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Radium Soup

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Posts posted by Radium Soup

  1. magickspell wrote:

    There is a store on the mp that shows a picture of an item but deliveres a piece of garbage instead. Apparently this happens with all their items, I found out reading reviews. They also steal other vendors pics so people will fall for this scheme as I also found out. How do you report the store? I bought an item and I flagged it but it's still there. I think people who buy aren't reporting because the items are extremely cheap,  but this is a ploy for the seller since they will get a lot of buyers that won't bother to report.

    So you found a vendor advertising BS, using the ripped content of others and nobody is interested in reports?

    Welcome to your first day in SL.

  2. LadyTyra wrote:

    Last night, I accepted what was represented as a "hug" animation from a 9 year plus resident of Second Life(anyone who REALLY wants to know her name can IM me inworld). Next thing I know, I was gyrating all over the place and being put in several poses. I turned RLV off and she was able to continue. She maintained I had simply accepted an animation that she was able to control through a HUD. While annoying I would have lived with that, the problem was she was able to send me items that appeared in my inventory under objects without my approval/acceptance. I have my preferences always set not to autoaccept. I was surprised that she was able to hit my inventory even with RLV turned off. I muted her and contacted the sim owner to report her actions and to simply watch out for other complaints. Not going to waste my time and breath talking to Linden Lab as they will simply trot out their precious TOS and laugh as I am sure some of you will also do. My real question as there is no info tied to this account except my email and I have changed my password already, is that enough or should I delete the account? Thanks for the serious answers to my questions and to the snarky ones, blow off.

    Your only mistake was assuming that someone with a 9 year old account in SL has some degree of automatic trustworthiness, when in fact it's a sad insight into their character.

  3. PaigeTurnerSL wrote:

    Simply; how can someone who wants some "alone time" mask ther global presence from "Avatar Online Scanners" such as those purchased in the SL Marketplace?


    Will toggling "off" all presence controls in the client do the trick, or does that still leave one detectable to those HUD scanners that stalkers love so much?


    So it's not enough to adopt a fake name (and in this case a compounded fake name upon your first fake name), but now you want additional layers of insulation? I'd suggest consulting a professional.

  4. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    Deltango Vale wrote:

    Unless I've confused her with someone else or she's lying, she now has a chain of RL stores in the US.

    Perhaps we're talking about different people. 


    But, I was referring to an avatar with initials:  SF.   She made tacky crap inworld, and if she's a RL designer, I'm the Queen of Sheba.  As for singing, I'd have to hear it to believe it.  (There's singing,... and then there's singing in tune!  ; )  Maybe she plays a musical instrument, but considering her fabricated BS that was spread on the old forum, I have doubts as to what level of profiency there may be. 

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, She was a He.

  5. Icabod Gealach wrote:

    So someone I know says there acount has been blocked by Linden Labs becous someone has reported them for harrasment.

    My question is do LL block acounts on someones word of harrasment, or do they look into the case first to se if it is justified, or do they not block acounts for harrasment at all?

    Cheers all

    Can they? Sure. Will they? Highly unlikely.

    You need to remember that you're just one of the hundreds of complaints they receive each day, almost all from semi-retarded folk using SL for a reason which becomes quite obvious after a staff member wastes half an hour discovering such.

    Who is paying for that time?

    Now if you could dream up a filtering algorithm which precludes the autistic, the failed or the Downs Syndromites, then I suspect you would have at least one VERY interested client.

  6. Tay Mefusula wrote:

    Firestorm viewer for Secondlife will not start?..    AMD A10 7870K and MSI R7 250 running in dual graphics locks up at VFS initialization.   both graphic options running alone work fine with firestorm viewer. Problem only exists in duel graphics mode and hoping to get a bit more performance is why I added dual graphics in the first place.   Other games I have played work fine in dual graphics.

    Driver Packaging Version 15.201.1151.1010-151118a-296614E

    Hoping to crossfire two different chipsets huh, I can see you enjoy a challenge. Though it may be obvious to most, just be aware that there's no real support when you choose these crazy custom configurations.

  7. XoXAmberXxO wrote:

    I'm not too sure if this was the correct location to post this, However i'll post here anyhow.

    So I'm really,really interested in joining Second Life. I have tried numerous of time's to really get into it. However I always find myself lost, confused, and having no idea on how to begin. I know there is a huge learning curve in this game, i just need the help.

    I am serious when it comes to me wanting to really get into it, I am ready to spend money on a avi, and whatever else it takes. But I have no idea on where to even begin on making one, I am completly clueles
    Iv'e searched guides etc... But they're beyond out dated, were talking 2007 and the ones that I did find to e rather recent 2014 does not really explain anything

    Is there anyone who is willing to take there time to show me the ins and outs of Second Life. How to create a sexy avi? Either in game or on these forums.  Would be very appreciative!

    Thank you

    These guys who "don't know what to do" yet they manage to trawl trough the website, find the obscure associated subforum and have no trouble posting there (as opposed to inworld).

    And all of this while operating a well-used account.

  8. jaleasha wrote:

    Pammy's is a girls club, so ladies only please."

    I am a male IRL who always uses a female avatar in SL. I've seen several places on SL described as "ladies only" (or women-only, or females only). Does that mean only people who are female IRL (regardless of the avatar's gender) or does it mean only female avatars (regardless of the users real life gender). There's never any explanation, so I assume everyone on SL must know what this means? 

    Just use a female avatar like all of the other guys and stop worrying about it. Almost all interactions in SL are roleplayed to some extent.

  9. Axelfoxthefoxyfluff wrote:

    Cause i have read in a book about sl,that many businesses actually set up shop on here,but afterwards,many of them left.

    I wonder what SL did wrong.

    Quite simply, they were so desperate for activity that they failed to take out the trash. As one well known multinational is alleged to have remarked on their SL departure;

    "You don't advertise a premium brand in a toilet".

  10. steph Arnott wrote:

    Research of 1.4 million Github users shows we write better code. As if we did not know that fact anyway. LOL

    To attempt to link this article based on Github developers with the Second Life 'scripted-language-for-autiistic-people' is drawing a rather long bow.

    And nobody relevant cares about gender, so let's toss that strawman right out the window now.

    The "coder" roleplay is clearly a lot of fun and you certainly would not be the first SL person to think of embracing it, but in the SL context it's like Lego compared to the building industry.


  11. IvoryLace Silverweb wrote:

    Why does the Destination guide not include Family Role Play in its role play listing? This is a large community within SL. I have a heck of a time finding family oriented sims, schools, stuff for teens etc. and usually find them by luck when i visit some random family oriented place with an ad for another.

    Is this listed elsewhere? I cant match any category with it.

    Because they don't wish to promote crazies in the public eye? Just a wild guess.

  12. Tarina Sewell wrote:

    So for years Ive used the Xcite brand, actually love the interactiveness with other Xcite parts and  the scripts in some furniture that also reacts. (I know but I think its funny and silly and interesting too) But, recently came across a great looking part that fits well with my body and looks cool, the only problem is there is no reactions with furniture, partners parts etc.. So, I was wondering if anyone knew a genitalia that actually reacts with Xcite and looks good, or interacts with each other.


    Rhonda Huntress wrote:

    Radium Soup wrote:


    Tried real life?



    Tried surreal life?

    No Rhonda. Men in real life wearing womens underwear and lipstick "Buffalo Bill" style while mutually masturbating in darkened rooms lit by the lonely glow of their computer monitors,  they really don't get my motor running.

    Should I wait now for the inevitable SL suggestion that the obese, the ugly and the failed are not actually as they seem, but rather they are trusted custodians of virtual world sex secrets which regular people cannot possibly appreciate?

  13. Tarina Sewell wrote:

    So for years Ive used the Xcite brand, actually love the interactiveness with other Xcite parts and  the scripts in some furniture that also reacts. (I know but I think its funny and silly and interesting too) But, recently came across a great looking part that fits well with my body and looks cool, the only problem is there is no reactions with furniture, partners parts etc.. So, I was wondering if anyone knew a genitalia that actually reacts with Xcite and looks good, or interacts with each other.



    Tried real life?

  14. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:

    Radium Soup wrote:

    Magdalena Siemens wrote:

    Hello everybody just found an interesting article on the subject. Ebbe Altberg states that in just one year, a total of 60.000.000 $ (US) was cashed out of Second Life. Some folks must make a pretty good living of Second Life. He mentiones a fashion designer who allegedly sold 300.000 dresses at 4 $ each.

    Are you suggesting that the guy ultimately in charge of promoting Second Life has been caught shamelessly promoting Second Life?

    (By dangling an unobtainable carrot, I see he also has a thorough understanding of his audience. Nicely done Ebbe).

    Are you suggesting that NOT every third avatar has that dress? How dare you!

    I know, right?

  15. Magdalena Siemens wrote:

    Hello everybody just found an interesting article on the subject. Ebbe Altberg states that in just one year, a total of 60.000.000 $ (US) was cashed out of Second Life. Some folks must make a pretty good living of Second Life. He mentiones a fashion designer who allegedly sold 300.000 dresses at 4 $ each.

    Are you suggesting that the guy ultimately in charge of promoting Second Life has been caught shamelessly promoting Second Life?

    (By dangling an unobtainable carrot, I see he also has a thorough understanding of his audience. Nicely done Ebbe).

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