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Nyll Bergbahn

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Everything posted by Nyll Bergbahn

  1. ...but did you complete a Character Test as I mentioned?
  2. lol Coby! You were obviously in Chosen Few's graphics class! That's been a bugbear of his for many years. :smileyvery-happy: I forget at times but I'll try to remember to call it alpha mask in future!
  3. I'm a little confused. Are you saying that you can wear any other outfit and appear fine but that this shoe alpha is causing an issue with just the one outfit or is this shoe alpha now causing a problem with all outfits and you appear nude no matter what? I know you posted a few days ago and probably have sorted the problem out by now. However, if just affecting one outfit, why not replace the shoes or at least the alpha layer? If affecting all outfits, complete a Character Test which will reset your avatar to a library default one - Develop Menu > Avatar > Test Female and then rebuild your avatar.
  4. Hi crysstal. No need to post anywhere else. Because the update has probably messed up your SL installation, I suggest you uninstall the viewer completely now including removal of the hidden folders in AppData and then download and install the latest viewer. Many residents disable automatic updates in Preferences as updates frequently cause problems. I always uninstall then download and install the full viewer. Uninstall normally then manually remove the hidden Second Life folders in AppData. Enable Hidden Files & Folders if not already enabled: 1) Open Control Panel 2) Open “Folder Options” 3) Open the “View” tab 4) Check “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” Press OK and close control panel. Accessing AppData&colon; Browse to the path below that corresponds to your operating system: Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\ Windows Vista - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Windows Vista Home Premium - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Windows 7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Inside the AppData folder: 1) Open the Local folder and delete the entire Second Life folder. 2) Go back one level to the AppData folder. 3) Open the Roaming folder and delete the entire Second Life folder. If you wish to save existing chat files you've had with other avatars, move the Roaming > [avatar name] folder elsewhere on your computer and drag any chat text files you wish to retain into the new Roaming > [avatar name] folder once Second Life is reinstalled. Ignore if you don't want to save any. 4) Restart your computer. Now download a fresh copy of Second Life and install it.
  5. Well, you didn't post a pic so we can't look at your avi but could you be wearing an alpha layer used to hide parts of your body when wearing mesh clothing, perhaps one you omitted to remove when checking out your new shape and skin. If not that, you'll have to add a pic to your post using the Tree icon and Options/Edit.
  6. You're most welcome Val and glad it's fixed now for you. Hugs
  7. Forgot to say Val you can check what texture memory is available and being used from the Texture Console. From the Develop Menu, select Consoles > Texture Console (or CTRL+SHIFT+3). The start of the first line where it says GL Tot shows the current texture memory being used and the available texture memory which if you're getting the max will be 768MB (SL is capped at 512MB + 50% for other operations). For example, I logged in and it shows GL Tot 191/768 MB so using 191MB of 768MB available.
  8. Hi Val! It could be some weird Mac thing but check Debug Settings > RenderTextureMemoryMultiple and see what it's set at. If less that 1.0, reset to 1.0 and press Enter. If at 1.0 and you're only getting 192MB and 256MB, increase the multiplier to say 4.0 and see if that changes what is allowed.
  9. We're just SL residents like you, Linden Lab employees do not read Answers. The toll free numbers are for Billing Support and only apply in the specified countries. There is no point in phoning all the toll-free numbers as only the one for the country you live in will be available. If you don't live in a country with a dedicated number, you have to phone the tolled US number and it's best to do this via Skype to save on call costs. If you have an issue, perhaps we can help or at least point you in the right direction. Use Options/Edit to add additional comments.
  10. Could be a power issue with your PSU, could be your motherboard, could be the BIOS, could be the driver, could be the card itself, could be because it's overclocked, could be overheating, whatever it is, I don't believe it's some sort of SL virus and I don't think talking to a SL technician would help even if you could engage with one. Similar symptoms to what you are experiencing, i.e. fans racing, black screen, having to reboot, have been mentioned on various gaming forums but usually after playing for a few minutes not simply on opening the application. Sometimes, it seems to affect one game and not others. Anyway, it would seem to be a problem with your system for which there could be a number of possible remedies and I think you'll just have to check all the components one by one starting with the easiest, the graphics card but just use one monitor. If you can swap the card to another computer to test, that would help.
  11. @Winterschains: In future, try first reading what was posted. I stated precisely what is referenced in the link you mentioned, how to complete a manual cache clearance. It's the initial step anyone with missing items should take and is clearly reference by LL in its KB. If you upgraded to Premium before doing this, that was your decision. The OP is in SL a very long time and I would assume knows full well how to do a manual cache clearance but I posted it anyway. You seem to think that a cache clearance can always recover missing inventory but if the assets server has issues with your inventory, only Linden Lab can help and for that you need Premium membership. If the loss is worth 100s of dollars as the OP says, it may very well be worth risking a month or two of premium membership to try and retrieve it. As I stated though, there is no guarantee that LL can recover missing items, they may be permanently gone.
  12. You may also like to try disabling HTTP textures by opening the Develop Menu (CTRL+ALT+Q) and unticking HTTP textures.
  13. Would be better if you could open SL to log in screen then select Help > About. Copy/paste the contents of the window that opens into your post using Options/Edit. Add in full details of your graphics card. What viewer are you using? Check that your graphics Texture Memory has not been reset to a low amount. Open Me > Preferences > Graphics > Hardware button > Texture Memory slider > set slider to 512 MB if lower. Is this occurring when you move your camera around or when your camera is stationary as well? Similar issues have occurred in the past, e.g. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/PHOE-742 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/3-4-4-textures-stuck-in-reloading-cycle-on-OSX/td-p/1825115 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SNOW-94?
  14. I have never come across this issue before and I am in SL for over six years. Your cache seems to be corrupted in some weird fashion but whether it is a local corruption or server is something you will have to determine. What viewer are you using and have you tried an alternate viewer? If so, is the same thing happening with it? You can add comments to your post using Options/Edit. When you say you've cleared cache a billion times, do you mean you clicked the Clear cache button or have you tried a manual clearance by removing the actual folder in AppData? Uninstall normally then manually remove the hidden Second Life folders in AppData. Enable Hidden Files & Folders: 1) Open Control Panel 2) Open “Folder Options” 3) Open the “View” tab 4) Check “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” Press OK and close control panel. Accessing AppData&colon; Browse to the path below that corresponds to your operating system: Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\ Windows Vista - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Windows Vista Home Premium - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Windows 7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Inside the AppData folder: 1) Open the Local folder and delete the entire Second Life folder. 2) Go back one level to the AppData folder. 3) Open the Roaming folder and delete the entire Second Life folder. If you wish to save existing chat files you've had with other avatars, move the Roaming > [avatar name] folder elsewhere on your computer and drag any chat text files you wish to retain into the new Roaming > [avatar name] folder once Second Life is reinstalled and you've logged in at least once. Ignore if you don't want to save any. 4) Restart your computer. Now download a fresh copy of Second Life and install it. If the same issue reappears, you will need Premium Membership to submit a ticket to LL as inventory issue support is not available to Basic members. Good luck:)
  15. There are really only two ways and one depends on you having Premium membership. 1. Manual cache clearance: Enable Hidden Files & Folders if not already done: 1) Open Control Panel 2) Open “Folder Options” 3) Open the “View” tab 4) Check “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” Press OK and close control panel. Accessing AppData&colon; Browse to the path below that corresponds to your operating system: Windows XP - C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\ Windows Vista - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Windows Vista Home Premium - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Windows 7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ Inside the AppData folder, open the Local folder and delete the entire Second Life folder. Restart your computer then log in to a quiet sim such as Smith or Pooley and wait for your inventory to be re-populated from the server. Hopefully, your full inventory will appear. 2. If the same items are still missing, you need Premium membership to submit a ticket on inventory loss. May be worth taking it out for a month or so until LL look at the ticket but no guarantee they can recover the lost items. If different items missing, I'd look at your internet connection and check for high packet loss as this can contribute to inventory issues. Good luck.
  16. Nyll Bergbahn


    What has happened to the Azoury fashion store? All I can find now in-world and on MP is a full perm store but it used to run quite a sizeable retail store. I only noticed this when I tried on some demos I'd had for a while and went to buy the full products. Has it ceased its retail operation?
  17. Hitomi Tiponi wrote: The thing is that 3.5.2 is still the latest viewer in the release notes, and although it has the longest list of known issues (tut, tut) that I have seen in a viewer release - being unable to create new accounts is not one of them. There was a serious bug in 3.5.2 as Rolig explains here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Viewers/why-the-viewer-3-5-2-276129-has-been-removed/qaq-p/2020795/comment-id/6513#M6513
  18. Blonde vs, redheads (sort of) - Ikea advertisement. Blonde wins!
  19. What sort of skirt, a system layer, prim skirt or mesh skirt? If a prim skirt try right clicking the skirt/Detach. If system skirt or mesh skirt, go to Items Worn tab on your Inventory or where the skirt is stored in your Inventory and try detaching it from there. Sometimes system layer clothes can be stubborn and you still appear to be wearing them even though your inventory says you're not. In that instance: First try CTRL+ALT+R to rebake your avatar textures. If that fails, simply re-logging may sort this out. It did for me last night. If not, a character reset will fix this. CTRL+ALT+Q to open the Develop Menu then select Avatar > Character Test > Female. This will reset your avatar to a default Library avatar and from there, rebuild your avatar with your own skin, shape, eyes, clothes etc.
  20. Everything is working fine for me. You could try calling Billing Support too: Have billing issues? Give us a call. Note that phone support is for billing issues only. If you're having technical issues, please use technical support. Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only
  21. I wonder if this is a problem with your sim (in which case you'll have to ask LL Support) rather than a general payment one, as I don't see anyone else reporting this and still no mention of any issues on the Grid Status page. I'll be inworld shortly so I'll see if I can buy something normally.
  22. Scheduled Maintenance of the Billing Engine and website was planned but cancelled so there should not be any issues at the moment and there is no mention of any inworld issues. What exactly is happening? Have you tried relogging? [CANCELED] Scheduled Billing Engine and Secondlife.com Maintenance Posted by Status Desk on May 22nd, 2013 at 05:02 pm PDT [Canceled 9:41 am PDT, 23 May 2013] The scheduled billing engine and secondlife.com maintenance has been canceled at this time. Please watch this blog for updates and reschedules. [Posted 5:02 pm PDT, 22 May 2013] We will be performing scheduled maintenance on our billing engine and on Secondlife.com Thursday, 23 May 2013 from 9:00 AM to 12:00pm PDT. During this time some of our web services as well as our billing and Lindex services may not be available. Please continue to check this blog for updates.
  23. This topic came up a few years ago when the Linden Homes were initially released and I'm sure since then too. The pools are not pools in that they actually have prim water in them and neither can you put prim water in them yourself as they are just very thin solid prims a few cm thick with a water texture by default. You can change the texture to grass or gravel or a couple of others if you so wish via the control panel. You can add poses and pretend you are floating or dangling your feet in the water but all you are doing is floating on or dangling your feet in a very thin solid prim because there is no prim water. If you want a pool or hot tub, you will have to buy one (or find a freebie) with prim water and place it on the patio or inside of your house.
  24. Hi Scarlett, it may help if you could post your laptop specifications including the graphics card or integrated graphics chip used. Open SL to login screen then select Help > About Second Life and copy/paste the contents into a reply here. I've never seen that particular message used by Linden Lab unless it's a very new one. What viewer are you using?
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