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Sonja Smedley

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Everything posted by Sonja Smedley

  1. Hi Janie!:0) Would be nice to meet you ingame maybe...I will contact you also...
  2. Hello...I have noticed this too for longer now that not many linden homes are available at the moment and I must say this is really not ok. Cause when you fly around in the linden home areas there are I think 60´-70 % of the houses available. I also was on search for better linden homes from time to time but it is no fun anymore since there is no choice. That´s a reason why I gave up my premium account.
  3. Hello...today I watched a few videos about SL at youtube and I found a video from 2009 where I saw this hair. It looks beautiful and I would like to have it in case it is still available. But I am not sure cause this was 3 years ago...but maybe some of you know this hair and maybe the skin or shape too? That would be great. I am thankful for any suggestions.:-)
  4. The best way is to contact her inworld or send her a message at her profile...I made a search and she is easy to find :0) Wish you luck!
  5. Hey Dres! Thank you for accepting friendship..I´m glad. I hope we can meet soon and maybe find some new clubs, that would be great. Wish you a wonderful day:0)
  6. ...with a small garden...radio...TV...furnished...and 90 prims for your own need! Sea is only a few meters away where you can swim or dive. Rent is 300L a week..contact Sonja Smedley here or inworld If you are interested or for inviting to the rezz group! Landmark is here: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Fyre%20Maven/99/149/44 Or take a look at the pics please....thank you!:0)
  7. Yesterday I was finally dancing with a friend after sooo many months...at a very cool club called "Industrial Dreamz"...wow never thought how much I´ve missed that. Such cool music and I found another great song they played there...wish there would be more clubs like this one...
  8. Hi Lance! Wow...a fashion designer In RL and SL....let me know when you shop is open...I love buying clothes or If you need a model for making pics...I have time, I make pics for my shop too, you can see at MP! Have fun and would be nice to hear from you.
  9. I don´t understand the rent price...is it now 1600 per week or 160 less every week or only the first?
  10. Wow...this is a very very nice and lovely spot! I had to take a look before it is gone :-)
  11. Wow...you like EBM too? That is great, maybe you know a club then we could go there together :0)
  12. ....HAIRBANDS....<3<3<3 A very cute man gifted me one yesterday and I love it.....more hairbands like this one please..:0)
  13. Yes I know that was a little stupid...but it was the first time I noticed that I can change that setting and suddenly I saw buildings I never saw before...haha! I set it now to 200 and it is fine. I guess my computer is not powerful enough to get along with the new mesh viewers...cause I see it now when I play with the old phoenix that it runs very well like before. Maybe I need to update my PC the next time.
  14. Hello...IM me inworld and I can also show you some nice freebie places. Would be glad to help you...:0)
  15. I tried now the last days both new releases of Firestorm and Phoenix...deinstalled and installed them again but the new Phoenix was so laggy and had still crashes.So I installed my older version without mesh again last night and I am happy...now everything works fine again.:-) The new firestorm I have to try again that night but I think all viewers with mesh run much more slow on my computer. Why is that?
  16. Yes maybe you are right but I am so used to Phoenix...when I play with Firestorm I´m sooo slow and half of the time I do not notice that my friends are talking to me...but I think you are right and I try to play more now with Firestorm. It was the same when I started with Viewer 2, I hated Phoenix...and now I love it. People are just creatures of habit.I hope I learn Firestorm fast.
  17. I guess I have changed my linden homes more than 100 times now...and I never got banned for a few days...I had periods where I changed them 5 times every day:-)...I know that is crazy but I am really never satisfied with the one I get...lol
  18. I have uninstalled both viewers and removed the SL folders..and also the phoenix and firestorm folders ( I forgot that the last time)...and installed both again...I will see how it works now. If I have the same problems I maybe install the old version of Phoenix viewer again...thank you for the link. I also noticed that when I change the drawing view from 200 to 800 it gets very very slow so I put it back to 200 at the settings.
  19. Since I have installed the newest version of Phoenix and the newest version of Firestorm....Phoenix viewer crashes after 2 or 3 minutes after I have logged into the game.It is loading very slow now and I cannot even move around or teleport then it crashes very fast. Phoenix was the best viewer for me and I always had crashes with Viewer 2 in the past, so I don´t know what is wrong with the latest viewer? I did not change anything at my computer. And suddenly I notice that firestorm is working much better than Phoenix.But I want Phoenix back. Is it possible to install the older version again, which had no mesh???? Any help would be nice, thank you.
  20. I was at your shop before and I saw such a sweeeeet bed....I´m going to buy that one maybe in a few days...it is round and blue and called Chameleon I think...wow!:0)
  21. Hi...I would be interested tooo....I love to make pics so I post them here for you..it is easier than inworld, cause on the computer I have much more pics of me than inworld.Hope this is ok. I send you a message inworld also If you need me.Please let me know..thanks
  22. Hello Captain...nice to meet you. Do you have a shop at MP? I love punk and grungy styles....:0)
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