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Tonya Souther

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Everything posted by Tonya Souther

  1. Mrf...while I don't see a mass exodus over SVC-8124, I do think that folks who have to pay for their INternet by the byte are going to get hammered and have to drop off SL at least temporarily until LL fixes the problem. I'm not sure it constitutes "abuse fo the Internet", as Wolf put it, but it's definitely not good, either.
  2. I just tested on BlueSteel after today's roll, and the function works properly again. Thanks, Oz and Brooke.
  3. Hey, Oskar...how come the dates for the rolls are last week?
  4. As I commented on SVC-7283, between this and a major Marketplace bug that's causing purchases to be lost, I've got two friends - both pretty big vendors - who are seriously considering pulling out of SL, since it seems that LL doesn't care about SL businesses's success. The cause of this error was rolled grid-wide with essentially zero testing; this fix should have been rolled gridwide on an emergency basis.
  5. I'm the developer that Lonewolf has been arguing with. Heaven help me, for I have no idea why I keep arguing. I don't know why he is pursuing this argument. I don't know of anyone - not even a Linden - who agrees that 1 meter in SL is intended to represent anything but 1 meter in RL. The height calculation in Phoenix and FIrestorm computes the height of the bounding box, then ads 195 millimeters to reach the proper height. I don't know why the bounding box is set at the level of the eyeballs, but it is, as rezzing a phantom prim over your avatar will show. I spent a fair amount of time seeing why Phoenix had it right and Firestorm didn't, in the early days of its development - and found the 195 millimeter fudge factor. I've told him to stop complaining at my email inbox. I have better things to do than deal with kooks who refuse to see that redefining a fundamental constant of nature is not the way to deal with an apparent discrepancy in the scale of SL vs RL.
  6. Just to confirm: The Phoenix Grid is in no way associated with The Phoenix Viewer Project, Inc.
  7. Alice, I don't know if LL is going to address the "block" issue, but we're talking about what to do about it in the Firestorm project. Expect to see something more than Show/Discard/Block.
  8. Welcome indeed, Rod. I've been saying that LL needed folks at the helm who truly understood what the world was about and what people did, and I'm glad to see you're finding out firsthand. Now, find a few clubs, hang out, meet people, listen to DJs, put up with the Unicode gesture spam, and have a good time. I'd be remiss, though, if I didn't recommend that you pick up more than just Viewer 2, once you became comfortable inworld. There's a lot of hate and discontent about Viewer 2 in the user community, and you need to find out why yourself, in order to make informed decisions about what to do in that area. I'll personally recommend the Phoenix Viewer, but then, I'm a bit biased...
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