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Faubio Alter

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Posts posted by Faubio Alter

  1. I think you have some bad skins and I'd get rid of them anyway I could. If you bought them then contact the creator about this.

    There are two other possibilities however,

    That you have some sort of hang up in the viewer software so reload the viewer software. The second is an error on your hard drive(s). If your using Windows run a check disk/disk check..

    I'd try another viewer first before doing these suggestions and remove them using it, if possible, that way.


    (If you haven't used emerald it's very good. I recommend it.)

    • Like 1
  2. They seem "too good" to be true,  just too nice, all a part of their confidence play to win your trust.

    They are extremely persistent and patient.

    They listen more closely then others.

    They ask more personal questions then most. specifically about your real life and usually much earlier in the relationship then others might.

    They speak often of there male/female relationships  in an attempt to convince you that they are trustworthy.

    They may have information about you that you have not shared directly with them because they have been seeking information about you from online sources (usually after you have shared too much information with them.)

    They ask for some commitment,. that  you share something with them, a place for instance. If you accept they become "Mr/Ms. Hyde".

    If you refuse to provide the information or accept the commitment offer they get very angry. a sign of their true character.

    Remember they may have been doing this for decades. Those that do it best may go undetected till it is too late.


    I have known 9 of them .


    Nothing they do can be done without information from you.

  3. Four walls same height and width and depth

    Two triangles (gable ends) the weight and depth of the walls

    Two roof panels to cover one half the area of the sloping gables. (Optional) make them larger if you want overhangs


    Just about any kid can draw one up for you. You will need to straighten the chimney  kids make them leaning.



    You can do this

  4. My crystal ball says there will be announcements soon.

    Lets not forget the scape goat is mono that allegedly uses more memory then LSL,  big oops for SL on that one. Here's a thought buy more memory.  Hmmm, don't we have a boat load of new servers running SL these days.

    Those most effected will be the merchants. I'd expect a mercantile shop shortage. In the end vast stores of marketable products will go poof instead thus ending the over abundance of crappy old stuff. Zap, another vendor script bites the dust.

    Things are often not as they appear. :-)

    No,the skies not falling, it's baking us but that's not funny. :-(

  5. Yes, I read this unclear and largely out dated irrelevant dribble from the wiki concerning active scripts and script events.

    Yes, I understand your example

    The OP question is where do you think the new limits will be?

    So a sim owner (or Linden for that matter) can't just look at the total  number of Active Scripts and start tossing objects overboard.


    Sure they can ....... max number 700-400 passive and/or active scripted objects =300 on average. Uses/AVs including expected style of dress and AO/Hud effects 50 = 250 script processes  equals a balance of 50 available for over runs and other unexpected situations. Is is precise? No. Is it realistic? Yes.. Does it need continual tweaking to remain realistic? Unfortunately, yes? Yes, yes this is a hypothetical situation.


    Message was edited by: Faubio.Alter

  6. The current system wide measures for scripts running on SIMs are

    Active Scripts


    Script Events

    Using these measures I'd say

                                           Active scripts                        Script events            

    A  range                           9000-6000                                700-400   

    Best guess                         7000                                          600

    Is it possible they will measure it in a new way?

    What a mess this ones going to make. This will make the spill in the Gulf look like a drop in a bucket. Wow! LOL

  7. Hmmm. It just dawned on me that was not the dress I lost. Damn! Looks like I'm still out one expensive dress.

    Anyway around that time I also had a 100 L$ donation that did not show on my L$ account.

    Are you on a English SIM by chance?

  8. I lost parts of a 700 L$ dress two weeks or so ago and yesterday found them back in my inventory. Contact the SIM owner about this. I was renting too.

  9. which makes me wonder if having antivirus software is really worth it


    Yes, it is worth it and it would be reckless to not run them.

    What OS are you using? I have a Windows 7 OS on a Compaq PC and I have trouble with programs running in the background slowing my PC. I have disallowed automatic updates on a number of programs in my PC and have chosen to be notified of them instead, this way I know they are running and can choose when. This appears to be a Windows 7 problem but I'm not for certain yet.

  10. Why do you think it is the AV program? Mostly frame rate is handled by your graphics card that can be effected by your connection. To check whats running on your CPU where the AV program does open task manager in Windows and see if it is running while your on SL. Look also for other programs that are running and disable what you can. If your using MAC or Linux sorry i can't help you.

  11. The dah part is not using search.  The keywords are Na'vi or Pandora.

    Subtle  promotion are used all the time here on SLA for all types of purposes but some fail to see them. There are fair and allowed forms of promotion on the blog and there are the disallowed. To directly request suggestion for merchandise is in the later category. For instance a Avatar SIM owner might be trying to promote his/her theme and in doing so promote business for all those involved, in time some of that business ends up on their SIM. I would remind you the Avatar theme is very new to SL.  There is also a  larger audience for these posts then the visible responses,144 people have viewed this thread .This has not gone unnoticed by some.

  12. Sorry I would but:

    No Advertising or Commercial Promotion

    Except as expressly provided below under “Exceptions,” we do not allow  advertising or the promotion of specific merchants, marketplace  listings, products, services, or commercial websites, including offers  to trade, “wanted” posts, charitable solicitations, and posts on  affiliate or referral programs.  “Advertising” and “commercial  promotion” include promotion of your own business as well as others’  businesses.  A persistent focus on a particular merchant, listing,  product, service, or commercial website is also considered “advertising”  or “commercial promotion.”  A “commercial website” is a website where  you can buy, sell, or trade any product or service.

    because it might be considered advertising promotion. there are some exceptions, see the link below.


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