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Faubio Alter

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Posts posted by Faubio Alter

  1. These apply if your using version 1 of the viewer (other version 1 based viewers) or Emerald

    In this order. Try the connection again after each step.................



    Check the grid status for the time involved



    Make sure your Ethernet adapted driver is up to date.


    For wired connections for modems only: Disconnect all wires concerning your connection, wait 30 seconds then plug them back in again, including the modem and transformer. Wires should snugly fit into ports. These instructions do not apply to routers.

    For wireless connections and routers: Reset your system clock. see "help and support" in Windows for directions. If a router with a firewall is being used it maybe unplugged provided you have the skills to reconfigure the firewall if it contains one.


    With third party viewers open the statistics bar (view > statistics bar) and the network preferences (edit > preferences > network > maximum bandwidth slider) TP to a SIM while the SIM is rezzing set the bandwidth slide bar for the  maximum kbps you can achieve in the statistics bar. This location should be near the maximum speed of your ISP service. This does not apply to the SL viewer 2

    You can check your connection speed here:




    If your looses connectivity contact your ISP and complain. Expect a broken connection when connected to the Internet.  SL should run continuously, SL is streaming.

  2. This is a bit of a "sticky wicket". Yes, it is possible to have more then five in fact you can buy them. Some say there are workarounds for more without paying a fee.

    The term location I mentioned is also problematic it also appears the hardware you use is involved in identifying your location. (eg. the phrase "hardware banned".

    The issue was making more AVs so I kept it simple.


    Message was edited by: Faubio.Alter ............... officially  SL says you can have, five but in the small print can be found options for more then five.

  3. Hmmm yes there are visitor scanners that records the arrival of visitor place one behind your bed. Your other option is to seriously modify your bed script a costly and possible difficult task. Frankly this thread is a bit over board for me so I'm going to let it go.

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  4. Sometimes .............. Each SIM has an object limit, for mainland SIMs that number is 15,000 objects, approach or exceed this amount and it can create lag. Why approach this amount?  Because there are also other limits as well number the of AVs and Number of script events are also limiting factors.

  5. You can try an clear your cache in preferences. Path is >Preferences > Network > click clear Cache button > apply > OK > restart viewer , wait, it will restart when it is done.

    But it may no longer be in the SL server system some times this happens. I do not know why. Possible it's old or there has been a server problem. Waiting sometimes will bring it back. If the object is important to you make out a support ticket here:


  6. In this order, try:

    Retype your user name (both of them) and password in the boxes provided on the logon screen.


    Check the Second Life grid status for logon problems.



    Try logging on at



    On login screen take this path. In top left hand corner of screen, click, edit > preferences  > in the general tab, click the box that says "show start location on login screen" click apply, click OK. Now you have something new on your login screen. Click the down arrow and choose "home", or "last location" or type "Violet" (Any region you can remember will do, if you remember the regions name spelling exactly) in the "type region name" selection. Try all three if you need to.


    For wired connections for modems only: Disconnect all wires concerning your connection, wait 30 seconds then plug them back in again, including the modem and transformer. Wires should snugly fit into ports. These instructions do not apply to routers.

    For wireless connections and routers: Reset your system clock. see "help and support" in Windows for directions.


    Your firewall should be set to "outbound access only" for the Second Life program.


    Another possible solution:

    Try another viewer. This one for instance:


  7. I can assure you after year of RL managerial work that the more a problem is reported the quicker it gets fixed. It is good that it is on Torley's radar this is also an indication it is getting attention. I am also aware of how difficult computer problems can be to fix, this fact does not escape me.

    The OP should report this issue as a JIRA.


    Message was edited by: Faubio.Alter ......... by the way, I was the manager they came to when they had a problem.

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