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Faubio Alter

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Posts posted by Faubio Alter

  1. 1) yes

    2) Do your home work, check them out in the KBs first before buying one. SL does have problems with some ATI cards and some high end cards most mid level cards should do the job but double check anyway. SL also has trouble with SLI and crossfire multi card systems. SL general lags behind in graphics and is far from state of the art in this regard.

    3) I know of folks in world running I7 with no problems. Is it over kill sure? Yes. Will it be in four years, maybe not.


    Use these suggestions at your own risk.


    Message was edited by: Faubio Alter ........ here you go:http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Hardware_Questions

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  2. The top two FPS (frames per second) and bandwidth. These are your computer the client side of the connection. There are three parts involved in making a connection. the client side your computer; the connection itself (a large system of connections call the web) and server side. The SL equipment.


    This is what you need to do:

    Open the statistics bar (view > statistics bar) and the network  preferences (edit > preferences > network > maximum  bandwidth slider) Tp to a SIM while the SIM is rezzing set the Bandwidth  slide bar for the  maximum kbps you can achieve in the statistics bar. This  location should be near the maximum speed of your ISP service. You will need to find out your connection speed.


    You can  check your connection speed here:






    You said:

    What is the bandwidth reading?  In one spot that was jumping from 9 to 330.


    Your maximimum connection speed is 330 kbps. This is very low, too low, adjust the slider to get a better or the best speed possible this should be near your connection speed (see speed test). Typical connection speeds are 768 kbps, 1 MB, 3 MB, and 10 MB (10 MB is cable all others are DSL). Extremely fast  speeds are T1 and T3 both are business connections.

    Your inventory is stored on the server side of the connection. Throw out some stuff. What 20k of stuff will do is slow down your log on time a bit but not much. So little you might not notice the difference between 10000 and 20000 objects, both seeming about the same speed to load.

    I said:

    Use these suggestions at your own risk

  3. Too many AVs on a SIM can lag it. Each server type has a limit to the number of AVs, objects and scripts that can be run. Exceed these limits and the SIM lags. This is over usage. The SIM owner is to blame when this occurs.

    Removing AV flexi items can improve performance, not because they are flexi because they are made of too many objects. Remove AO and HUDs can also improve performance. "Music breaks" are a connectivity issue sourceyet  unknown but more then likely because of packet loss.

    Do with these suggestions as you will.

  4. Are you sure about that processor, a Pentium III? That processor barely squeezes by conforming to the minimum requirement to run SL. Most new PCs have dual core processors at least. I would suggest you find a helper with that lag problem. Someone inworld to help you. See "Device Manager" in Windows PCs for your PC hardware.


    This graphics card may not run on a PC with a Pentium III processor, Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 260/PCI/SSE2


    Your right it should run better with lots less trouble but that's computing in 2010.

  5. My guess is you've made up your mind on this is but  for what it's worth .................. The number one thing you can do to improve your performance is reduce your graphics settings.

    Others can be found here (See the combat stuff.):


    A word about those combat tweaks. They are extreme tweaks. Those tweaks were created for the "Average Joe" to compete against high-end PCs in $3,000.00, $ 7,000.00+. price range. Combat competition in SL are not bracketed for hardware and connectivity these are suggested to level the playing field for users with average PCs. They are not pretty but they can make an average PC much better in combat. See the disclaimer on the website.

  6. Yep, would like to get that to stop too. Looked all through the debug settings this evening nothing in there about it.


    Message was edited by: Faubio Alter      Warning: The Advanced menu and the unique features within it are NOT supported by Linden Lab, because they're intended for technical debugging. You may find the Advanced menu beneficial and we appreciate Residents documenting its use, but we do NOT guarantee it to function correctly. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

    • Like 1
  7. Lag is killing me.  Is any of it related to Inventory?

    Nope, but does show you have a connection problem.


    In this order. Try the connection again after each step.................


    Make sure your Ethernet adapted driver is up to date.


    Disconnect all wires concerning your connection, wait 30 seconds then plug them back in again, including the


    modem and transformer. Wires should snugly fit into ports.


    Open the statistics bar (view > statistics bar) and the network preferences (edit > preferences > network >


    maximum bandwidth slider) Tp to a SIM while the SIM is rezzing set the Bandwidth slide bar for the  maximum


    kbps you can achieve in the statistics bar. This location should be near the maximum speed of your ISP




    You can check your connection speed here:







    Find a gadget/widget/meter to put on your desktop to monitor your connection.


    If your looses connectivity contact your ISP and complain. Expect a broken connection when connected to


    the Internet.  SL should run continuously, SL is streaming.



    Note to advanced users: Use a hard wired 10/100/1000 Ethernet adapter, if possible. A wired connection is


    more reliable then a wireless one, switch to a wired connection if possible.


    Use these suggestions at your own risk.

  8. In this order, try:


    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > perferences > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.

    Your firwewall should be set to "outbound access only" for the Seond Life program.

    Wait, sometimes the servers have problems, only wait a few hours at most.

    Reset your modem.

    Other possible solutions:

    Try another viewer. This one for instance:




    Make out a JIRA.


    NOTE: See the black box near the top marked "instructions". Read these first, before making out the JIRA.

  9. Hmmm, seems to be more problems then just the GPU card. Looks like it's time for a new system if you want to run SL. RAMs low, 2 GBs would be better, a new card, the CPU is iffy (do not use the net while your using it.). A new card might require a power supply up grade. By the way, the minimum requirement are no where near the best requirements for using SL. If you up grade that PC the cost might be more then a new PC.

    For instance (example only, shop around):


  10. Yes but I had the Drive. I also drag and drop files to the second drive as a back up drive but it is not a software mirrored or raid  system. Problem is SL only allows 1 GB of cache space. I have a 320 GB drive. I wish it were unlimited GBs then I could save many more. The cache appears to work like a browser cookies file storing textures on the client side for your next visit to a SIM. I travel a lot so this configuration comes in handy. Is it worth $50.00-$100.00 US for a Drive, well that would be your decision.

  11. I have nothing to substantiate this, like a KB for instance, but I believe the bright red ones are the official SIM landing spot and the dull red ones are other locations around a SIM. The official ones are found in search and other SL functions. Also the dull red ones are usually made by the users.

  12. In this order, try:


    Reset your modem

    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > perferences > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.

    Wait, sometimes the servers have problems, only wait a few hours, at most.

    Make out a JIRA

    Note: There are various right and wrong answers in helping others on help desks. More importantly there are partial, incomplete answers so you might reference several posts from here to get a complete answer or nearly complete answer.

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