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Sea Warcliffe

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Everything posted by Sea Warcliffe

  1. Canceling the order will do just that and your funds will go back to where they were. In a limit buy or sell, you are in a queue waiting for other residents to buy or sell at the rate you defined. It just took me 8 days for a limit sell at the top sell rate - 247 L to process. If you chose the top buy rate (257L right now) it should take about a week or maybe 2, if you did not choose the top rate for your limit buy it will take a lot longer, and depending on the rate you chose - maybe never.
  2. You might want to try a clean uninstall / install of your viewers. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 All the viewers you listed ran fine on my Snow Leopard. Though an upgrade to Mountain Lion might be a good idea. Also - I cant remember if any of those viewers share a cache - if they do go into preferences before you log in and change the desination folder of the cache. Sharing a cache between viewrs is a sure way to go crashy crashy.
  3. Your transactions on your Dashboard only go back 30 days, but your Market Place transactions (Mareketplace > My Account > My Order History) goes back much further - mine shows purchases from 2010
  4. Both Builders Brewery and New Citizen's Inc have excelent classes in-world - for clothing and many other things.
  5. Are you sure you logged out properly? Sometimes people can be "ghosted". But at the first sign of ANY strangeness like this - CHANGE your password, just in case.
  6. What viewer are you using? I have recently found that I have problems and failures uploading mesh in Firestorm, but the latest SL viewer is good for uploading mesh. So even though I dislike the SL viewer, I do use it when I want to upload mesh models. If youre already on the latest SL viewer, or this doesnt solve it - maybe they forgot you passed the mesh upload test and you need to do it again? Check on your dashboard left side > mesh upload status. A friend of mine had to retake the same test he passed months ago for some reason.
  7. I'm gone a lot, sometimes with no internet whatsover. What works for me is to put a notice on my profile of the dates I will be gone and the names of two of my friends to contact ("please contact X or Y"). These friends are in the same business as I, and have edit rights to my stuff, and all my stuff is rezzed in-world. My friends will collect copies of transaction histories and if they look legit, pass the customer the missing item, or help them with any difficulties, or refund if they deem it appropriate. Its worked quite well over the last two years - lots of times theres not any issues during the time Im gone.
  8. In Gimp 2.6X yes - you can save as... and flatten to remove the alpha if making a png. Unfortunately in Gimp 2.8 its not that simple, and removing the alpha is a whole added step now as far as I can tell. And unlike Photoshop, when you save a tga in Gimp, you do not get the 32 or 24 bit option in the save dialogue. Anywho - all of my very first signs were .jpg and nobody ever noticed. Probably because of my lack of photography, composition and artwork skills, but saving them as png or tga would not have made them any better. But at least I had the comfort of not worrying about any accidental alpha, as I had for my first batch upload of 22 signs - all with accidental alpha in them - ouch!
  9. When you sell lindens your proceeds first go to your USD balance (and that can take a few days to a week) and then you have to process the USD balance to PayPal (which also takes a few days). But there are two steps to get it into your PayPal account - you did both? Did you do a market sell of your lindens? Or a limit sell? (A limit sell is where you select the rate you wish to exchange for, my latest rate was at 247 L per USD). A limit sell can take a bit longer than a market sell, and if you pick too low of an exchange rate, it might never sell.
  10. Images with non-alpha numeric characters in the name sometimes fail. I had one image with #2 in the name not load until I took out the #. So if you have anything besides letters or numbers in the name, remove them and then try.
  11. For those who woudlnt understand, I just say that Ive been learing "2d and 3d applications for virtual worlds". Makes me sound all accadenic and stuff. Hubby likes the additional funds I can contribute to the house, vacation and fun things. I have a friend who was teasing me, until I asked him what if someone paid you to do something you already wanted to do - like go to a bar and hang out with your friends? Or what if your hobby basically made going to the bar free? Then he stopped teasing me
  12. To switch from one account to another on the SL web pages and your dashboard, you need to sign out on the upper right corner and log in on the account you want. I have a bunch of alts on the same email - the email doesnt matter.
  13. Have you had lots of sales? Check your merchant home > transaction history The marketplace transaction history will show all of your sales. Those amounts should also be reflected in your transaction history on your dashboard. If there is a discrepancy, file a ticket.
  14. "With a free account can I make 900$" Yes, it is possible "without a bunch of hard work\time" No, probably not If you need quick cash, your best bet is a job in real-life, even if its minimum wage If you have skills or abilities that are useful in a virtual world (singing, DJing, making textures, mesh, clothing, buildings, scripting etc..), you can make money - but it is rarely a fast process Partially the learning curve, partially the marketing curve. Just like in real life, the money is made by people with a skill of some sort. It may just be me, but I've never seen someone who was just here to make a quick buck actually make much money. In fact they lost quite a bit chasing get rich schemes.
  15. Think of your premium 512 as your bonus tier. Actually it says that on the link I gave you: "Premium accounts are granted a 512 sqm bonus lease before land use fees are applied. The chart below shows the fees for all land you hold or tier you donate beyond the 512 sqm bonus." So for $15 USD per month in tier payment(plus $9.95 monthy) you can own 2048 + 512 = 2560 sq meters And more if you take advantage of the group land bonus The sweet spot on cost for premium fees is yearly $72 - with the stipend factored in the cost is less than $2 per month.
  16. Correct, if you are paying your premium fees monthly. See the mainland pricing and fees page. Things that can change this: 1) paying your tier quarterly or even yearly for more savings 2) The 10% group bonus can get you up to 10% more land should you choose to deed your land to group.
  17. I have found in the past that Marketplace does not like some non alpha numeric characters in the name. So something like awesomething#2.png would NOT upload but asesomethingV2.png would upload fine. The only other thing I can think of is the size of the image - which needs to be at least 512 but less than 700 x 525. The image uploader will do some resizing but better to do it yourself.
  18. The prims you modded still have the original creators name. So when people see the house rezzed and check for the creator they will contact that creator for support and not you. If you would like to build your own reputation, doing it with someone elses prims is not a great idea.
  19. You can see credits and debits in your transaction history from your dashboard. But if they are marketplace purchases or sales you dont see what the item was - unless you go to your Marketplace acount. Marketplace purchases and sales are logged in full under "My Marketplace". For purchases go to my account > order history. Marketplace sales can be viewed under Merchant Home > transaction history
  20. Its a neat idea. Looking forward I would think a low-prim version would be a nice optionl. And either different textures, or a model with a control panel that allows the owner to select different texture schemes.
  21. Not sure if this is related to your problem - but I have had images with non alpha numeric characters fail to load in the past. So while pictureofitem#2.png did NOT work, pictureofitemV2.png DID work. So marketplace didnt like the # and probably asome other things...
  22. On Marketplace - the ONLY parts of any listings that are considered for search are: 1) the item name, 2) the features and 3) the keywords. Fill out these areas with good descriptors and keywords for your product. Related items are free advertising for you at the bottom. As are additional pictures - people love pictures. For getting eyeballs on your stuff in-world, try different things to see what works: hunts, satellite shops, sales groups, themed sims or areas, MM boards, lucky chairs. And of course build up your own sales group and offer them discounts or previews or exclusives.
  23. Yes, in addition to the purchase price you pay land use fees, or tier for mainland depending upon the amount of land you hold (your first 512 sq meters costs you nothing in tier with a premium account). For more information see this land page - esepcially the section on land use fees.
  24. This morning I tried and failed to log into the marketplace a couple times. So far today my only sales have been in-world and sparse. I just assumed that was the connection - that market was being borky today. But who knows? Regarding single items flip-flopping on popularity - I always figured that was word of mouth. On person bought it and then their friend wanted it. I'm very rarely blogged about so that cant be it... I was never so suprised as when I heard a large creator that I admire a lot say "wow, I have had NO sales today". From then on I just figured that lousy days WILL happen. I only crunch numbers at the end of the month - the rolling average is all that counts I guess. But it is fickle and unpredictable even without LL breaking things. Which makes sense - nobody NEEDS anything in a virtual world - so this is all discresionary spending.
  25. Im waiting to migrate my magic boxes, but new stuff is going in via DD. The DD stuff on market is fine and happy - and I have to say, I do like just swooshing it out through the outbox, is quick and easy. Ive only had 1 problem on my listings and it was listed back in 2010 and it is still in the magic box. Lucky for me its like a duplicate, so the correct listing is still there and the bad one goes to the first page of market.
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