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Knowl Paine

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Posts posted by Knowl Paine

  1. Review the information in the link, about setting your Preferences:




    Visit an empty Region, to rule out lag as a cause.

    A Region named Voice Echo Canyon, is a good place to test if you use Voice.

    Toggle the selection boxes, on various media settings, sometimes helps to get them activated, or, to prompt a plug-in to ask for internet access.

    Music, is best tested on land you rent, or own.

  2. In the Region Kuula, is a Group that helps Residents, new, and old. The Group host many types of SL classes, and activities.

    The Inworld Classifieds are an excellent resource, for Residents who are interested in attending an Event in SL.

    The Premium Sandboxes, are among my favorite destinations. Thousands upon thousands of prims, all for me... sorta.

    Using Search, looking in Groups, can lead to recreation.

    Acquire a vehicle, get out on the roadway, and drive. When you find something you think is interesting, stop the vehicle, and have a look, or a chat, with the object of interest.


    Don't be shy; you have a firewall, so, you're safe.

  3. 16 wrote:

    Knowl Paine wrote:

    and a Team specifically for Free Accounts. Free Account would receive a query number.
    1,234 Residents are in line
    . Wait your turn, or, shell out some cash, for faster service.


    if is only 1234 in the line we probably all switch to free

    q; (:




    I was just talking about commas :smileyvery-happy:


    One thousand, two hundred and thirty four. :smileyindifferent:




  4. I've never liked commas. They look like curly cues. :matte-motes-not-entertained: Puts a perm, on words.

    You really don't know a person, until you've lived with them for a few weeks.

    One bad apple, would be bad. :smileyhappy:


    We can help ourselves, if LL is willing to work with us.

    We the Residents, need to supply an absolute non profit Help system.

    LL needs to provide the ability to do that.

    I have my coffee, and I have power. Move this Forum Inworld. (as an example)










  5. 10 cents, from every dollar, should be reinvested.

    LL needs to hire better people. Recruit from within.

    There have been times, in communication with Support, in which I beleived that I knew more about SL, than Support did. That should not happen.

    Actions effecting Groups of Residents, should not be viewed by LL, as interpersonal disputes.  LL should act in the best interest of SL, in those instances.

    I would fire everybody, and start over. If they're not dead serious about the job, they can go home right now.

  6. At your Dashboard, at your Account page, is a transaction History. That will show where the L$ went.

    It is very likely, that a Group you may have Joined, has the box, Share Group Liability with Members selected. Liability is the monthly fee to own a Group.

    It is my opinion, that Owners of groups, should pay for their own groups. Some Group owners are not aware that the fee is being shared.

    You may have to Leave the Groups that share liability. I can send you a couple of L$ when I login.

  7. LL should be forthright, in admitting that they don't know the answer.

    Or, admit that they aren't working on it.

    Market Place should have it's own support system. If the Team is unqualified, they should be replaced.

    A Linden could have chimmed in on that thread, cleared things up in 5 minutes; I don't know why they don't. :smileyindifferent:

  8. I think we can all agree, based upon poor performance, that LL has their Priorities screwed up.

    I agree, first impressions cannot be made a second time. The word service, comes from the words serve us.

    On the same note, there are Region Owners, who did not get Support, and a free account did.

    In the context of comparing SL support to that of WoW, SL offers free accounts, with no obligation, expressed, or implied, to pay.

    WoW, is offering a trial period, with the primary intent, of making those account paid accounts, (and to provide fresh fish, to hack and slay).

    This isn't about me, but I've got nothing to hide. I've been premium for 6 years. I purchased Land as soon as the system allowed me to. I joined knowing exactly what I wanted to do. (build)

    I have been very fortunate, to be able to afford the ability to contribute financially. I am aware that not all Residents can.

     Wow's customer base, is directly relative to the level and quality of support WoW can provide. Comparing SL's customer base, is relevant, in my opinion.


    I support free accounts. The idea that a person can join SL with nothing, and make something great, from virtually nothing, is part of the magic I see in SL. I wouldn't want that to ever change.

    People who know me, might know me. I'll try to help anybody, it's never been about money.






  9. I only said that emphasize my point. WoW can count on most of the Revenue they generate, because of the pay systems they have in place.

    The phone company , and cable company, both want 2 year service agreements. I'm not alone in my thinking.

    A company requires Capital, to plan for, and to make capital improvements. It also provides for peace of mind, to the investors. Yearly plans, not just month to month.


    I am also getting bored.

    How about we find a way to fix it.

    Do you have any suggestions, as to what the Priority Cases are, and the order in which they should be answered?


  10. I agree.


    SL does not generate the same revenue as WoW. They do not have the same resources.

    All Accounts should have access to Support. All Tickets should be read, and receive a response from LL.


    I don't know how to fix Support.

    If I was in charge of Support, my problems, would be very low on the response list.


    1. Regions Off Line
    2. Object Grief on the Grid
    3. Private Region Owners
    4. Mainland Region Owners
    5. Top Merchants
    6. Top Groups
    7. Premium Memberships
    8. Residents with L$, or usd
    9. Residents with -0-L


    If  the number (9) Resident, reports a Region offline, that Case is a Priority #1.


    I've tried to be considerate, of all Residents, in making a list.  (checking it twice, gonna find out whose been naughty or nice...)





  11. In the Context of comparing why SL Support is not the same as a juggernaut like WoW.


    In understanding, that a majority of Support Cases, are issues a resident could have solved on their own, or, in which they themselves, are the cause of the problem.

    The person who owns 5 Regions, had to wait, because someone's shoes didn't fit right. Real important stuff.

    If a Resident spends so much money, what's the problem with going Premium? You can get $52 back, on a Yearly plan. Why won't they commit?

  12. You could start by looking at the Objects in the Region, in the About Land page, and see "who" owns what.

    Create a group, set the Land to the Group and deed all the objects to the Group. Any objects that cannot be found, should be returned.

    Builders only need to be Estate Managers. And for the Group, they only need to be Officers, with the ability to Deed Objects, terra form.

    It is unlikely that all three Caches are not rendering properly. You should compare Graphic settings, to determine who can see what. Exchange Snapshots of the Region, with the Builders. Clear your Cache.


    If it is possible, and practicable,  I would return all objects, and start over. Rez (1) copy of every object you want to use, Deed each object to the Group. Confirm that the Builders can move the objects.

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