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Sonja Smedley

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Everything posted by Sonja Smedley

  1. Thank you very much...I saw the Flying Saucer Bowman Spacecraft...this one is my favorite! Great work you do :0)
  2. Yes maybe ...haha! But hope dies last...maybe here is someone crazy like me around and wants to become my blood doll...who knows.:smileyvery-happy:
  3. Lol....I know....I have a hard live here since I was crazy one night and got turned into a vampire....pffffff....but anyway was just for fun to post here.
  4. Hello everyone. I am loosing blood and need people who want to get bitten by me.:smileytongue: Ähm....well I would prefer males...If here are any voluntary, please leave me a message. Thanks:0)
  5. Hello Hippie! Just saw this thread here...and I wonder where I could buy your Space Craft...do you have a shop at MP? If you have, pleaseeeee give me the link....I would love to take a look. Thank you very much!
  6. Look at the link....it may help you:0) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EMO-tions-WHITE-FEATHER-black-wear-to-unpack/3834895
  7. I could try to help you..just IM me inworld or I try to catch you when I am ingame.
  8. Hello...I would love to be your friend. I am here now for about 2 years and tried different things. But I also felt very lonely most of the time. Just tell me when you are inworld and I will try to IM you. Have a nice day.:0)
  9. It looks really nice...you should sell it at MP! ...and If you want to open it you need much more than only land...dancers..DJ´s...and all that stuff, I guess that costs a lot of money.And you need people to come there.....
  10. Oh wow this looks very very nice.Is this open water...I mean can I sail around here?
  11. I feel really lonely!:-( I am at SL now for a while and I had my ups and downs.Had relationships and friends. But at the moment I feel that it is actually lonely and sad to hang around alone most of the time. I guess there is much more in SL to explore, I am stuck at my usual few places and I would love to see and do more. Would be nice to meet a man who wants to share time with me as a friend. Feel free to message me inworld or leave a comment here. Thank you. I am a little shy and english is not my first language but I am voice verified too... My ususal time to play is 20:00 to open end european time. Thank you. :0)
  12. Hello everyone! I discovered the Amaretto horses a few months ago and now I am totally obsessed...lol...but no it´s not that bad but I like to breed and sell them and look around at different horse sims.It is really fun! The only thing I miss is a friend or partner who is also interested in amaretto horses. To share my time and maybe do all these things and more together.:0) I am european time zone but also play in the middle of the night my time...so this should not be a problem. Just send me a message inworld or leave a comment here.That would be great. Have a nice day!:smileytongue:
  13. Thank you all for your help! I managed it ....took a little time but now I know how to do it. What would I do without the forum here.:heart:
  14. I have installed this viewer a few weeks ago but Phoenix viewer is still working better and so I wanted to deinstall Nirans Viewer again but I cannot find it in my software folder...I am very confused now, can someone tell me what I have to do now to find it? That would be great.Thank you. I have XP on my computer.
  15. I don´t know what´s going on but tonight I had no luck with SL. I tried to tp to one location 3 or 4 times and crashed again and again. Before my inventory did not load only half of it, I did not see my group and friend lists and my avatar was not loading correctly. Are there any issues today or maybe something is wrong with my computer.:-(
  16. Hello...well I am never really bored ingame, but the last weeks I have overloaded myself with work and that starts to annoy me. You could try to find some beaches or clubs to hang out. I did that at the beginning and always found nice people to talk with. When you found a cool place let me know please..;-)
  17. Look at this.... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[layout]=gallery&search[category_id]=322&search[sort]=&search[per_page]=12&search[keywords]=&search[price_low]=0&search[price_high]=10&search[prim_count_low]=&search[prim_count_high]=&search[copy_permission]=0&search[modify_permission]=0&search[transfer_permission]=0
  18. I use the latest Phoenix viewer but I cannot use voice inworld.Why is that? I only see a lock at this option. Is there someting special I should change at the audio options? I see no green waves above my ava and my lips do not move although it is green at the viewer bar when I click to talk.:0( I hope someone could give me a tipp...would like to use voice ingame sometimes. Thanks
  19. lol....yes you are right...I will call my first one Gismo then :0)
  20. Ok :0) I am in that Fennux fever now since I saw them...maybe I buy such an ava too..thank you very much for the information.
  21. Yes...please not offended...cause I think your avi looks really cute too...I always wanted to tell you that cause I saw some posts from you in the past.:0) May I ask where you got that one please? I only have 2 big cat avas but I don´t really like them.
  22. ...more pics I made...I think they are cuter than all others I have ever seen....
  23. I just bought the pre order package of them, saw them yesterday the first time at a meeroo place and was totally in love!:-)))) They are soooo cute take a look. I hope they will arrive soon.....
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