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Sea Warcliffe

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Everything posted by Sea Warcliffe

  1. I love coming up with ideas and then MAKING something in-world with those ideas.Seing things come to life as it were. I love collaborating on projects with friends to make something thats expontially better than if we were workign solo. I love helping customers achieve their goals, and finding solutions to their projects. I love helping new builders - seeing the light bulb come on, and watching them grow and seeing their work develop. Of course I love it when people love my stuff and tell me so, or send me pictures or copies of what they have created. But the part I like the very best? Is when a customer is browsing my store (a very pretty shop that looks like it was designed by a sane, normal person) and I start talking with them, and they look down and go: "Youre the shop owner!?! But but you're a tiny otter in a..... is that a Lady GaGa outfit?!?!" Thats definately the best bit :smileyhappy:
  2. Thank you Madeliefste - that was very informative! Like you, I have found that I really enjoy creating for builders. My intention on my little business is to keep it at the hobby level and to keep it fun. I have two RL jobs already and I really dont want SL to turn into another JOB. Plus the idea of depending on an income from SL honestly frightens me. I still get a BIG thrill that I can pay all my SL expenses and have a little extra for fripperies. I have my shop on mainland so I can get more land / prims as I grow, and that has helped to keep my expenses low. I dont do some promotional things that might get me more sales, but sound too much like work (because I am a lazy, lazy otter :smileytongue:) That said, I am "taking home" about 75% of what I earn in SL after expenses and amusing purchases. So not a lot, but a nice little bonus. When I do cash out its usually spent on something fun for hubby and I to enjoy - like a weekend away to see a concert. Or on some gadget or software that has caught my eye.
  3. What is this "manage" that you speak of? I really dont see any advantage to pruning my friends list. Basically the only time I will unfriend someone is if they put out mass blind TP offers.
  4. I live in Milu, and I'd never realized the volcanic area was an island! This is cool, I love maps like this.
  5. Whenever I want to do anything with group land, or my friends have questions, I always refer back to this very useful thread in the archives: Step by Step: How to Transfer Land
  6. That is strange. I've not had that happen when I added related items. Three things to check (if you havent already) - go look at your manage inventory tab and make sure: 1) that none of the ratings have changed (like I had some pg plants change to mature because I said they would look good in a rustic or gorean setting). If a rating has changed, change the wording to get them back to the proper rating and resubmit. 2) Check the unlisted and unavailable tabs to be sure something hasnt become unlisted. 3) This is a long shot, but make sure your keywords and features are still in the listings themselves - last Iheard marketplace search searches only titles, keywords and features.
  7. Ill just pile in agreeing with everyone here. I started my shop on my little 512 mainland island, and was able to grow at my own pace, till now I have 6,000 sq meters on the same sim. From the start I was so thrilled with my premium 512 (thats basically free if you pay a year at a time and factor in the stipend) - so I made 2 more premium alts who donated their 512 tier to group. Cheapest tier around :smileywink: It has worked incredibly well for me - unlike some of my friends who rent I have never had a sim sold out from under me, I can build as I like, grow at my own pace, and have my friends sell stuff in my shop. I keep hearing customers express surprise that my shop is on mainland - I guess they expected it to be all ugly chaos, but it really isnt. When looking for land I recommend picking an area that you like and just teleporting about using the map with land for sale ticked. My preferences is to have at least one (and preferably more) sides adjacent to linden protected land or water.
  8. My silly litte 512 island in Milu. I have more land, but its still my favorite. Right now it only has grass and trees on it.
  9. I had pictures that would NOT upload, it turns out it was because they had non-alpha numeric symbols in the name - for example "awsomenewthing#2" would not upload, but once I changed it to just "awesomenewthing2" it worked. Do the names of your pictures include only letters and numbers? It sure would have helped me if the wikki mentioned this problem with names.
  10. Yes, if the texture does not have a good clear alpha border, you can fix that "asterisk" on top by playing with repeats and offsets, but it can be a little fiddly.
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