Who cares?" I care because it is a symptom of a mood of my own, and "peeved" doesn't even begin to cover that self-knowledge. Poking fun of it in public here is... a bit of self-awareness "therapy."

    I really enjoy your posts and I'm glad you're back here.  Quip away!  I think I would be just as embarrassed if the spotlight was shining on me, so pay no attention to that little smidge. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Not sure how to reply to this, Kali because I'm not sure of the tone.

    I am truly bothered (peeved) by the damn thing. I also know it's stupid. So it is a way of topically (SL and all) poking fun at it and me. But the other stuff is true as well. If you think I have another agenda besides that, well, I don't. I also don't know how the damned thing works and the comments that are explaining it are actually helpful.

    Obviously your mileage may vary.

    Yes, I've been looking at my profile page more, because I'm finding it useful for navigating, actually, and yes that damned yellow button glares in your face.

    Tone was meant to be teasing, with maybe a smidge of jealousy thrown in because, yeah everyone is looking at you, not me.  I'm really kind of surprised at myself but I started writing it just to get it out of my head and never meant to post it, then I read your last post and it seemed like it was tailor made for me to post my rant as a response.

    And no, I don't know what it's like to see it glaring at you because I've never won the day.  I didn't even know such a thing existed before. 

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  10. 36 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Hm. You did pass along that excel file. :::scans:::
    Oh, here's one! ... Oh gawd no. That requires I type 20 pages per comment of faux intelligentsia stuff! Way too much work, besides that is soooo transparent. And sooooooo 13 years ago. Easier to write an SV-type tweet of 13 yr old news.

    Next... Oh gawd no. That requires being a self-appointed thread monitor to tell the kiddies how it is really done. No. I don't want t be on the leaderboard; I don't feel like getting lynched.

    Next... Hm. Post anti-American snarks using obscure peeves on dinnerware and spellings of vee-hick-als. Hm. Interesting, interesting, that could be kinda fun although politics are verboten so that would be hard... :::puts a Post-It:::

    Next... Ride in one white horses in full shining armor! Oooooh horsies! I like horses and have a few I ride in SL. :::note, need to do that more::: Wait. Wut? Rescue people who don't want it? Take one stand one place, another somewhere else? Try to impress people with liberal leanings while doing the opposite and picking on and baiting others? Can I just keep the horse? See item #1, too damn much work.

    Next... Fake complain about adorable photos. Wait, what's this footnote? See other posters? Ooooh. Yeah. That's also too much work. I know that for a fact.

    Next... Be in a mood and post all over the place, randomly quipping with a few well-placed snarks adorably presented... Heeeyyyy! Wait just one minute there Rowan! You've got an excel field for ME????  :::puts a Post-It:::

    OR try this:

    "I’m not bragging, (but yeah, I’m totally bragging) but I’m horrified, I tell you just horrified to learn that I post a lot and have gotten more reactions, more than anyone, and in fact I’m on the leaderboard and so are other people and I’m not naming names, mind you but yeah, I will name them and I implore them, and implore you to look, LOOK, LOOK!!! And see, I’m not the only one.  In fact, there are people who have posted more than me but I’m on the top.  No wait a minute, I’m second, oh look there, it’s changed again and I’m on top.  It’s so embarrassing.  Please don’t anybody look.

    It's right there in yellow because I won the day.  You wouldn’t know that if you’ve never won the day, but it tells you in your profile, which I never, never look at, when’s the last time you won the day.

    Winning the day happens every day you know.  People post and other people react and the person who gets the most reactions for a day’s worth of posting wins the day.  I wish this software didn’t keep track of these things because it is just so embarrassing.  But you’d never know about it if you didn’t look at your own profile.  

    It’s like looking in a fun house mirror.  What you see vaguely resembles what is there but distorted.  I’d better look again because it’s always changing.  Oh god, now everyone is looking, aren’t they?  No? Well, why not?"


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  11. @Eirynne Sieyes I tried to take a picture but I had just reinstalled Firestorm to the new release and my old photo settings were gone, it disappeared before I could snap it.  I think I was somewhere in the Randelsham Forest area. 

    ETA: Found another one


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  12. Back when I was a newb, I (or maybe it was my first av - I can't remember) used to hang out at NCI Kuula (we both did) and there was an individual, whose name I can't remember who was an amalgamation of a castle with Doc Octopus arms and wheels with a little living room/console inside.  He was very gentle and kind and liked to build things.  He helped me out with a door script when I was learning how to build with prims.  He let me come inside his avatar, a privilege he didn't offer to many.  It was very cozy with seating, bookshelves and a lamp, all built in to the walls.

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  13. 1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

    Not at all. You are still thinking of those who debate philosophical issues among themselves. You are right that those discussions rarely make any difference. I'm referring to the creators (scripters, 3D modelers, builders) who advocate for improved features and policy changes that have contributed to everything from voice and flexi in the old days to TPVs, animesh, Bento, and BOM today. I'm referring to bloggers like Inara Pey, Draxor, and Strawberry Singh (now Linden) who highlight aspects of SL, including rising problems. These people do things.  They shape SL themselves and they have the Lindens' attention.

    So yes there is an intelligentsia, and despite what some may think, it ain't us forum dwellers.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

    Peeve: Missing all the fun just through being elsewhere for a few hours. Feel like I'll never catch up now.

    It's leaf mold that gives us the sinus pain? I thought we were due a good ol' thunderstorm to clear the air, but there is a lot of dead tree stuff floating about too. Urgh! 

    IKR?  Came back from the pool and all heck has broken out!

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  15. 2 hours ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

    LMAO, I was going to offer to message you if you were curious. I wasn't sure if you had the pleasure of learning about that...interesting...person. Seems more of a Twitch/TikTok/YouTube kind of reference (Maybe? I don't even know anymore). I learned about it on Twitch like a month or two ago and I'm still peeving about it.

    I'm sorry - the whole manly man thing in the signature sent me into a giggle fit. Can't help it. 😂

    I'm very curious,(and very out of touch) can you tell me?

  16. 14 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Well, I'm kind of annoyed by the stupid "leaderboard" thing in these forums. Basically because it points out how much time I waste avoiding adulting. It actually affected how/how much I posted today, as kind of a wake up call thing. The board of shame, as it were. Of course, posting this will only add to my score. Yay.  But I wish they'd get rid of that and the point system. 

    Where to begin...  I don't know what this "leaderboard" thing is or where to go to see it. Does it count how many posts you've made or does it count how many reactions to your posts there are?  Either way, I figure it doesn't really matter, as I doubt I post enough to show up there. 

    As for the emoticon reactions, I'm very inconsistent in my use of them.   Sometimes I find myself reacting to every post I read, other times I forget they exist. I don't scorn laugh.  If I use the laugher, it's because the post made me laugh. I thank people when I agree so much with what they said that I'm thanking them for saying it or when they've answered my questions.  The like button is the one I'm most inconsistent with.  I probably like a lot more posts than I remember to hit the like button for.

    I don't pay much attention to what buttons other people push on other people's posts.  I do get notices when my posts are reacted to and I generally go back and look to see what it was I said. I generally get the feeling that there's a whole level of this that I miss.  I have noticed  what I think must be scorn laughs occasionally since the post didn't say anything funny.  I do think that it reflects rather poorly on the ones who do it.  

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