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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Wait. Goreans can read??? I'm surprised. If John Norman is anything to go by, they sure as hell can't write.
  2. *bump* This sounds really interesting and worthwhile.
  3. Even when one is using human avatars that are of the same biological sex, I think voice seriously degrades the immersive element in SL. At the moment, for whatever reason, an RL voice just does not work well with virtual avatars. Part of the problem, I think, may be that voice is non-directional: it sounds like a voice-over, or the Word of God from above, rather than an articulation of an in-world avatar. And, of course, there is too often a disconnect between the voice and the appearance of the avatar, for many reasons beyond representing a species or gender that one is not in RL. And, in the same way that connecting an avatar to a RL Facebook account undermines on the central principles of SL, I think voice tends to turn SL into a sort of "Skype with Cartoons." I can also remember in my early days in SL, when voice was still something of a novelty, that it tended to divide communities, fracturing them along the lines of those that used it and those who did not. There was even an occasional instance of a sort of "elitism" among those who employed it. I'm both a little surprised and gratified by the fact that voice has never really generally caught on here. I can't even remember the last time I was around someone using it.
  4. Count me impressed? Really nice look. I especially like the hair. And you manage to pull of the beard without looking like a hipster! Yay you!
  5. THANK YOU for this! I found pretty much exactly what I was looking for there! Only once have I found something I wanted that was sized for Hourglass and not also for Physique. I was . . . annoyed.
  6. Beautiful shot! (And beautiful avi!) It has a sort of "Polaroid" look?
  7. Seriously? Yeesh. Well, there's another item to add to my already voluminous list of reasons not to give [unnamed club] my patronage.
  8. *throws hand up and jumps up and down in her seat* OH OH!! CAN I GO SHOPPING WITH YOU??????
  9. Indeed. When I converted to mesh (and hair was one of the first things I changed over), I spent a great deal of time trying to find mesh versions of my favourite flexi or sculptie hair. The search did not go well. Eventually, I gave up, and just started buying whatever looked good. I'm a much happier hair shopper (and wearer) now. (I tend to like shorter hair: Dura should be a go-to for me. For some reason, however, I've had problems finding things I really like there. Go figure.) ETA: I've been getting back to a bit of building in SL recently. Just prims, nothing fancy, or big. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it!
  10. I'm going to guess Dura, maybe? They certainly have a large selection of nice short styles that are like this.
  11. You mean, buying a Maitreya body? (And new appliers, and, and?) Yeah. And my understanding is that Lara is pretty comparable to Slink Physique, which is what I have now. But I think it's probably more time, effort, and money than is really justified by the chance to wear a pretty small selection of things not currently available for Slink. And . . . I do actually have a couple of items that I wear that were made for Maitreya. Fitting them on to Slink requires a bit of fudging -- and it wouldn't work with something as form-fitting as this dress -- but occasionally, I can cheat . . .
  12. *sigh* For Maitreya only . . . In fairness, it's actually pretty rare that something I want isn't available for Slink. Damn, though.
  13. *coughs* Soooo . . . Salty's dress in this pic? Where is it from??? (Not that I'd ever have the nerve to wear something that tight in public, of course, being an enormously modest and self-effacing woman . . . My interest is purely academic. Yes, that's it: academic. *coughs again*)
  14. Looks kind of gorgeous on you, I think. (As is the lovely setting!)
  15. What he said, actually. And you can trust my opinion: I'm not even Swedish.
  16. Looking gorgeous! And the light play in the top one (especially with the gleam off your top) is really nice!
  17. Contemplating the BIG questions -- mortality, the nature of the Divine, what to have for lunch -- in the church at Ciampi
  18. This won't work for things like pose balls (i.e., things you want to sit on), but I sometimes attach things to my spine (which means that they don't move with the avatar's animations), and then edit them to where I want them to be.
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