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Domitan Redenblack

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Everything posted by Domitan Redenblack

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: If you're just trying to center text on a flat surface, try this: Size: <0.5, 0.5, 0.01> Rotation: <0.0, 90.0, 0.0> Slice (begin / end) : 0.98 / 1.0 Then play around with the Top Shear X slider to move up and down the prim's "stuff" relative to its origin. Playing with Taper X, you can even get the text to appear below what remains of the prim. Not really anything a script can do, other than set the prim parameters (except slice, grrrr!). When I tried top shear, the title did not move, but a second "surface" appeared to move up and down. How does this help? Perhaps you could send me an object done right, in world?
  2. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: if you are to make buttons on a hud ... This is for an in-world prim, not a HUD, thanks. Using xyzzyText etc defeats the purpose of having a 2-prim object. Media on a prim does not work in V1's. etc
  3. Thanks, but. No..... even making the prim thin, and rotating it, the text is not Centered on the prim, it is about one text-line Above center.
  4. Is there any way to get Hovertext floating at the Center of a prim? (Not media on a prim, or xyzyzytext with lots of prims) I mean truly centered, not one line above center, thanks.
  5. Yes, seems to fail in both Phoenix and Firestorm. I will report this to them.
  6. I have a spinning object; I do a right-click "Buy" then "Cancel"; then the Object stops spinning. Is there any way to fix this? If I re-log, the object is spinning again.
  7. Ela Talaj wrote: changed event indeed would not trigger when a user starts or stops object editing but it will always trigger on content removal and /or addition. It would even trigger if the content permissions are changed. There are no miracles in the SL world, if the event does not trigger the problem is in your code. For instance if a script is changing states, changed event must be included in every state. Yes, you are right. Not sure why it did not do it the first times I tried it. Perhaps scripts needed to be reset 10 times or some such, or LL servers were slow, etc Works fine now. When you add or remove contents, the event is triggered fine. ty!
  8. I have a "change" event handler, and look for CHANGED_INVENTORY, but it does not trigger when I delete an item from the Contents of the object, nor does it trigger when I stop editting.
  9. Is there a reliable way (yet) of detecting whether a user has Editted an object? For example: Using the Viewer object Edit to remove an item from contents? ty
  10. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: You may want to take advantage of another hack - the button-text length. Since only the first 10 characters or so are shown but the text can be up to 24-ish (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDialog#Appearance) you can use the excess to pad the text with mode-specific information. That may help you in determining whether a menu response is still relevant. Another option is simply to use different (eg; random) channels on each menu call/listen. That way, once the script has timed-out the menu and closed the listener it is very unlikely to even hear an irrelevant choice. Hmmm, an interesting idea wold be to append the Unix time as the last word of the button name, etc. Then you would need no timer at all, just check the time of the button etc
  11. Since Linden in their wisdom have left us no way to close the Blue dialog menus, we are left with hacking complext timeouts for the different menus and submenus and states etc of the object. My problem is that the blue Dialog stays on screen if the user does not hit Ignore, and may much later decided to click buttons or become confused etc. If my object has timed out and changed states etc, then clicking buttons can be a mess. And yes, I have a complex object now that is going to need a complete re-write simply because I can't close the blue dialog, yuck. So, question: For blue dialog menus, and their associated listeners, should I always go to a new state? Or is there a better way to handle timed-out menus, or menus left on screen and then used later?
  12. I have an item I want to set "Copy for sale", I set the properties do sell a Copy for L$10 etc However, if I want some of the contents of the object to be non transfer, or non mod, or non copy, what are the rules here? Thanks
  13. Ah, that's unfortunate. I have a product update and want to notify all my customers. I think in future, I may build in a script with notifies me when the product is rezzed and the owner, so I can notify of updates./
  14. Is there a way to see my transaction history (L$ ≠ 0) back to mid-September? Thanks
  15. Thanks. How hard can it be to remember the group name of the voice chat? I mean, honestly, they put huge resources into vastly unwanted new stuff (V2, Mesh) without fixing 100s of old bugs. Another simple example: - - - - - Not being able to turn an avatar when doing animation "hugs", etc. I am sure that the JIRAs are CHOCK FULL of things they could do to improve SL rather than making it far more confusing. e.g. V2 - I don't use it, and therefore cannot help newbies using it. How dumb is that?
  16. AO off/on, plus stop animating my avatar; but still feet stick up broken? Why? How to fix?
  17. "You have been invited to join a group voice chat of group [GROUP] - JEEZ, come on Linden! How long has this been broken? Hint: long before V2 or Mesh. I don't join Voice chats of group I cannot identify. Jeez Linden, FIX THE BROKEN STUFF FIRST!
  18. Thinkerer Melville wrote: https://my.secondlife.com/ Interesting, but quite a bit more work than just sending an email to a UUID or a resident name (ignoring screen names).
  19. Personally, I would like to see a daily graph of: 1. Number of residents logged in per day (multiple logins count as one) 2. Average sim traffic per day 3. Number of parcels active (at least one visit per day) Of those, #1 is by far the most important. Note: LL might never allow this data out, as it might cause a shareholder stampede. (Selling)
  20. I do know from personal experience that many of the sims and communities that I visited over the last two years are either gone completely, or this Christmas are running at about 1/4 of what they were in 2009. 1 Yes, the economy sucks, and many may be working two jobs or otherwise occupied... 2 Yes, many are more worried about school exams, etc. 3 And honestly, I have only met one or two avatars or sims using Mesh, so that's not it, either, I don't think. 4 I do see many people now who have purchased new PCs or laptops, which "seemed" like a good deal but only included Intel HD 3000 built-in graphics, and this can be greatly disappointing, so that may be a factor. (I have a lower end (but not as low as HD 3000) graphics "card" which runs High Quality pretty well, leaving out Atmospheric Shaders and using up to 3000 particles only; all the rest at max and 2x anti-alias.) 5 I have heard of other grids/spaces etc which sound appealing technically, but the community here is so much better; so not sure if that is a factor. 6 I have seen some improvements in rezzing and bandwidth server performance, but this seems very patchy and not related to in-world traffic, time of day, or USA-UK net loads. Lag, slow rezz, etc were amazingly good for all spring and summer and most of autumn for me, but starting about 5-6 weeks ago got much worse again with no change in my ISP or USA-UK bandwidth or Sim traffic. In the end, 45% increase in sign-ups should translate into increasing hours, and increasing land use. That's my take on it now, and I am puzzled as to why things seem to be fading so much. So I ask here.
  21. As for user hours, steady decline since at least Q2 of 2010. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/The-Second-Life-Economy-in-Q3-2011/ba-p/1166705
  22. Rolig Loon wrote: I still don't know why you'd want to do it, though. When I am not in SL (horror!) I sometimes do want to send an IM to a friend without having to launch my viewer (and appear in-world). You can send an email to: <UUID>@lsl.secondlife.com So it just seems that if the UUID were for an Avatar, that should work as well. No technical reason why it should not, just that Linden didn’t think of it, or perhaps didn’t want it. A HUD would not work, if I am not there, but I could leave a prim around to accept emails, parse them, and send them on to IMs (local Chat though, NOT actual IM windows for avatars, right?) Just a hassle when you have the UUID of your friend already.
  23. You can send email into SL to a prim; what about emails to Avatars' IM windows?
  24. I had a run of great performance from LL servers over the spring and summer until about 5-7 weeks ago. Now things are laggy and slow, even the log-in screen takes 4-5x longer to appear now. And yes, I have re-installed viewer etc, and my ISP continues to provide me with 10 Mbps of insanely-reliable service. My viewer only crashes once every 2-3 weeks or so (MacMini OSX 10.7.2), and I clear my cache about once a week. So... What is going on? Have LL changed something? Have fewer servers? I see in the quarterly report that user-hours in-world have actually gone down in the last year. What's up here, Linden?
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