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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Hi all, As per their recent agreement with Linden Lab, BonnieBot.com now offers the ability for both individuals and merchants to "opt-out" of their web site. It's unclear what "opting out" means -- whether they will stop harvesting your data, or simply stop displaying it (my suspicion is the latter). And, as there has been no effort that I've yet seen to ensure that residents even know that their data is being harvested, and that opting out is an option, this really should be an "opt-in" process . . . but that's a fight for a different day. For now, you have two options for "opting out." I would strongly suggest that those who wish to opt out choose the former method, as the latter exposes your email address to an organization that is apparently busily scraping as much data as they can lay their hands on. There are a great many questions still to be answered about this site, but for now we seem at least to be able to have our information (including Premium and Premium Plus status) removed from the public-facing portion of this site.
  2. Yeah, sorry about that. Prok didn't post his transcription until after I'd post the video. If it makes you feel better, I sat through the entire thing too.
  3. @panterapolnocy has done us all a great service, as always. Lots of interesting info here on various subjects, I suppose, but not much on the other issue. https://youtu.be/8sDr_-Gn5A8
  4. @panterapolnocy has done us all a great service, as always. Lots of interesting info here on various subjects, I suppose, but not much on the other issue, which they punted back to Patch.
  5. My partner will occasionally "remind" me that women manage the cold better than men because "you have an extra layer of fat." Violence typically ensues.
  6. Or should be Antarctic explorers, as they are clearly immune to frostbite. I came THIS close to asking the student if she was "ok." Her feet must have been freezing!
  7. Yes, I saw that -- and I think even quoted it above in this thread. What we haven't yet been told is that inclusion in the Bonniebot list of avatars and merchants will be "opt-out," or that merchants' names will be hidden (which rather renders that feature pointless, I think?)
  8. I love this. I just tried to do a pic using a very similar pose, and hated it: this, however, is really excellent! Especially the tight depth of focus!
  9. The most awful thing -- it was -7C with wind chill today. And I saw a student walking to classes, properly bundled up in a winter coat, but wearing . . . crocks. With bare feet. In about 2 cms of wet snow.
  10. (Note: We'd better return to peeves before we're threatened with another thread lock.) Peeve! Wet snow mixed with freezing rain. Make up your mind, damn it!
  11. The Concierge meeting was open to all -- but I couldn't make it. The "fireside chat with Patch" is a different thing. Did they convey the same information at the Concierge meeting?
  12. Ah. That's a recent change. This morning, the links were live. They look like they've been deliberately broken now. This is moving quickly.
  13. Yes, although clicking on the links takes you, generally, to the MP pages. They also introduced an age verification popup. As a great many of their "top places to go" are adult, that might be a good thing.
  14. I imagine a recording or a transcript will be forthcoming from Inara or others at some point soon. ETA: Actually, I don't know that. I have no idea who had access to this meeting. I don't really know how Hamlet got access to the info, for that matter. So we'll see?
  15. Peeve: That I have to learn about this from a 3rd party news site https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2023/01/bonnie-bots-sl-patch-linden.html
  16. Well, it's true that we did get the usual and expected Linden condescension: play nicely or we'll take away your toys. But it's also true that, finally, we got a real, substantive answer to our questions: This is actually more or less what I thought was probably happening. There's a two-fold paradox at play here, Solar. On the one hand, had we received the answer we did above at the outset, we likely would not have needed four locked threads. On the other, were it not for the four locked threads, we probably would never have never received that answer at all. So, sorry, but I'm pretty unrepentant. As for the accusation of being childish, I deny it vehemently. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go play virtual Barbie Doll in-world for a while. 😀
  17. Well, that would be pretty ironic, wouldn't it? But you're probably right!
  18. That's because SL physics are modeled on Loony Tunes physics. The avatars I'm trying to catch are always able to run into the painted tunnel. I try and . . . Splat!
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