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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. How is it BOM if you're using appliers, though? And doesn't that assume that new things one buys are going to come with appliers? Which, pretty quickly, they didn't. Was there an applier supplied with the body that converted BOM layers in some way? I am not remembering this at all!
  2. Did she? There was a BOM-capable version of Physique that retained the alpha cuts? I don't remember this, but you may be right; I was too busy virtue-signalling at first about how I was making SL a better place by getting rid of my onion layers.
  3. Yeah. My French isn't awful (although it is "contaminated" a bit by Quebecois, as I'm sure Parisians would think it), but my Italian is not great. But just making the effort is often an icebreaker and signals your respect for the place, and the people you are engaging with, even if you ARE butchering it. And people definitely DO respond to that. When I was younger I stayed at a sort of mid-market hotel in the Odeon area of the Left Bank of Paris for a while. I was SO proud of my high school and university French! My room was 101, so I'd ask for the "La clé de cent et un" at the desk. "Cent et un" was what I'd been taught, but the concierge always corrected me, with a smile or a laugh: "cent un." It became a running joke, and I'll always remember him as Monsieur Cent Un.
  4. I suppose we're getting off topic a bit, but I agree. I don't buy much there because I seldom see things I want, but I don't have any particular issue with the fact that she's buying mesh produced by someone else. So long as she's not ripping or copybotting it -- and I'm sure she's not -- who cares, really? (Although that may be one of the reasons, possibly, that I seldom find things there I want.) As you say, the brand is very affordable, and quite decent, and that's a boon, especially for noobs or people who don't have a great deal to sink into clothing. BACK TO TOPIC, sort of, and related -- I do hope that those merchants who are on board with producing clothing and accessories for this line of mesh bodies and head will try to keep the price point down somewhat. People new to the platform are much less likely to invest a lot of real money in a platform they are still unsure of. Keeping it relatively affordable will make them more sure of SL -- and will also earn some goodwill for the merchants who do this when those people decide to invest more heavily in a wardrobe.
  5. I've actually heard it said that people who "mispronounce" relatively complex or "literary" words are actually signalling precisely that -- that they are great readers. Pronunciation has always been a class or regional marker, and the source of a great deal of utterly unnecessary snobbishness. I think it's silly, for instance, to make fun of American pronunciations: the English language hasn't belonged solely to the English for literally hundreds of years, and American dialects are every bit as legitimate as British ones. Similarly, within Britain, class and regional dialects are at least as old, and in some cases older, than the accepted "Oxbridgian" accent: they have just as much validity. And it would be the height of idiotic snobbery to go to the US and insist upon pronouncing Des Moines in the French manner, "day mwan" (or something like that). And related, I think that there IS something to be said about making an effort at least to pronounce things correctly when one is actually in the place in question. I certainly wouldn't ridicule the person who asked a Parisian where to find "Noter Dame," but a lack of effort to at least try can shade over a bit into the "ugly-tourist-why-can't-they-just-talk-English" thing.
  6. One set of my grandparents, as well as my mother, were/are all British, so I had an advantage at least in terms of British place names and pronunciations. But there is of course a HUGE divide, regionally and by class, in British English, and I come from solid yeoman stock -- Kent and Middlesex peasantry and urban working class, to be precise -- so my own pronunciations of British English mark me, somewhat bizarrely, as a working class woman from southeastern England. The good news is that I have at my disposal a veritable treasure trove of pithy sayings and insults!
  7. English speakers, and not just Americans, are generally pretty good at butchering the pronunciation of foreign languages and names. Consider the American pronunciations of French names: Des Moines, Notre Dames, or Chartres Street (in New Orleans, itself also pronounced differently from the French). The Brits do this too: my favourite example is the name given to the old Channel ports, the "Cinque Ports" (Dover, Hastings, Hythe, Romney and Sandwich), and pronounced by the British as "Sink Ports." Canada is a bit weird in regard to French anyway because we are a bilingual nation, but there are differences in how English and French Canadians pronounce (for instance) Montreal and Quebec. And Canadian French is also different from la Française de la France, so there is that too.
  8. This is the one where Woody Allen turns himself into a nuclear bomb at the end, right? Pretty sure I've seen it.
  9. OR OR OR . . . MIYAZAKI!!!! Hey, why not! His "last" film has just come out, but how many times has he "unretired" now?
  10. An admittedly brief glance at their menu (I've never heard of this chain before) seems to reveal a mystifying absence of anything even vaguely resembling . . . weiner schnitzel. huh? 😕
  11. Not sure I could handle a Cronenberg take on it! But it would have been interesting to see it in the hands of either someone like Sarah Polley (ok, not famously known for "funny" or "fun" movies, admittedly) or Daniel Kwan and/or Daniel Scheinert, of Everything, Everywhere, All at Once fame.
  12. I think this is pretty much exactly right. Slink was beginning to lose its popularity already by the time that BOM was introduced, and I think the ideologically-pure decision to abandon alpha cuts finished it off. Slink Physique was -- and notionally still is in some ways -- my favourite body, and I did make some attempt to adapt, but finding or making alpha layers that worked with a particular garment easily added a half hour to the process of assembling an outfit. Eventually, I reluctantly grew weary, and started using Maitreya as my default go-to. The one thing that Slink DID do which was clever and innovative, but which has not been adapted by other mesh body creators (and should be) was a means to adjust the alpha layer, even if only a little, using the HUD. It actually worked quite well -- not in all cases, but often enough that I think it was a pretty worthwhile innovation.
  13. No, I think probably "sly" rather than "daring." This is being marketed as THE summer "Fun Movie," and I'd imagine that the political commentary is going to be pretty subtle in order to ensure that popcorn sales aren't too much affected. But we'll see. I have an open mind about it still! I may end up disappointed. I may like it! Or maybe I'll just . . . end up eating a lot of popcorn.
  14. It's directed by Greta Gerwig. I'm anticipating that it should be fun, clever, and, yeah, at least a little "feminist." Hey, if I can anticipate enjoying a film by that arch-conservative Christopher Nolan, YOU can suck up a bit of feminism alongside the jokes!
  15. It's funny you should say that, as I have a screenshot of something you said in February of 2019 that is exactly the opposite of this.
  16. Well, one should try to retain an optimistic perspective on life! I read this today on Twitter from a conservative movie critic: "#Barbie is a two hour woke-a-thon brimming with feminist lectures and nuclear-level rage against men" And now, of course, I'm just pumped. 😏
  17. Well, predictably, you and a number of other people were able to do MUCH more with this head than I was. This really looks pretty good! I wonder if part of my problem was using skins that are too recent? /me brushes away a tear as she abandons her dream of opening a business as stylist and avatar customization consultant . . .
  18. Did this disappear? I can't seem to find it!
  19. No offense taken: I agree. Although, I am NOT the most talented shape-maker I know: I'd be interested to see what others with more natural ability, and maybe more time (or a larger collection of skins) could make of it. As for "Bitsy," I do think she's actually better looking. The problem with her is, of course, that you can't really do anything more with her.
  20. I should have noted that the Session skin I used in the second pic is mapped for LeLutka Evo. The Genus one didn't look a lot different, though: same essential problems.
  21. Experiment 2. Here I used a Session skin, and tried to find a dress rigged for a current body that would work. In terms of the dress, the rigging that worked best, oddly, was Legacy Perky (I also tried Maitreya, Reborn, Kupra, and Freya). But, again, the breasts were a particular problem, and I had to add alpha across the chest. Notice how even a relatively slim shape with a dress rigged for a relatively slim and small-breasted body rather . . . swells. The others were worse. But that's not surprising. Here's a closeup of the face with the Session skin: In this instance, I replaced the Jamie eyebrows with the brows on the skin layer itself. Again the mapping is not great around the nose and mouth. The eyebrows are weird: when the avi blinks (which she does constantly), it pulls and stretches the eyebrows downward. I'm assuming that's why the default eyebrows are set so high on the forehead, giving Jamie a perennially "surprised" look. Also, the blinking . . . I wasn't wearing the provided AO, but she blinked constantly. I have no idea how to turn that off, and at the same time, even using the LeLutka Axis head poser (which normally fixes everything in place), her eyes wandered and she blinked. There are, I guess, animations built into the head itself? (I forgot to look.) Conclusion: These avatars are really going to require dedicated resources created for them, i.e., skins and clothing that are specifically designed for them. Standard skins and clothing work, sort of, but only if you don't look too closely.
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