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Faubio Alter

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Posts posted by Faubio Alter

  1. Your textures cache is full, more then likely

    In Emerald the path is edit > network > push the clear cache button. Then restart SL, wait it may take time to do this.

    A word about this, first your inventory will load, the bigger the inventory the more time it will take. The first several SIMs will load slowly till the cache gets some texture in it to reference then it should begin to speed up till full again. Set the cache to maximum size to limit how often you need to do this. If you travel often then the cache will need to be cleaned more often.


    Message was edited by: Faubio.Alter .............. This is what's happening. The cache gets full, after 80% full it begins to exchange textures to replace those that are not being used for those that are new/needed. Every time you TP to a new SIM you will need new textures. This process slows the graphics capabilities of your PC to a crawl, forcing it to load the default image of your AV, that cloud, to handle the load. Reducing the draw distance will help also but the real problem is a full cache. If the problem persists after clearing the cache then reload the viewer software it may have a hang, glitch or some other minor problem that is causing the problem.

  2. Hmmm, if someone adjacent to an abandoned piece of land wants it they should get first dibs at it, in my book the mainland is littered with pieces of land no one can use because they are usually too small or oddly shaped. Some of those bits and pieces will never be sold and that means less revenue for LL. (just a comment)

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  3. To configure the viewer for multiple logon locations:

    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > preferences > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.

    SLurl is also an alternative:


    Bookmark it to your browser favorites.

  4. Firewalls come in many forms. Windows OSs contain them, many security software suites contain them and yes some routers contain them. So what would you recommend if a power outage occurs while using your router. Perhaps it's an assumption but if your router is configured as a firewall then the owner/user of the system more then likely configured it and knows the procedure to enable custom settings. While the wires are pulled the system is off line and once plugged in again will as you said reset to default settings. I will however make those instructions clearer in the future excluding router from the restart instructions. In other words for modems only perhaps that was not made clear.


    Message was edited by: Faubio.Alter ................. The edit ............... For wired connections for modems only: Disconnect all wires concerning your connection, wait 30 seconds then plug them back in again, including the modem and transformer. Wires should snugly fit into ports. These instructions do not apply to routers.    For wireless connections and routers: Reset your system clock. see "help and support" in Windows for directions.

    (edit) This does not however solve the loose wires in ports problem because of shotty craftmanship by modem, router and wire connector manufactures.

  5. Used speed test and ping test - results so so... ping 600ms, packet loss  2-4%... distance 10,000miles or there abouts.

    Try this test to maybe 2000 miles at most or to San Francisco would be good.

    Your connection is slower then mine. this is not good.

    Does this PC/laptop meet the minimum system requirements for SL?


    Do contact your ISP and see if they can improve your connection.


    Message was edited by: Faubio.Alter ............ your connection speed is the big problem here. SL transfers lots of information per second.

  6. Clear your cache to see your AV again.

    Reduce your graphics setting to help with that lag. Set your draw distance to maybe 125 meters.

    About that connection:

    For wired connections: Disconnect all wires concerning your connection, wait 30 seconds then plug them back in again, including the modem and transformer. Wires should snugly fit into ports.

    Make sure your Ethernet adapted driver is up to date.

    Open the statistics bar (view > statistics bar) and the network preferences (edit > preferences > network > maximum bandwidth slider) TP to a SIM while the SIM is rezzing set the Bandwidth slide bar for the  maximum kbps you can achieve in the statistics bar. This location should be near the maximum speed of your ISP service. (This doesn't improve things much on viewer 2)

    You can check your connection speed here:



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  7. In this order, try:

    Wait, sometimes the servers have problems, only wait a few hours at most.

    Check the Second Life grid status for logon problems.


    Retype your user name and password makeing sure the spelling is correct.

    Try logging on at


    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > perferances > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.

    Your firewall should be set to "outbound access only" for the Second Life program.

    Reset your modem.


    Other possible solutions:


    Try another viewer. This one for instance:


  8. This suggestion might cost you but ........or contact the creator of the object and see if they can modify a copy for you. Make sure they change its name of it, if they do so that the modified version can not be confused with the M&A version..

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  9. Did you click a blue menu sometime, somewhere? If you did then that's the problem avoid those menus if you do not trust or know the people providing them. Be especially careful on Linden Sandboxes where these can be a continual problem. Never accept a chain or leash from anyone. I did that once not knowing what it was and ended up with a slave.   I let her go after awhile. That's really not my thing.

  10. To get this PC to work will be a real achievement. You will need to optimize this PC to the fullist extent, if it will work even then. You might try these suggestions:


    I would not expect much even fully optimmized.

    You might even ask advise from some PC over clockers concerning that graphics card.

    I would also suggest your try another viewer other then the SL Beta 2.

  11. There are a number of those big ships. Search places > Sci-fi or cyborg in search. Star wars is perhaps the best developed Sci-fi action and RP SIMs on SL. You might search for one of their groups for direct personal information.

    "Doomed ship"  is a common theme.

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