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Steve Beck

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Everything posted by Steve Beck

  1. It is very possible the manufacturer have supplied you a 512MB card by mistake. Once I took some memory (RAM), but it come with a lot more RAM than I bought. However, the only way to know that is by using a tool like CPU-Z. SL does not recognize all kind hardware in your machine. It seems that it detects only those hardware listed on its code. LL has to improve that someway.
  2. Hi Kaito! I know you've got your question answered, but by the amount of RAM you have, I suggest you to get a bit more as you are using Vista, which alone takes most of what you have just to run the OS.
  3. Hi Salome! Yes you can apply it to Linden Lab for an additional cost. However it applies more for real life corporations rather than residents. Now if you delete your account, then will be able to start over with a different name. I hope it helps!
  4. @ Emily Primswitch If you see it properly I have already done it all. Thank you anyway! @ Dil Spitz You've it right! It will let me to take my snapshots, tough the 'art masterpiece' (THE TORUS) is still there for anyone appreciation. Thank you! @ Droth Karu Like Dil Spitz you'got it too! Thank you! @ Suella Ember Yes, it is possible, the parcel has object entry enabled, but then it is an Onwed Group Land, so anyone in the group (with the ability) is able to build. Thank you!
  5. Here we go! Someone (I'll prevent myself to name) created a prim (The Torus 10x10x10) on a land next to mine (mainland). Great! However this prim was create on a land where has building disabled ('no build'). It means one can not create objects there! But someone somehow managed to created it! The point is that this Torus is obstructing the view, and I need to take some snapshots to update my web site after some changing in the textures in my office - with the Torus on there it is just impossible! Now, how is it possible? Things I have already observed: 1- Land has building disabled ('no build'); 2- It is a Onwed Group Land (no showing on Seach); Therefore the creator MUST belong to the Group! I infer the creator should be wearing his Tag to be able to create, but the Torus is NOT set to the Land Group; Steps I already took: 1- Contacted the Torus creator (I got no answer); 2- Contacted the Land Onwer ((I got no answer); 3- I went crazy (It did not resolved). Any suggestions? Thanks!
  6. As BankOf Ishelwood said, you must click OK! So if you close your profile by clicking the 'x', or cancel, it won't work.
  7. You can use slow montion animation, just press CtRl + AlT + D all together to open the advanced menu, then find 'Character' > slow montion. Your avi won't stop moving, but it make it very slow, which makes it easier for snapshots.
  8. Try to checked your DirectX version, and make updates if available.
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