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Sonja Smedley

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Everything posted by Sonja Smedley

  1. Thanks for telling me I did not know about that huge sale...lol. Seems I have to wait till it gets normal again ....bähhhh:matte-motes-crying:
  2. Hello....can someone tell me what´s wrong? I tried now several days and different times but it always fails. One time it says the region is full and I should try in a few moments again other times it tells me I am not allowed to go there.:-( And at MP there are only a few hairstyles left to see cause he reduced MP it seems. Help help please I want to check the new hairstyles so badly.....:-)
  3. Hey! Yes I remember you well, you helped me out in the past and I am still very thankful that I met you...and yes suddenly you dissapeard.But I see you always at the forum here and I hope you are doing well, we had some nice talks and somehow I miss it.:smileyhappy:
  4. Well actually I removed her on that day! I had a discussion with a brother of us (now exbrother) and I was told to shut up in a friendly way from him...lol! Well I want to work things out I cannot keep my mouth shut when there are problems and then suddenly I had enough of all this loving family role play...it felt unhonest.And she said after this discussion that she would feel uncomfortable sitting between the chairs, cause she lives at this brothers family estate for free...and so I made the decision to end our friendship too.She accepted. That´s the story in short words. And all cause of a roleplay dog who was the main reason for this fight ...lol.
  5. Thanks for all your answers and suggestions.I have read it all and you are all right. I have to move on and try not to have any exspectations in future.Means I never wanted material things back, I only was hoping that the friendship in this special case would have been more worth than something else.I was wrong and now I have learned this lesson.:0) I know friends come and go very fast in SL, some stay some not. But over all the years I am here now one person stayed the whole time.Maybe he is the only friend who was always near me, although I did not notice it.He looked after me when I did not feel good and he made distance when I was happy.Big distance in RL between us so there will never be a happy end for love but in my mind I will always love him.He showed me what real love means.And I know even when we do not chat or have contact ingame that he is always with me in thought. I think this is a very precious gift I have and I should not look back of the bad things that happened I should be happy to be able to call this man my friend.:heart:
  6. Yes it really seems that my exspectations were far too high.....but for me it was real friendship.On her side it was...I don´t know....superficiality, well I mean I even helped her when she had problems with her account cause of her RL husband.At this time I was good enough.
  7. Well....I think it was time to make a review of what happened these 3 years I have been in SL...and I came to the conclusion that the more you give the less you get back. Pretty much the same as in RL but a bit more intensive here. I don´t know why maybe I was to good and took to much care of some people and it seems that I have wasted very very much of my time in SL to one particular person.And then after 3 years....puffffff....I saw what it was worth.Exactly nothing.Although one good friend warned me all the years after one time meeting her.I did not listen, I mean she was my one and only best friend here.The harder it is now to see that he was right all the time.:-(Hmmm...that gave me to think about the last days.And now after all I really start thinking that I do something wrong here. But it is just not only this person who dissapointed me so much...I nearly always seem to meet people who only take take take and I give and then they dissapear....slow and quiet...lol Is it really the way like....you get all when you behave like an as*****???? But I cannot act like this. I am who I am and I always thought that real friendship is worth more than only to see where you can get the next good place to live for free and to have enough prims for free use...
  8. Thank you Perrie...what would I do without this forum and the people here...:matte-motes-kiss:
  9. What shall I say Dres...I did what you told me and cleared the cache and it seems to work now :0) I am glad you gave me this tipp, hugs to youuuuu!!!!!!:heart:
  10. Hi Dres! Good to know then I have to keep that version :-( But later I will try your tip too thank you. In the meantime I am not sure If all these problems are only caused by the new viewer cause when I logged in with phoenix earlier this day I had similar problems and crashed after a few minutes all of a sudden. I think there are also rolling restarts going on or some kind of maintenance cause also at group chat I noticed that other people seem to have problems too :-/ By the way does anyone knows something about the singularity viewer? Where can I find the download for this one please?
  11. Hello thank you...I logged in and tried that too but still the same :-( I think about installing the older version again maybe.
  12. Thank you for this info. And I don´t have Windows 7 ...I still have Windows XP, but I have read that there will no support anymore in the next years so I think I have to upgrade sooner or later:-(
  13. I did that too now...I really wish it helps in my case also.Thanks for telling me....:0)
  14. I have the NVIDIA 9600 GTS with the newest driver. What driver would be the best for this graphic card?
  15. I have downloaded the new Firestorm Viewer after doing a clear deinstall of the old version. Today I notice several times that when I click something the viewer freezes from 30-60 seconds or longer. Also when I tp to a place the same.This happens several times until I crash. Now I am not sure is this cause of the new version or are some things happening atm in SL? Like maintenance or something like this?
  16. Lease ends in a few days at my current place and now I am searching for a nice place for me and my pets. I have a few monkey, kittycats and horses and I would need a spot with maybe around 1400 prims....fantastic would be with ocean view or nice landscape. I searched around inworld yesterday night and saw nice places but most of them do not allow breedables or pets:-( If someone knows a good place for me, please let me know.Thank you very much! Ah and price should not be higher than 2500L a week...cheaper would be amazing lol.
  17. Hello I was there but did not see it...only a smaller one for 250L a week and 75 prims was available.
  18. Sometimes people have to say good bye....this is (Second) Life! I made this experiance too the last days. But I use to say when a door closes another one opens.And this is really true!
  19. Come and share your spring pics with us...I am going to make the start...can´t wait to see yours:0)
  20. Wenn wir schon beim Thema sind ich haette da auch mal kurz eine Frage: Meine Tochter hat sich vor einigen Wochen fuer ihr Spiel einen Gutschein ueber 10 eur von Ukash gekauft, erst nachher hat sie gemerkt dass sie nur paysafe verwenden kann. Tja und nun sitz ich auf dem Gutschein und hab keine Ahnung wo ich den einloesen kann. Gibt es da vielleicht auch irgendwie eine Moeglichkeit es in Linden einzutauschen? Obwohl ich da die Hoffnung eigentlich eh schon aufgegeben habe.:-(
  21. Almost downloaded on my phone...then I am going to check it out...at the videos I could not really find it so far ...hm
  22. I am inworld right now and the song started playing at 7.10 AM SLT.....I did not find "show stream title " at my preferences so I still don´t know the song :-( But thanks a lot for your suggestion...maybe someone will find out.I wish!:-))
  23. Oh wow noted down....that would be so great If I find out this song...thanks a lot I will try that as soon as I can log in again. Valerie you are wonderful!!!!!:0) Send you a big hug.:heart:
  24. Hello guys I really need your help! SInce a few days I am now searching a song which I hear all the time at Tempura Island. This is a beautiful and relaxing place and they play wonderful music there. When I was at this place the first time I heard that song...since that day I return every day to hear it again but I have no clue how to find out the title of it. By the way this is the link to this place: http://secondlife.com/destination/1178 Now I thought I could log in with phoenix cause I used to see the titles of songs with this viewer but no more:-( Is there any option at the new firestorm where I can see the songs or artist names with the viewer that would be very helpful.
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