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Faubio Alter

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Posts posted by Faubio Alter

  1. Machines and programs can only do what machines and programs can do. Yes LL might tweak things up a bit for there new baby these house SIM(s) as they have done here on SL Answers but the basics are still the same. Now If you don't mind I'll return to the information I was trying to gather before you butted in. (Hey did I say butted? ) Are you rude or what?

  2. the maximum number of prims available on a 512 meter parcel of land is 117, final, full stop, no more prims from elsewhere unless you buy more land on the same sim

    nope, the prims are set to the SIM they can be split anyway the sim owner chooses.

    This may differ for actually owned property but not for rental property.

    that's how come the prims of the homes don't count

    the total number of prims allowed on the SIM are usually subdivided among the parcels. Usually simple division with some tweaking and a hefty allowance for the SIM owner for maybe landscaping, roads, arrival points, whatever, so those house prims do add to the total. A house made with fewer prims will allow for more furnishings or other accoutrements..

    you get all 117 prims to decorate your home with.


    Sure you can disagree.

  3. You don't save prims by building your own home, your losing prims, the ones your using to build the home, you are definitely missing the point here or just playing devils advocate!

    Ah, no, I'm not the devil's advocate, So then the 117 prims are in addition to the the house, making it 117+ prims on the parcel. And yes I do think I could make the house leaner on prims then the one I would be given by LL. If I elect to skip the SL house can I  rez another instead on the parcel?

    No. But that's the whole point of these homes, it hopefully generates a community, it's not been developed for you to hide away in a little cubby-hole.

    Or perhaps one might see all of SL as a community and by so doing see those that live in a SL houses as living in  cubby-holes. Your proposing that living in a community is a good thing when in fact it may not be, communities differ greatly. The person/community match needs to be right or living in one can be/could be a living hell.

    I travel lite and keep my humble home lean. I'm seldom there but to do correspondents (hopefully undisturbed), change cloths and other maintenance tasks like inventory cleaning. Hmmm, now that I think of it I'm seldom there at all. Geez, I might be wasting that 360 L$.

  4. how do you imagine thes homes work if they're not on land?

    I have no idea that's why I'm asking. Just a passing curiosity really.

    Hmmm, aren't the > 512 meter parcels free of tier anyway? (I'm not that interested to look it up.)  Hmmm, but then again you need a premium membership to get one. But at the same time Big Brother Linddy is not your SIM Lord. The 117 prims isn't bad that number of prims might exceed that of a 512 on the mainland, of course you might find a bargain somewhere. Hows it look, this SL subdivision? Some of those 512s inworld are in pretty shabby places. Some of those locales could use a zoning code, badly. How about sky boxes? Are those allowed? Free houses are a "dime a dozen" or you could make one easy enough, save on prims too I would imagine. My current apartment  (When I have an apartment.) costs me 360L$ a month. I'm not kidding. God I'm cheap   Hey, I buy more lindens then a premium membership each year but stay a drifter; that works better for me. Still seems like I should be able to buy land if I exceed the cost of a membership buying lindens.

  5. Hmmm, so you can run it at 50 kbps all the time or occasionally at 500 (500s is an arbitrary number)  kbps when it surges. Did you notice it loads faster during the surges?  Did you consider the tweak has nothing to do with the surges that maybe that's the way it works. I agree it could run smoother. The choice is yours. Run it at 50 kbps all the time or improve performance with the spikes. For me I consider my time valuable and want to wait as little as possible.

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