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Knowl Paine

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Posts posted by Knowl Paine

  1. In a short internet search, many of the results were related to Plug-in issues.

    Last I looked in my firewalls allowed access, there was like 6 plug-in programs from SL.

    Over the years, I have noticed that it is easy to miss the SL prompts at login, after a Viewer install or update.

    I suggest a clean uninstall, re-install of your Viewer.



  2. I just finished reading Asimov's The Currents of Space, and the only befitting re-title has already been taken. "The Corporation, the pathological pursuit of profit and power, by Joel Bakan.

    I had presumed that you would react to Ayn as you have., that is why I was being elusive. For many years I had only know of Any Rand, as she was depicted in television parody. She was mocked and ridiculed, by people who haven't even read her books. "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." —Albert Einstein


  3. In most instances, perceived inventory loss is due to lag. Visiting an empty Region, like one of the Water regions, might help the inventory to load fully.  Log out in one of those Regions, and relog using your last location. Open your inventory, and see if it loads. You can prompt it by typing one letter at a time, a, b, c, 

    You may have to clear the Cache.

  4. A sandbox is a good place to get attacked. It is usually only Regional.

    If you know that you can, or will verify your Account, and don't mind having to possibly wait a few days, you should following the instructions in the link below.




    I had to dig through a mountain of papers, to find information I wrote down years ago, it was a real Pita.

  5. Greetings,

    1) I have not completed the story to the end. I know where it's going.

    2) Yes, the woman carried in by the robed characters, is the woman who passed through the gate. It's a pg story. :)

    3) Duly noted, ty. The feedback has helped a lot.

    4) I agree, I can reserve overly descriptive language for detailing the important story specifics. The second character is a type of detective, but he doesn't know that yet. If his bed was neatly made, he wasn't having trouble sleeping, because he had just arrived, like the woman.

    5) This is a very rough draft, I'm learning the importance of proper grammar, substance, structure, and style.

    6) "Looking towards my new roommates location, I remained frozen in place, breathing shallowly and slipping in and out of sleep as the hours passed...." :smileysurprised:   That is good!... then what happens? I like that part. Roommates might not be entirely accurate.

    I'm feeling smaller now, in comparison to the realities of writing with quality, and doing so in volume. 


    Thank you for the thoughtful feedback.


  6. English is my only language.

    She is accredited as an American author, even though she was born, raised, and educated in Russia as Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum. Capitalizing upon her personal quest for freedom as she sought asylum in American citizenship, was done purely for business reasons.

    Pride should be reserved for accomplishments. If we had an honest society, I wouldn't feel the need to distinguish that the author is Russian, or even that she is a woman. It shouldn't matter. But in the real world, growing up in Russia in 1905 was not an easy life, and it wasn't easy for men either. (lol)





  7. Sounds buggy.

    Have you tried a clean re-install of the latest Viewer? Or, reverted to a previously viewer release that was working?


    You shouldn't fall through the surface patch, and that function isn't something Residents normally control. You're either wearing something that is cached, or, your viewer isn't sending or relaying the correct information to the server. That's my opinion.


  8. Greetings from the Bandwagon,

    I like the concept.

    The flood of invented true confessions might provide the necessary camouflage, for a person to be comfortable with posting an actual confession.

    I can see how it might help people, but I don't see how it will generate revenue in order to be self sustaining.

    I usually profess things, I rarely confess. I'm hiding my privacy. Most of my secrets are not mine.


  9. Thank you for sharing your insights.

    I've only been close to being in the creative Zen zone. I can better understand now, why authors hide away in solitude when writing. I'm glad to get input early on. I might have typed out 50 pages of confusion :smileyvery-happy:

    I will work on outlining the story, and developing it, however many pages that may be. I hope for the conclusion to evolve instead of being completely mapped out.

  10. I don't know. If you selected a premium account, you could file a Ticket with Support to get the ball rolling. If you find a solution before you get an answer, you could close the Ticket.


    There appears to be only two other related previously asked question here at the Forum.





    Sometimes a change, addition, or update can create issues, reverting back to an older Viewer Release, can remedy some issues.


  11. I would never attempt to intentionally annoy another person. I like to help people.

    Punctuation is not one of my strong points. I believe in cooperation and in each person doing what he or she does best. I was thinking that an editor could edit. I like writing. 

    I've been reading a book written by a Russian author and the book has influenced my writing sty... method.

    I realize I have a lot to learn. I'm having fun with the idea of the story.

  12. Selecting a premium membership for 1-3 months, and choosing a Linden Home, offers the best options.

    Only one person needs to be premium, doing so will also help to verify that Account, and to allow you to easily perform various Linden dollar transactions (L$) inworld, and at Market Place.

    The land the Linden Home sits on, can be set to a Group, that you can create. That will allow you, and your partner, to share in the ability to use the land's features. Building objects, rezzing object, changing the land settings, music, and many other features.

    If you choose to leave the Linden Home, you simply click on the About Land, and select Abandon Land from the selections. You are dealing directly with Linden Lab.

    Renting land, is something you transition into, after you have learned all the things needed, in order to find "good" land.

    Your Computer's performance, will be a factor in the type of Region where you want your house. Linden Homes can be laggy for some Residents.

    Renting in a Private Region, may offer a larger land parcel, the ability to add extra objects, and fewer neighbors. You are dealing directly with Residents.  Most of those Residents are honest land dealers, some are not. Avoiding problems is solved by simply never paying too far in advance. If you are unhappy, you will have little invested, and will learn at a low cost.


    An entirely free SL is possible, it just takes longer to discover, and acquire things you like. There are thousands of free objects, but many of them are free for a reason, choose wisely. You will never need 10,000 brick textures, a crazy person made that folder.

  13. Are you talking about the Jira Bug Tracker, for reporting viewer bugs? wiki

    If you being tracked by a device, or another Resident, you may be wearing the object.

    If you cannot log out of the Jira, you could contact support, file a ticket., explain the problem.

    My last guess, are you talking about inworld Advanced menu, I think it's Displays, bug tracker?  idk

  14. Yes, I would like feedback about the story.

    1. The woman lying on the bed, is the tall finely dressed woman, who passed through the gate.

    2. I suppose I wouldn't capitalize Cleaner. ty.

    3. I thought the same thing. I have no idea what I am doing in that department.

    4. I started thinking it would be a choose your own adventure, or that I might explain who, or what IGA stands for. I want it to stand for Inter Galactic Alliance, but I'm not clear if  Inter-galactic is one word.

    5. After looking at it, it doesn't need to be there. If pretentious were to mean pretense, I might have a purposeful explanation. When the air is crisp in the winter, sound travels differently.

    6. I must disagree, onto is a word, however, I usually prefer upon, or atop.

    7. I agree with Kurt's opinion. A story is a collection of collective thoughts.

    8. You can thank Lithium for that. The font I used before copying and pasting, created a spacing error. I foolishly used the spell check here, and it added the extra characters. The only typos I have trouble tolerating, are my own.

    9. I have no consistency, I'm not sure if I'm reading along as I am writing, or, if I am writing to telling a story.


    I was expecting a reply from you. If being mildly predictable, makes you feel foolish, then we will have both learned something new today.  Insincerity, is one of the greatest obstacles, in the art of exchanging meaningful discussion.

    Thank you for your genuine candid response.



  15. I spent some time creating the beginning of a Story. I wanted to share what I have written so far; feedback is welcomed.

    If you would enjoy expanding upon the Story, I would like that also. I would be curious about how others perceive, and project the story's evolution.

    I have drafted Scene 1, part 1, and Scene 2, part 2. Both are purely drafts. Now I'm making excuses, if you like it, I would like to know.




    SCENE 1, part 1:

    The evening air was cold, and crisp.  The moon was shining brightly, its rays cut sharply, through thin windswept clouds. Autumn’s cold embrace had long since shed the leaves from the City trees, leaving a landscape cast in gray.

     The sound of heel clicks began to splash echoes across the plaza square. A tall, finely dressed woman was approaching the Central Plaza Gate.


    She walked alone, even though her rank entitled her to an entire squadron of sentinels. The heels on her IGA issued boots, clapped loudly against the smooth stone walk, breaking the quiet silence of the empty plaza.   

     She stepped confidently onto the queuing station; the station’s lights instantly rose to full intensity, and the sound of heavy gears set in motion, resonated throughout the station platform. The Central Plaza Gate began to open. A gentle burst of warm air, swept across the station platform. She stepped through the Gate.






    Scene 2, part 2:


     I remember not being able to sleep, and I kept getting out of my bed. I was in a well lit hallway, and some people were talking to me, as they walked me back to my bed. The one person wore a robe, and the other wore a Doctor’s half coat, over a spandex bodysuit. I was wearing pajama pants, and a pajama shirt. We entered a very large dimly lit room, with a V-shaped ceiling. They walked me to my bed, and I sat down on the edge of the bed. The two people left.


    The bed was a large single bed, mattress only, on a raised metal platform. There was a headboard, which also looked like a shelf. A large pillow, two sheets, and a blanket, neatly made, with the edges tucked tightly under the mattress. I prefer the blankets un-tucked. The top corner of the blanket had been folded down, but it didn't’t appear as if anyone had slept in the bed.


    My eyes began to adjust to the dimly lit room; I sat quietly on the edge of the bed. I realized that I could hear a man breathing, and then another. In the distance, was the distinct sound of a woman’s sleeping sigh. I gazed about the room, and for as far as I could see, there were rows, and rows of beds. I looked up at the low hanging ceiling and scanned across it, looking for an edge, a wall, or a corner in the distance, there was none.


    I guessed that here might be thousands of people, strangers, all sleeping in this room. I could start to hear echoes, of the sounds of the sleeping people. The room had a metallic tinny resonance, the floor was a clay color, it looked like stone, the surface appeared smudged, yet polished.


    I tried to lie in the bed. The blanket was too thin, the sounds of thousands of sleeping people was deafening. I was not going to be able to sleep here.




      Lying there, I tried to block out the tide of sleeping sighs, and bed rustles. Looking up at the ceiling, staring at its blankness, my thoughts turned toward feelings of frustrations. “Why can’t these people sleep silently”, I thought to myself. We are supposed to be guest, and behaving clamorously, is by no means, proper conduct for a guest. Was I the only person not sleeping; and that is when I heard the sound.


    At first, it sounded like water dripping, but then the drips became taps and then a fast clicking sound. I could see two people walking, both wearing the long hooded robes. They were carrying a young woman, who appeared unconscious. The hooded figures where discussing something and appeared to be arguing. They were speaking amongst themselves, using sharp clicking sounds. I watched them move across the room, and how they carelessly held the woman by her arms, allowing her feet to drag on the floor. When they found an open bed, they casually half dragged, half dropped the woman on the bed, and continued their apparent debate, as they exited the room.


    I was as quiet as a mouse, for more than two hours. The blanket which was previously too thin was now like a wall of fire. Peeking out, from under the edge of my blanket, I was watching her. She hadn't moved since being placed on the bed. I was sweating from head to toe; it was mostly from fear, and partly from the blanket. Who is that woman, does she need help, and was she awake like I was? I couldn't wait any longer; I decided to make my move...


    End - TBC 




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