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Faubio Alter

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Posts posted by Faubio Alter

  1. The log in part from the first post I placed on this thread:


    In this order, try:


    Reset your modem

    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > perferences > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.

    Make out a JIRA

    Note: There are various right and wrong answers in helping others on help desks. More importantly there are partial, incomplete answers so you might reference several posts from here to get a complete answer or nearly complete answer.

  2. In this order, try:


    Reset your modem

    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > perferences > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.

    Make out a JIRA

    Note: There are various right and wrong answers in helping others on help desks. More importantly there are partial, incomplete answers so you might reference several posts from here to get a complete answer or nearly complete answer.

  3. What's this about?

    My connection is neither WiFi or wireless <<<<< What is it then?

    Connection: Workstation (standalone)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Workstation?

    You say it's freezing. I'm assuming that means the image is frozen in place and you can not do anything with it. Is this the corrrect discription of what is happening on your PC? If so, check for a new Driver for your graphics card.

    When was the last time this PC was cleaned? Very dirty PCs can freeze up. SL is very demanding and can run temperature to very high levels inside the PC tower or laptop. So it might work fine (for now) doing routine stuff but use SL and pow, a freeze.

    See "event viewer" in a Windows OS PCs for possible clues to hardware issues.


    Disclaimer: I don't do commercial "help desk". Any suggestions you use from this thread are at your own risk.

  4. You could kill them I suppose. All sorts of morons in this place. Those grappling for power and prestige can be difficult. All kind of hidden agendas on SL, some like to tag team others and the like, yawn. Some are just mean. Some can mask their true identities and intents for a long time when in fact their just grieves, on the surface they look fine but underneath .......

    Few simply just take the next right action and do what it is they do.

    Here are a few simple steps to dealing with some of them:

    You can abuse report them.

    You can mute them.

    You can avoid them.

  5. Lindens are approximately $00.04 on the dollar. about 4 cents each. You can check the exchange rate by simply attempting to buy them, then cancel the buy/sell oder. The exchange rate does vary, very rapidly, even from minute to minute, so all are rough estimates till the sell/buy order is complete.

  6. All pictures need to have all properties clicked (copy modify and sell/give away). Then open the person profile you wish to send it to and drag it to the space provided below the comments section in there profile or open the IM chat to them and drag it into the chat window.

  7. More then likely dust bunnies. Have you cleaned it ever? I'm serious ...........

    See video:

    Important: Discharge all static electricity from your body by touching metal before you begin.

    Opening a new PC can void it's warranty. Read the warranty first. Generally, new PCs do not need to be cleaned

    Used compressed air to clean the system. In most cases you need 'not" remove anything, systems do vary, however.

    Pencil erases are good tools to clean dirt from fans. Do not over spin (spin them too fast) fans

    Also see the other videos on this website for cleaning other parts of the PC, especially the graphics card.

    If it's a laptop there are video for cleaning them as well. Just search YouTube for them.


    Disclaimer: If you use these suggestions you do so, 'AT YOUR OWN RISK". No validity or authenticity is expressed or implied. [Faubio Alter a.k.a. D.E.G. 1/6/2010}

  8. Nope, is not SL, illegal yet:


    Problem is it's possible you can down load stuff to your PC using unnamed software that belongs to other people and then move it to another virtual worlds (also unnamed) for use there. In effect making a copy of it without compensating the originator of the material for it. So, someone creates a feature that does this, someone uses it for ill and gets sued then because it's used within a place that place gets sued too. You would not want to be that place.


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